Strait Area Campus photo gallery

Strait Area CampusOver 700 students choose to learn at the Campus each year.
Welcome to Cape BretonThe Port Hawkesbury Campus is located minutes away from the Canso Causeway and overlooks the waters of the Strait.
Campus communityIt's a close-knit, fun and welcoming community.
Nautical InstituteThe Campus is home to the Nautical Institute, the oldest marine training institute in Canada.
Wagmatcook Learning CentreThe Campus offers several programs in Wagmatcook First Nation at the new community learning centre.
Trades offeringsSeveral trades programs are offered in Port Hawkesbury and Wagmatcook.
Celebrating diversityWe're inclusive and welcoming.
Community workNSCC students regularly lend a hand to the community. Each year, Natural Resources and Environmental Technology students help the province send its annual Christmas tree to Boston.
AchieveThis unique program prepares students for further education, training or employment success.