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Academic Integrity Procedures

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
31.02 Vice President, Academic Director, Enrolment & Registrar Executive Council Sept. 13, 2017   Oct. 1, 2017 Aug. 2019
  1. Initiation
Action Responsibility
1.1 The employee is required to inform the student directly when conduct may be in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy. Employee
1.2 The employee will complete the Academic Misconduct Report Form. Employee
1.3 The employee will obtain further evidence of misconduct as necessary and connect with the Assistant Registrar to determine if the conduct is the first academic misconduct offence reported. Employee
1.4 The employee will complete the Academic Misconduct Decision Form. Employee
1.5 The employee will meet with the Academic Chair to review both completed Academic Misconduct and Decision forms, specifically regard to the proposed sanction. Employee
1.6 The Academic Chair signs both Academic Misconduct and Decision forms, signifying approval. Academic Chair
1.7 Within five (5) business days of alleged incident, the employee will meet with student to review the Academic Misconduct Report and Academic Misconduct Decision Form. Employee
1.8 During the meeting, the employee will provide the student with a copy of the Academic Misconduct Report Form and refer to the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures and will require the student to sign the Academic Misconduct Report Form to signify his/her acceptance. Employee
1.9 During the meeting, the student can accept the Academic Misconduct Report Form and Academic Misconduct Decision forms to be true and correct by signing to signify their acceptance. Student
1.10 The student can accept the penalty by signing the Academic Misconduct Decision Form to signify their acceptance of the penalty. Student
1.11 The employee provides completed and signed forms to the Academic Chair. Employee
1.12 Within five (5) business days and once the Academic Misconduct Report and Decision forms are signed by the student, the Academic Chair provides copies to the Assistant Registrar. Academic Chair
1.13 The Assistant Registrar retains copy of the Academic Misconduct Report Form and Academic Misconduct Decision Form for campus records and immediately forwards the original Academic Misconduct Report Form and Academic Misconduct Decision Form and all supporting documentation to the Director, Enrolment & Registrar for retention. Assistant Registrar
  1. Student Does Not Accept Report to be True and Correct
Action Responsibility
2.1 Where a student does not accept either the truth of the Academic Misconduct Report Form or the penalty imposed, the student may submit a written response by the NSCC email system or hard copy delivered to the office of the Academic Chair/Manager Student Services. The written response may include supporting documentation. Such response must be received by the Academic Chair/Manager Student Services within three (3) business days of the preliminary meeting. Student
2.2 Failure by the student to submit a written response within the timeline as set out in s. 3.1 will be deemed to indicate the student accepts that the Academic Misconduct Report Form is true and accurate and the penalty imposed and the penalty will be imposed. Academic Chair
2.3 Within three (3) business days of receiving the written response from the student, the Academic Chair will meet with the student and the employee to review the Academic Misconduct Report Form and the written response from the student. Academic Chair
2.4 Within two (2) business days, the academic chair may confirm or vary the contents of the Academic Misconduct Report Form or the Penalty imposed after which the Academic Chair will forward the Academic Misconduct Report Form and Academic Misconduct Decision Form and all supporting documentation to the Assistant Registrar within 5 days. Academic Chair
2.5 The Assistant Registrar retains copy of the Academic Misconduct Report Form and the Academic Misconduct Decision Form and supporting documentation for campus records and immediately forwards the original Academic Misconduct Report Form and Academic Misconduct Decision Form to the Director, Enrolment & Registrar for retention. Assistant Registrar
2.6 In cases where the student does not accept the report, they are advised during the meeting by the Academic Chair of their ability to apply for a formal appeal under the student Appeals Policy and Procedures, specifically highlighting the responsibility of the student to establish grounds. The student can be referred to Student Services for additional information and assistance regarding the student Appeals Policy and Procedures. Academic Chair
  1. Timelines
Action Responsibility
3.1 In all cases, the College will endeavor to resolve matters falling under this policy in a timely manner. In rare and extenuating circumstances, the College and/or the student may not be able to adhere to the timelines set out in these procedures. In these cases, the timelines may be extended with the permission of the Director, Enrolment & Registrar. Employee/ Student
  1. Procedure Supports

Academic Misconduct Report Form (PDF 170KB)
Academic Misconduct Decision Form (PDF 147KB)
