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Academic Probation Policy

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
24.01 Vice President, Academic Director, Enrolment and Registrar Executive Council Sept. 13, 2017   Oct. 1, 2017 Sept. 2018
  1. Purpose
    1. To outline the standards of academic performance by the student as well as consequences of failure to meet these standards.
  1. Scope
    1. The Academic Probation policy applies to all students registered in College Credential programs.
  1. Definitions
Term Definition
Academic Dismissal dismissal from a program of study for a period of 3 years and is applied to students when they reach the suspension level for a second time in the same program.
Academic Probation An official transcript notation indicating a student has failed two or more courses in a single semester.
Academic Suspension Applied to students on restricted enrolment who do not achieve the minimum academic standard in their next semester.
College Credential Program A program of study that recognizes the successful completion of all program requirements within College approved timelines.
Full-Time Course Load Enrolment equal to or greater than 60% of the mandatory courses in a specific program of study as per the curriculum document in a given semester.
Good Academic Standing A student status indicating no academic restrictions.
Official Transcript An official document of a student’s academic record, certified by the Director, Enrolment & Registrar or designate.
Part-Time Course Load The enrolment of less than 60% of the mandatory courses in a specific program of study as per the curriculum document in a given semester.
Restricted Enrolment An official academic status that limits a student to a part-time course load in a program of study. It is the result of a student failing courses while on academic probation.
Semester A period in which all classes are scheduled to begin and end within a set time frame.
Student A person who is registered in a course or program at NSCC.
  1. Policy
    1. Academic Probation
      All students who enter the Nova Scotia Community College are expected to maintain acceptable standards of academic performance. Academic probation is the first level in a progressive process to support students experiencing academic challenges.
      1. A student who has failed two or more courses in a semester will be placed academic probation.
      2. Academic probation shall begin in the next semester in which the student is enrolled and be in effect for the entire semester and until the marks are final and recorded on the student’s official transcript.
      3. A student who has successfully completed all courses during the probation period will be removed from academic probation.
    2. Restricted Enrolment
      Restricted enrolment is the second level of academic restriction for those students experiencing academic difficulty in their program. Restricted enrolment requires students to be part-time in their next semester of enrolment to assist them in achieving academic success in their courses.
      1. A student who has failed course(s) while on academic probation will be placed on restricted enrolment.
      2. Restricted enrolment will begin in the next semester in which the student is enrolled in and be in effect for the entire semester and until the marks are final and recorded on the student’s official transcript.
      3. A student on restricted enrolment will only be permitted to enrol in a part-time course load.
      4. A student on restricted enrolment who has successfully completed all courses during the restricted enrolment period will have the restricted enrolment removed.
      5. A restricted enrolment notation will permanently remain on a student’s official transcript.
    3. Academic Suspension
      Academic Suspension is the third level of academic restriction which requires students who have not be academically successful on restricted enrolment to leave the program for a 12-month period.
      1. A student who has failed course(s) while on Restricted Enrolment will be subject to academic suspension from the program for a 12-month period.
      2. A student on academic suspension can apply to a different program at the College during the 12-month suspension period. If accepted into a new program during this 12-month period, they will be placed on academic probation.
      3. A student who returns after the 12-month period will be placed on academic probation.
      4. An academic suspension notation will permanently remain on a student’s official transcript.
    4. Academic Dismissal
      Academic dismissal is the final level of academic restriction for students who reach the academic suspension level for a second time.
      1. A student who reaches the academic suspension level for a second time in the same program twice will be subject to academic dismissal from the program for a period of 3 years.
      2. An academic dismissal notation will permanently remain on the student’s official transcript.
    5. Exceptions
      In exceptional circumstances exceptions to this policy may be approved by the Director, Enrolment and Registrar. Decisions regarding exceptions are final and not subject to a student appeal.
  1. Policy Supports


24.02 Academic Probation Procedures
