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International Travel Procedures

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
  1. Purpose
    1. This procedure outlines the steps students and employees need to take to travel internationally for NSCC learning opportunities and business.
  1. Definitions


  1. Procedures
Prior to travel the following steps need to be completed:
Step Action Applies to
1. Travel pre-authorization must be completed prior to booking travel Employees Only

Required Digital Registration and App

  1. Register with Global Affairs Canada via the Registration of
    Canadians Abroad (ROCA)

Check Government of Canada Travel Advisories

  1. Review the Government of Canada travel advisory for the destination country. Review the health advisories and risks outlined in the advisory.
    • If risk level escalates prior to departure travel may be restricted.
Students and Employees

Purchase Travel Health Insurance

  1. Within 10 days of booking a flight, purchase travel health insurance* - (Plan A including trip interruption and cancellation).
  2. If you are an international student returning to your country of citizenship you are not eligible for insurance.

* Covid-19 vaccine requirement: coverage requires that travelers are required to be fully vaccinated unless medically ineligible. If travelers are not fully vaccinated for Covid-19 they will not have any coverage for any expenses related to coronavirus, SARS, or any mutation or variation.

Fully vaccinated for Covid-19 means that the travelers have completed two shots prior to departure and are following Health Canada guidelines, including recognized vaccines or combination of vaccines.

COVID-19: Prevention and risks -

Students and Employees

Before departure, Review Plan and Email Communications from

  1. The Plan A for NSCC travelers includes the membership for Focus Point International. This membership helps to inform,  advise, and assist travelers in addressing destination-based health, safety, and security related travel risks. After purchasing the policy, you will receive a series of email communications from, including access to FPI, its features and how to access the FPI Travel Risk Portal.
Students and Employees

For NSCC sanctioned student travel, complete steps 1-5 and:

Step Action Applies to

Pre-Departure Course INTE 1000

  1. Complete the International Education Pre-departure course INTE 1000 & Pre-departure Conference
  2. Download the iCent app
  3. Complete NSCC International health information and emergency contact form (uploaded in the course)
Students and Employees

Complete Documentation

  1. Review, complete and sign “Release of Liability Waiver of Claims and Assumption of Risks” document to be filed with NSCC International prior to travel.
  2. Review and sign the “Student Participant Code of Conduct” document to be filed with NSCC International prior to travel.
Students Only