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NSCC's student and employee intranet. Find services, supports and campus-related info.
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NSCC's student and employee intranet. Find services, supports and campus-related info.
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Programs & courses
Career and program exploration
Career quiz
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Programs by area of interest
Academic upgrading and skills development
Building and manufacturing
Creative industries
Engineering technologies
Environment, sustainability and natural resources
Health and wellness
IT and data analytics
Language and cultural studies
Social and community supports
Surveying, mapping and geomatics
Tourism and culinary
Program fees
Program openings
Pre-apprenticeship programs
Continuing education
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Career and professional development
Career courses
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Academic upgrading courses
Personal interest courses
Marine courses
All marine courses
Learning experience
Hands-on learning
Work experience
2024-2025 co-op programs
Specialized training
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Flexible learning
After graduation
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Canadian and permanent resident applicants
Admission requirements
Program requirements
Program technology requirements
Health and Human Services program requirements
Immunization FAQ
Application assessment
Credit for prior learning
Deferrals, application changes and readmissions
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Who can apply?
International student admissions
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Changes and refunds
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Tuition, fees and costs
Program application fee
Student health benefits
Student Association fees
Course costs and fees
Program payment schedule and options
Financial support
Student awards, scholarships and bursaries
Awards for prospective students
The Sobey Award Program
Awards for current students and confirmed applicants
Awards info sessions
Financial aid
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Student records and enrolment
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Academic calendar
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Student advisors
Accessibility Services
Accessibility supports
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Wellness and counselling services
Sexual violence support
What is sexual violence?
What is consent?
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Learning support services
English as an Additional Language (EAL) supports
Tutoring and Peer Assisted Learning Supports (PALS)
NSCC Libraries
NSCC Bookstores
Testing services and support
Testing request form
Testing centre hours and locations
Testing fees
CAEC and External Testing
Testing with us
Writing Centre
Student and graduate employment
Career and employment supports
GradWorks: information and how to apply
Technical supports
Technology Service Desk
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Indigenous student supports
African Canadian and Black student supports
International student supports
2SLGBTQ+ student supports
Campus experience
Meet our students
Day in the Life at NSCC
Student Association (SA)
Parents and supporters
Helping others make career decisions
Akerley Campus
Fresh Twenty One Restaurant
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Annapolis Valley Campus
Pilikan House
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Burridge Campus
Digby Learning Centre
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Cumberland Campus
Amherst Learning Centre
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eCampus experience
Institute of Technology Campus
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Ivany Campus
Centre for the Built Environment
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Kingstec Campus
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Lunenburg Campus
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Nautical Institute
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Pictou Campus
Beyond the Mirror Salon
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Shelburne Campus
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Strait Area Campus
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Sydney Waterfront Campus
Sydney Waterfront Campus parking and transportation
Sydney Waterfront Campus Salon
Truro Campus
Gittens Lodge
Sport and Wellness Centre
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Visit NSCC
Vision, mission, promise and values
Strategic plan
Human rights, equity and inclusion
NSCC Accessibility Advisory Committee
NSCC Black Community Council
African Nova Scotian Community Engagement Sessions
NSCC-Mi'kmaq Joint Committees
Anti-racism resources
Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Committee
Mental Wellness Strategy
International partnerships
Energy and climate change
Green buildings and sustainable construction
Awards and recognition
College leadership
Board of Governors
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Academic schools
School of Access, Education and Language
Women Unlimited
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School of Health and Human Services
School of Technology and Environment
School of Trades and Transportation
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NSCC Foundation
Jobs at NSCC
Hiring process
Variety of jobs
Benefits and perks
Programs and courses
Programs by area of interest
Engineering technologies
Career and program exploration
All programs
Part-time programs
Programs by area of interest
Academic upgrading and skills development
Building and manufacturing
Creative industries
Engineering technologies
Environment, sustainability and natural resources
Health and wellness
IT and data analytics
Language and cultural studies
Social and community supports
Surveying, mapping and geomatics
Tourism and culinary
Program fees
Program openings
Continuing education
Marine courses
Learning experience
Engineering technologies programs
Explore programs that lead to careers in
engineering technology industries
Aircraft Maintenance Technician - Structures
Gain skills and knowledge in metal and composite assembly and repair of airplanes and helicopters to meet demand in the aerospace industry.
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Avionics
Develop skills for the repair and maintenance of complex aircraft cockpit instruments, avionics and aircraft electrical systems.
Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Mechanical
Learn how to repair and maintain airframes, engines and associated systems for airplanes and helicopters.
Architectural Engineering Technician
Learn aspects of building design, construction and sustainability.
CAD Technician - Mechanical
Translate the ideas and sketches of designers and engineers into detailed drawings used in manufacturing and design.
Civil Engineering Technology
From highways to hospitals, learn how to plan, design, construct and maintain basic infrastructure.
Construction Project Management
Learn the varied and challenging principles and practices used to manage construction projects.
Drafting – Architectural
Prepare technical drawings for sustainable residential and commercial buildings and influence the future of green building.
Electrical Engineering Technology
Learn the principles in the design and safe operation of power systems and automated control systems.
Electrical Technician
Learn the principles of design, installation and safe operation of renewable electrical energy and automated control systems.
Electro Mechanical Technician
Learn how to install, service and maintain electrical and mechanical equipment.
Electronic Engineering Technology
Design and test high-tech devices used in a variety of fields – healthcare, telecommunications, manufacturing, oil and gas and green energy.
Electronic Systems Technician
Learn the hands-on skills to install, troubleshoot, test and repair the next generation of electronic systems.
Environmental Engineering Technology – Water Resources
Develop your engineering and science knowledge to manage and protect fresh water resources.
Geomatics Engineering Technology
Use lasers, robots and drones to capture data and further develop your knowledge, skills and experience in surveying and mapping.
Instrumentation Technician
Learn the skills to operate, maintain, troubleshoot and repair process control systems.
Marine Engineering Technology
Build a broad-based knowledge of the highly complex engineering systems of a modern ship and prepare for a career as an engineering officer.
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Use your curious and creative mind to discover, design and apply technological and mechanical engineering solutions to various real-world problems.
Oceans Technology
Gain the knowledge-based skills used to create and apply technology solutions that are unique to ocean environments.
Power Engineering Technology
Prepare to meet technical demands and take responsibility for the safe and efficient operation of a variety of plant and building systems.