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Ivany Campus parking

Ivany Campus has a limited number of parking spaces. Parking passes are available for employees, students and carpoolers (defined as three or more people signed up to travel together) at the Business Office for a fee of $20 for the academic year.

Parking alternatives

When possible, the campus community is encouraged to carpool and use transit.

Student parking

Student parking is available in two designated locations: Atlantic Street and Poseidon Court.

A shuttle service is provided from both lots to the Ivany Campus Pleasant Street entrance. See schedule below. 

Shuttle bus schedule

The shuttle bus takes you from the student parking lots to the Pleasant Street entrance at Ivany Campus. 

Every 15 minutes
Depart NSCC parking lot (Atlantic St) Depart NSCC Ivany Campus Depart NSCC (Poseidon Court)
7 am  7:05 am  No pick-up between 7 am - 8:25 am
7:15 am 7:20 am No pick-up between 7 am - 8:25 am
7:30 am 7:35 am No pick-up between 7 am - 8:25 am
7:45 am 7:50 am No pick-up between 7 am - 8:25 am
8 am  8:05 am  No pick-up between 7 am - 8:25 am
8:15 am 8:20 am  8:25 am
8:30 am 8:35 am  8:40 am
8:45 am 8:50 am  8:55 am 

Please notify the driver if your destination is Poseidon Court.

Every 20 minutes
Depart NSCC parking lot (Atlantic St) Depart NSCC Ivany Campus Depart NSCC (Poseidon Court)
9 am 9:10 am 9:15 am
9:20 am  9:30 am  9:35 am
9:40 am 9:50 am  9:55 am 
10 am 10:10 am  10:15 am
10:20 am  10:30 am  10:35 am 
10:40 am 10:50 am 10:55 am 
11 am  11:10 am 11:15 am 
11:20 am 11:30 am 11:35 am 
11:40 am  11:50 am 11:55 am
12 pm 12:10 pm 12:15 pm
12:20 pm 12:30 pm  12:35 pm
12:40 pm  12:50 pm 12:55 pm
1  pm  1:10 pm 1:15 pm
1:20 pm  1:30 pm  1:35 pm
1:40 pm  1:50 pm  1:55 pm
2 pm  2:10 pm  2:15 pm
2:20 pm  2:30 pm 2:35 pm
2:40 pm 2:50 pm  2:55 pm
3 pm  3:10 pm  3:15 pm
3:20 pm  3:30 pm  3:35 pm
3:40 pm  3:50 pm  3:55 pm
4 pm 4:10 pm 4:15 pm
4:20 pm 4:30 pm 4:35 pm
4:40 pm 4:50 pm 4:55 pm
5 pm  5:10 pm 5:15 pm 
5:20 pm  5:30 pm  5:35 pm
5:40 pm 5:50 pm (Last run) 5:55 pm 

Please notify the driver if your destination is Poseidon Court.

Student carpool parking

  • There are limited carpool parking permits available for students in the designated carpool parking area in the main campus parking lot. See campus parking map
  • To qualify for a carpool permit, 3 or more students must register together at the Business Office with valid student identification.

Parking enforcement

  • Vehicles blocking an access road or fire route can be ticketed and towed at any time.
  • Vehicles parked on campus on weekdays, between the hours of 7:30 am and 4 pm, need to display an NSCC parking permit or will be ticketed.
  • If a vehicle is parked in violation of the parking regulations for the third time (meaning two previous tickets), it will be ticketed and towed without warning at the owner's expense.

Surrounding area

  • Some independent parking lots near the campus offer parking for $2 to $3 per day.
  • Please note: Vehicle users are encouraged to be aware and respectful of parking guidelines and regulations of surrounding local businesses and the neighbouring public.