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Library Collection Development Policy

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
15.01 Vice President, Campuses and Communities Director, Libraries & Learning Commons Executive Council Nov. 1, 2019 Jan. 2021 Jan. 4, 2021 Jan. 2026
  1. Purpose
    1. NSCC Libraries provides a current, organized, reputable and readily accessible resource collection that supports curriculum requirements, teaching and learning, and professional development. This policy establishes the priorities for selection and withdrawal of resources from the Library collection.
    2. Library Collection Development Procedure (15.02) provides specific details about the collection of the following types of resources:
      • Audio-visual materials
      • Alternate format materials
      • English as an Additional Language (EAL) materials
      • Language of Materials
      • Textbooks / study guides / teaching guides
      • Instructional materials
      • Fiction
      • Children’s materials
      • Duplicate copies
      • Reference materials
      • Print journal and newspaper subscriptions
      • Electronic resources
  1. Scope
    1. This policy applies to campus library collections and College-wide electronic resources.
    2. This policy excludes gifts and donations.
  1. Definitions
Term Definition
Electronic Resources Licensed online resources that include, but are not limited to, electronic journals and newspapers, ebooks, streaming video, multimedia resources, reports, image collections, and multi-format databases.
Novanet A post-secondary library consortium comprised of the universities and community college system in Nova Scotia and Mount Allison University in New Brunswick. The academic libraries share an online catalogue and Library Services Platform, as well as engage in cooperative action in collection development, resource sharing and reference services.
Council of Atlantic University Libraries - Conseil des bibliothèques universitaires de l’Atlantique (CAUL/CBUA) A library consortium comprised of post-secondary libraries in Atlantic Canada that serves to enhance teaching, learning, and research through collection development, resource sharing, research data initiatives, collaborative projects, and shared professional development.
Interlibrary Loan A reciprocal borrowing system by which libraries share resources with each other for the purpose of lending to another library’s borrowers.
  1. Policy
    1. Library Collection Priorities
      1. Provide comprehensive and balanced coverage of subjects that support College curriculum, instructional programs and services.
      2. Support the professional development requirements of employees and make available materials that will facilitate corporate decision making within the College.
      3. Reflect and support the College’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, as well as value the diverse backgrounds, identities, histories, and cultures that are part of the NSCC community. Specifically, African Nova Scotians and other people of African Descent, Mi’kmaq and other Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, immigrants and newcomers, members of the 2SLGBTQ+ communities, and women in fields of work and study where they are under-represented will be equitably and respectfully reflected in the library collection.
    2. Copyright and Intellectual Freedom
      1. Library acquisitions comply with Canadian Legislation including the Copyright Act of Canada and the NSCC Use of Copyright Materials Policy (71.01). Procedures related to copyright can be found in the Library Collection Development Procedure (15.02).
      2. NSCC Libraries adheres to the Canadian Federation of Library Associations/ Fédérations canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (CFLA-FCAB) statements on intellectual freedom.
    3. Resource Sharing
      NSCC Libraries is a member of Novanet and the Council of Atlantic University Libraries - Conseil des bibliothèques universitaires de l’Atlantique (CAUL/CBUA) and is committed to participating in an interlibrary loan program in Canada to provide access to resources not owned by NSCC Libraries.
    4. Collection Maintenance
      NSCC Libraries recognize the need to continually evaluate collections to keep the collection relevant and current. Detailed deselection and replacement procedures are found in the Library Collection Development Procedure (15.02).
  1. Policy Supports

Related Policies & Procedures:

15.02 Library Collection Development Procedure 
71.01 Use of Copyright Materials Policy 

Additional Resources:

Canadian Federation of Library Associations
Copyright Act of Canada
