Mandated Supported Leave Policy
Ref. No. | Executive sponsor | Policy steward | Approval authority | First approved | Last reviewed | Effective date | Next review |
34.21 | Vice President, Campuses and Communities | AVP, Student Affairs | Executive Council | Apr. 2, 2024 | Sept. 1, 2024 | Sept. 2025 |
- Purpose
- NSCC is committed to the health and safety of the College community and providing students the opportunity to pursue their educational goals. The College provides accommodation, support, and referral to students whose ability to participate in core educational activities and meet behavioural expectations as outlined in the Student Community Standards Policy is undermined by mental health and related concerns. In these cases, disciplinary approaches under the Student Community Standards Policy may not be appropriate.
- The purpose of this policy is to enable the college to mandate a leave of absence in the exceptional circumstance when accommodation and support are unable to address concerns around:
- A student’s safety or the safety of others.
- Behaviour that negatively and substantially impacts the learning and working environment of others, or
- Behaviour that shows an inability to engage in activities required to function in a College setting, including professionally, and/or safely in a practicum, Co-op, or work placement or campus housing.
- This is intended to comply with the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act, Nova Scotia Accessibility Act, and the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
- Scope
- This policy applies to all students.
- Definitions
Term | Definition |
Natural Justice and Fairness | Ensures impartiality, transparency, and equal treatment for all individuals. It provides an opportunity for parties to be heard, ensures decisions follow established laws and regulations, requires reasoned explanations for decisions, and maintains consistency in similar cases. |
- Policy
- Guiding Principles
- This policy is to be used in exceptional circumstances as a last resort and does not replace or reduce the college's responsibility under the college's Academic Accommodation Policy.
- The College has an obligation to provide a safe learning environment for all members of the College community and to address behaviours that compromise safety or the learning environment.
- The college is committed to the principles of natural justice and fairness.
- The intent in invoking this policy is to support the student to return to studies when it is safe and appropriate to do so.
- A student may use the medical withdrawal process to voluntarily withdraw from the College at any time during this process.
- Decision Threshold for Using Policy
- This policy will be used when other approaches are not successful or appropriate and:
- A student’s behaviour poses a serious risk of harm to self or others.
- A student’s behaviour creates serious disruption to the learning environment, or,
- A student shows an inability to engage in activities required to function in a college setting.
- This policy will be used when other approaches are not successful or appropriate and:
- Mandated Leave Committee Membership and Role
- Individuals
- Director of Student Services or designate (Chair) or designate.
- Associate Registrar- Registrar Services or designate.
- Manager, Respectful Communities and Human Rights or designate.
- The Committee may, at its discretion, invite participation from other relevant College members when such participation is needed to respond to a given situation.
- The mandated supported leave will remain in effect for the duration of the appeal process.
- Individuals
- Appeal
- Students have a right to appeal the decision following the Non-Academic Appeals Procedure.
- The mandated supported leave will remain in effect for the duration of the appeal process.
- Supported Return
- NSCC will provide the student with information regarding the student’s return to studies process, within 15 business days of the mandated leave decision.
- NSCC is committed to working collaboratively with the student and employees to facilitate a supported return.
- Guiding Principles
- Policy Supports
Medical Compassionate Withdrawal Request
33.01 Student Community Standards Policy
33.03 Non-Academic Appeals Procedure
33.11 Campus Housing Community Standards Policy
34.01 Academic Accommodations Policy
41.01 Respectful Community Standards Policy