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Mandated Supported Leave Procedures

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
34.22 Vice President, Campuses and Communities AVP, Student Affairs Executive Council Apr. 2, 2024   Sept. 1, 2024 Sept. 2025
  1. Purpose
    1. The purpose of these procedures is to operationalize the Mandated Supported Leave Policy.
  1. Definitions
Term Definition
Campus Care Team  Provides collective expertise and a forum to further assess student needs and coordinate a response that is health promoting, holistic, trauma informed, culturally responsive and monitors student progress.
Mandated Supported Leave Committee College representatives who are authorized to review a student’s situation, implement mandatory supported leave, and set conditions and approve return
Readiness to Return Assessment Conducted by a qualified healthcare professional with expertise in assessing students' emotional and mental health. This evaluation offers insights and guidance on a student's capacity to re-engage in all facets of the college program. The assessment helps determine whether the student is prepared to safely resume full participation in academic and program-related requirements.
Supported Return Path A collaboration between the student and Campus Care Team to put in place proactive measures to support and sustain student wellbeing and success upon return from a mandated supported leave.
Qualified Health Professional A licensed and certified individual with appropriate training, education, and clinical experience in the field of mental health or psychiatry. This professional is accredited and regulated by relevant national or provincial governing body and are qualified to provide comprehensive evaluations of a student's mental health status, treatment progress, and readiness to return to academic studies.
  1. Procedures
Utilizing the Mandated Supported Leave Policy
Step Action Responsibility


Threshold for Mandated Supported Leave (MSL)

Confirm the threshold for using the Mandated Supported Leave Policy has been met. All other policy and process options have been utilized or considered not appropriate in the circumstance: 
• Campus Care Team has been established and Care Plan has been put in place or offered to the student unless serious health and safety risks deem this impractical in the circumstance.
• Student is not willing / able to use the Medical Withdrawal process.
• Student has been advised that the matter is being forwarded to the Mandated Supported Leave Committee ("The Committee") for a decision.
• Student has been informed of their right to complete a form outlining what they would like the MSL committee to consider when making their decision.

Resource: Student Submission Form for the Mandated Supported Leave Committee

Manager, Student Services with Campus Care Team


Submit Documentation to the Chair
Contact the Chair, Mandated Supported Leave Committee (Director, Student Services or designate) to refer matter for consideration.
• Provide documentation to the Chair including:
• The background of situation.
• Details of any accommodation agreements in place for the student.
• Details about the support provided and referrals made on behalf of the student.
• Describe any efforts made to utilize the Medical Withdrawal process.
• State which threshold(s) has been met to utilize the MSL policy.

Manager, Student Services


Convene the Mandated Supported Leave Committee

Meeting convened by the Mandated Supported Leave Committee Chair, within two business days of receiving the referral.
Committee includes:
• Director, Student and Career Services (chair) or designate.
• Associate Registrar- Registrar Services or designate.
• Manager, HREI or designate.

The Committee may invite participation from other relevant College members when such participation is needed to respond to a given situation. For example, this may include a counsellor from another campus who can provide expertise on matters pertaining to mental health.

In cases where the wellbeing of historically disproportionately impacted and equity-deserving students is being considered, the Committee must consult with members of NSCC’s Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion team, or their delegate, to ensure safety and cultural responsiveness throughout the process.

No one involved in the care process is a member of the MSL committee.

The Committee will consider any submission made by the student and will seek clarification if necessary.

Chair, Mandated Supported Leave Committee


Committee Meeting
The Mandated Supported Leave Committee deliberates on the request for the student. The committee:
• Approves the Mandated Supported Leave or
• Denies the Mandated Supported Leave

The Committee must notify the Manager, Student Services of the outcome and reasons for the decision.

The Committee has the authority to implement a full or partial withdrawal, set conditions for continuance or return, authorize full or partial fee refunds. 

If the MSL committee does not approve the leave, the matter goes back to Campus Care Team.

The MSL Committee chair notifies the student of the outcome.

Despite a prior decision to not support a MSL, the matter may be brought before the MSL Committee on future occasion, if there is a change in circumstance indicating that the threshold has been met.

Mandated Supported Leave Committee

If Mandated Supported Leave is Approved:
Step Action Responsibility


Mandated Supported Leave Notifications
• Notify the Registrar and relevant Student Services and Academic Program of the leave.
• Appropriate indicator put on PeopleSoft and required action taken on the student record.
• Send letter advising the terms and conditions of the Mandated Supported Leave to student and their emergency contact.
The letter will include:
• Student is required to do a Mandated Supported Leave and rationale for the decision.
• Limits on the student’s access to College premises or activities.
• Discontinuation of student’s involvement in college related activities.
• Discontinuation of co-op placement / work placement and any college related international travel.
• Discontinuation of any College-related paid or voluntary work.
• Tuition reimbursement and/or changes to the status of any NSCC financial awards.
• College contact for the student during their leave.
• Information on right to appeal.
• Advise that an additional letter will be sent detailing return to study requirements.

Resource: Mandated Supported Leave Template Letter

Chair, Mandated Supported Leave Committee


Return to Study Requirements Letter
Return to study requirements letter is sent to Student within 15 business days of mandated Supported leave decision letter.
The letter will include the following requirements:
• Submission of an Intent to return to study form 90 days in advance of intended return.
• Confirmation from a qualified health professional that the student is ready to return to studies.

Resource: Return Requirements Template Letter

Chair, Mandated Supported Leave Committee

Supported Return:
Step Action Responsibility


Applying to Return to Studies
Intent to Return to Study form is completed by student and sent to the Chair, Mandated Supported Leave Committee.

The student is asked to complete release of information and return it to the Chair, Mandated Supported Leave Committee.

The Chair of the Mandated Supported Leave Committee will provide the qualified health professional the request for Readiness to Return Assessment.

Release of Information
Return to Study Form
Assessment of Readiness to Return

Student and the Chair, Mandated Supported Leave Committee


Committee Meeting

The Chair, Mandated Supported Leave Committee, convenes the Committee to assess a student’s readiness to return to the College by reviewing the student Request to Return and Health Professional Readiness to Return Assessment.

If further information is required, the committee may request a meeting with the student to discuss their readiness to return.

The Chair will work alongside the campus MSS and AC to evaluate the initiation of studies according to each student's program requirements and progress before MSL.

The Committee decision either:
• Supports Student Return or
• Does not Support the Student’s return at this time.

The Chair advises the campus Manager of Student Services of the decision and rationale.

The Chair sends a letter to the student advising of the outcome.

Mandated Supported Leave Committee


To prepare for student's return

The MSS will convene the Campus Care Team. The team will consider any recommendations of the health professional.

A campus counsellor, and where accommodations are recommended, the student accessibility specialist, will meet with the student to explore student expectations, any noted accommodations or recommendations from the health providers and discusses proactive wellbeing plan. This will include connection with cultural supports, and other supports as appropriate.

The MSS validates the return plan with the Campus Care Team and meets with the student to confirm the Supported Return Plan.

Manager of Student Services/Campus Care Team

Campus Counsellor

Manager of Student Services
