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Academic Performance Policy

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
24.11 Vice President, Academic Director, Enrolment and Registrar Executive Council Sept. 13, 2017   Oct. 1, 2017 Sept. 2018
  1. Purpose
    1. Nova Scotia Community College is committed to providing all students with the tools needed to achieve a high standard of academic excellence in their program of study.
    2. This policy includes guidelines for the delivery of courses within NSCC programs to support students throughout their courses and provide clear expectations of academic performance.
  1. Scope
    1. The following policy has been developed to ensure students achieve a standard of academic excellence.
  1. Definitions
  1. Policy
    1. Course Completion
      Refer to the Evaluation Policy for pass mark. In those instances where there is an external licensing body associated with the training program/course, the pass mark may vary. Please consult individual course requirements.
    2. Course Outlines
      At the beginning of each course, faculty are required to provide students with course outlines that identify, at a minimum, the following:
      1. Course name, code, number, and (where applicable) hours
      2. Tentative work plan, including portfolio outcome(s)
      3. Learning outcomes
      4. Evaluation criteria (tentative dates, values)
      5. Attendance requirements (mandatory attendance is to be identified)
      6. Pass mark
      7. Learning materials and texts, if applicable
      8. Statement outlining the process for questioning/appealing an evaluation or final grade with timeline
      Course outlines are essential college documents and, therefore, will be kept on file.
    3. Attendance
      1. Prompt and regular attendance is expected of all students. Specific programs and/or courses may have mandatory attendance requirements; and in those instances, attendance records will be kept. Mandatory attendance requirements, including tentative dates for tests, assignments, projects, and/or examinations, are to be given in writing to each student at the beginning of the program and/or course.
      2. Responsibility for work missed due to absence rests with the student. Failure to complete program or course requirements stated at the outset of the program may result in a failing grade. In order to reflect industry standards, attendance at field placements may be compulsory. Attendance requirements will be conveyed in writing to the student prior to the commencement of the field placement.
    4. Learning Contract
      A learning contract is an academic intervention for students experiencing extenuating circumstances that may preclude the completion of course or program learning outcomes in the usual time frame of the semester and/or the usual classroom setting.

      A learning contract may also be used to facilitate a student’s meeting of specific course learning outcomes indicated as the result of a PLAR assessment. It is a tool to support the tenets of a learning culture and to support student success.
      1. A learning contract is available to a student, based on their previous academic performance and/or their potential for future academic accomplishment. It is a mutual, documented agreement between the student and the faculty member. It clearly provides a written summary of the circumstances and the agreed upon intervention strategy and conditions, including completion date.
      2. Once signed by the student, the faculty member, and the Academic Chair, the learning contract is recorded in the student’s file until such time as it is discharged; it must, therefore, clearly state what is to be done and by whom.
      3. While a learning contract may be a modification to the existing course outline and/or an amplification of existing NSCC policies, at no time may a learning contract compromise the learning outcomes of a course or program.
    5. External Agencies
      When required, the College will maintain and provide external licensing agencies and/or funding sources with the appropriate information to ensure the student funding and/or licensing requirements are met. The above information will be consistent with the rules and regulations of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and College policy. Written permission by the student is required before information can be shared with an external agency.
    6. Academic Support
      Where academic difficulties are being experienced, it is the responsibility of the student to seek support through College and/or external resources.
  1. Policy Supports

22.01 Evaluation Policy 
24.01 Academic Probation Policy 
31.01 Academic Integrity Policy 
