Don Bureaux, NSCC President

A note from Don Bureaux
Welcome to NSCC. This is the place for the makers and builders. Those who invent and take action. Each year, almost 24,000 students choose to grow and learn with us. They’re all eager to move forward and make their marks in the world. They can’t wait for their future to begin and we can’t wait to be a part of it.
I invite you to take a few minutes to explore our site and to learn more about NSCC.
Thanks for stopping by,
Don Bureaux, NSCC President
About Don Bureaux
As President of NSCC, Don Bureaux serves as the chief executive officer for the operation of 14 campuses, with over 140 programs, and approximately 24,000 students and 2,000 staff.
For more than two decades, Don has worked with adult learners within colleges and universities, as well as with national and international professional designation-granting bodies. His experience over the years has allowed him to collaborate with educational institutions in North America, Europe and Asia to promote the concept of entrepreneurial cultures as a foundation for learning-centered environments and student success.
A trusted leader in the community
Don has worked with a number of foreign educational institutions and governmental bodies in the development of success-based models for both students and employees within post-secondary institutions. He has worked with the boards and teams of numerous not-for-profit organizations in Nova Scotia in the areas of governance, policy development and strategic planning. As president, Don takes great pride in his efforts to date and continues to be a trusted leader in communities throughout Nova Scotia.
Photo and biography for public use
- Photo (high res)
- Photo (low res)
- Biography (PDF 84.4KB)
Contact Don Bureaux
Twitter: @NSCCprez

Office: 902-491-4898
Cell: 902-717-5068
Fax: 902-491-4825