Our eCampus is an online learning community where you can find faculty, classmates and the tools and resources needed to complete your courses and programs online.
As an eCampus student:
- You’re connected with an advisor who can help you with course planning, goal setting and accessing the supports and resources available to you.
- You have the unique advantage of choosing your own learning environment, like a coffee shop or the comfort of your own home.
- You have access to resources at our 13 physical campuses located across the province. With your student ID card, you can visit our libraries, use the computers in our learning commons and more.
Programs and courses are either offered asynchronously, which means you learn on your own time, or synchronously, meaning you have scheduled classes.
Learning online has many advantages, and your experience will be different than studying on campus or in person. Learn how to prepare to learn online.
- Online academic, career and personal counselling supports (including a dedicated eCampus counsellor who can meet with you online)
- Access to library resources
- Bookstore
- Membership to the eCampus Student Association
Mailing address
500 Esplanade Street
Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 1B1
Explore eCampus

Student supports
We offer a range of supports and services to help you succeed.

Request documentation
Request official transcripts, confirmation of enrolment letters or replacement diplomas.