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Student supports

Students meeting with an advisor.

Our supports and services will help you get the most out of your experiences while studying with us. We offer both in-person and online supports to guide you through your academic journey.

Explore supports and services

Student advising

Every student is assigned a Student Services Advisor and a Faculty Advisor. Your advisors help you understand program requirements, set goals, solve problems, evaluate skills, and more. 

Mi'kmaw & Indigenous, African Canadian & Black, 2SLGBTQ+ & international student supports In addition to your assigned Student Services and Faculty advisors, we offer inclusive and culturally-specific supports and services.
Accessibility support for students with disabilities

We offer supports for students with disabilities, including academic accommodations, customized learning supports and help you explore funding and grant opportunities. 

Wellness and counselling Personal wellness is one of the keys to academic success. We provide a range of services that support wellbeing and mental wellness.
Learning support services We provide resources to support your learning, such as writing and tutoring services and English as an Additional Language (EAL) programming.
Career and employment services We can help you navigate the career decision-making process and prepare you for your job search.
Entrepreneurship We offer several ways to get involved in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities when you’re a student - helping you become more employable upon graduation.
Financial supports We offer many ways to help make your education a reality. From scholarships to bursaries, see how we can connect you with the right financial support.
Technical supports We deliver a full scope of computing and technology services and supports to our students
Military-connected supports

We’re committed to integrating supports and resources for military-connected learners to help you on your learning journey.
