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Academic and student services policies

Current students and employees can access all policies and procedures on Connect (log-in required).

Academic Accommodations Policy
This policy establishes the College's goal of providing equal educational opportunities, full participation for students in the learning environment, and access to programs and services in an equitable manner.

Academic Integrity Policy
Outlines the principles that support academic integrity, expectations of conduct related to academic integrity, and sanctions for academic misconduct.

Academic Performance Policy
Provides guidelines for the delivery of courses within NSCC programs and clear expectations of academic performance.

Academic Probation Policy
This policy outlines the standards of academic performance by the student as well as consequences of failure to meet these standards.

Academic Scheduling Policy
This policy is developed and supported collaboratively by Academic, Campuses and Communities and College Services. Its purpose is to establish a framework that supports the creation of academic schedules that foster excellence and equity in teaching and learning, while optimizing human and physical resources.

Admissions Policy
This policy establishes consistent standards and processes to support the College’s equitable access and learning-centered approach to education.

Campus Housing Community Standards Policy
Sets out the community standards (or rules) that governs the expectations and requirements of behaviour in campus housing, and the surrounding College property.

College Credentials Policy
This policy describes the level and duration for each of the credentials awarded through which learning is formally recognized.

Confidentiality of Student Information Policy
This policy details the college's commitment and responsibilities in keeping student information confidential.

Educational Equity Policy
This policy addresses historical and ongoing injustices and the resulting inequities that create systemic barriers for students from equity-deserving groups in accessing college, experiencing a positive learning environment and obtaining equitable outcomes.

Evaluation Policy
This policy details the methods for evaluating students’ learning outcomes required for the successful completion of all credit College programs and courses.

Grading Policy
This policy is designed to ensure that students can expect evaluation and grading practices that are valid and accurate, transparent and timely, and reflect the College’s academic standards.

Intellectual Property Policy
This policy is to provide a supportive framework for the development of intellectual property which supports and recognizes the mutually beneficial interests of students, employees, the Nova Scotia Community College and the external community.

International Travel Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide standards for risk management of international travel for NSCC employees and students.

Library Borrowing Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure fair and effective access to library resources.

Library Collection Development Policy
This policy establishes the priorities for selection and withdrawal of resources from the Library collection.

Mandated Supported Leave Policy
Enables the college to mandate a leave of absence in the exceptional circumstance when accommodation and support are unable to address concerns around a student’s safety or the safety of others, behaviour that negatively and substantially impacts the learning and working environment of others, or behaviour that shows an inability to engage in activities required to function in a College setting, including professionally, and/or safely in a practicum, Co-op, or work placement or campus housing.

Open Educational Resources (OER) Policy
This policy aims to ensure equitable access to high quality, cost-efficient and inclusive learning resources in support of student success and to promote innovation in teaching and learning.

Parchment Policy
This policy governs the NSCC parchment, including credentials granting parchments, the awarding and distribution of parchments, and the defining characteristics of NSCC parchments.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Policy
This policy establishes clear guidelines for how academic credit may be applied for and awarded through Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR).

Program Delivery Modes Policy
The Program Delivery Modes Policy defines program delivery modes and outlines the principles that guide the decision-making process for program delivery modes.

Program Progression Policy
The Program Progression policy articulates the College’s approach to program delivery and student progression through their learning.

Research Ethics Board Policy
The purpose of this REB policy is to comply with the requirements of the Panel on Research Ethics (PRE), under the Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research, to ensure that all research is conducted according to the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans, 2nd edition (TCPS2)

Research Integrity Policy
This policy outlines the standards for the responsible conduct of research to ensure all research activities and undertakings are seen as rigorous, honest and at the highest possible standard.

Sexual Violence Policy
This policy helps foster an environment in which all members of the College community are safe, secure, and free from Sexual Violence of any form.

Student Academic Appeals Policy
The Student Appeals Policy brings definition and clarity to the appeals process for both students and NSCC staff.

Student Awards Policy
NSCC’s Student Awards policy reflects and represents the College’s commitment to assisting students in the pursuit of learning by providing financial support to reduce barriers and promote access to education.

Student Community Standards Policy
This policy is part of a suite of College policies and procedures that ensure the College Community has a shared understanding and commitment to the standards of behaviour required of members.

Transfer Credit Policy
This policy provides criteria for demonstrating, evaluating and acknowledging academic credits earned at external post-secondary institutions to determine equivalencies to NSCC courses and outcomes and establishes internal NSCC course transfers.

Use of Copyright Materials Policy
This policy outlines the responsibilities held by the College, employees and students to adhere to copyright laws.
