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Student Community Standards Procedures

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
  1. Purpose
    1. All NSCC students are expected to act with consideration and respect, upholding the values of the college whether on or off campus, including the online environment. Our aim is to invest in relational approaches that support  dignity, equity, accountability, and transformative growth when approaching behaviours that are breaches of the Student Community Standards (SCS) policy.
    2. This Procedure specifies the steps involved in understanding and addressing a potential breach of NSCC’s Student Community Standards (SCS) Policy.
    3. A dignified, equitable, trauma informed, intersectional and culturally responsive lens will be applied throughout the procedures.
  1. Definitions
Term Definition
Accommodation Supportive measures given by the College to individuals enabling them to continue to learn, live, work and participate in the College while participating in a Student Community Standards process
College Community NSCC Community member under this policy/procedure includes, but is not limited to the following:
  1. Employee: any person who is currently employed by NSCC or provides services to NSCC under an employment contract. This includes all employees, regardless of status, as well as current employees who are on a leave of absence (paid/unpaid).
  2. Student: anyone who is active in a program and/or enrolled in courses.
  3. Volunteer: any person performing work for NSCC in an unpaid capacity.
  4. NSCC Community Member: any person working in collaboration with NSCC for a business or academic purpose.
Concern An issue identified by NSCC community member believing that a student has breached the Student Community Standards Policy.
Culturally Responsive An approach that recognizes the uniqueness of everyone, their culture and history.
Fact Finding Activities used to gain understanding of a SCS report to determine the most appropriate policy and process application, while ensuring procedural fairness for all parties. The College determines the extent of the process to enable the best understanding possible.
Fairness (Procedural, Substantive, and Relational) Procedural Fairness describes the duty of fairness that is most discussed in relation to administrative decisions, such as investigations. The two primary rights involved in Procedural Fairness are the right to be heard and the right to an unbiased decision. Procedural Fairness requires:
  1. Notice of the matter under consideration,
  2. Access to information that will be considered when the decision is made. The College considers personal privacy and safety factors when determining access to information.
  3. The right to respond; a meaningful opportunity to be heard,
  4. An impartial and unbiased decision maker, and,
  5. Reasons for the decision or outcome.

Substantive Fairness relates to the fairness of the decision itself. Substantive fairness requires that decisions are:

  1. Made by those with appropriate authority to do so,
  2. Made with relevant information,
  3. Not unjust, oppressive, or discriminatory, or wrong in fact or law, and
  4. Are reasonable.

Relational fairness describes how the person feels about the process, decision, or outcome. Relational fairness requires a decision maker to:

  1. Provide attention, listening to points of view and evidence,
  2. Be approachable and easy to communicate with about the decision and decision-making process,
  3. Be honest and forthright in dealings with those affected by decisions,
  4. Respect confidentiality during and after the process, be accountable, offer apologies if mistakes are made, refrain from retaliation in any form.
Interim Measures These are temporary, measures that may be imposed on a student(s) by the Manager of Student Services or designate, to facilitate a safe learning, living, and working environment. These measures are preliminary in nature, non-punitive, and do not imply the students) has violated the Policy.
Intersectional The complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination combine, overlap, or intersect, resulting from the intersection of various identities and histories, especially in the experiences of equity deserving individuals or groups.
Investigation An impartial fact-finding process to learn and understand relevant information to support an appropriate resolution or outcome.
Outcome Measure(s) put in place when there is a finding of a breach of policy.
Relational Approach A way of interacting or communicating with others that embodies core values such as respect, inclusiveness, honesty, compassion, cooperation, and humility. Accountability, identifying and repairing harms and relationships, including to a campus, college and community are part of this approach.
Reporting Individual An individual who is a member of the NSCC community and submits a SCS report.
Responding Student A student who has been named in a SCS report as being in breach of the Student Community Standards Policy.
Resolution Options Refers to a wide range of options to enable and support Responding Students to identify harms, take accountability and restore relationships/ resolve concerns or conflict.
Support Person An individual (e.g., family member, elder) asked by the Reporting Individual and/or Responding Student to attend meetings for the purpose of offering personal and/or emotional support and/or to take notes. This person cannot be a witness in a report or act as an advocate or legal representative.
Trauma Informed An approach that acknowledges the existence and impact of trauma on a person’s physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. This approach includes promoting a culture of safety, dignity, empowerment, choice, and healing
Timeliness Starting the process promptly and keeping it moving forward in a way that reflects the risk associated with the report and the impact on those involved.
  1. Procedures
    1. Submitting a Report
      Any member of the College Community may raise a concern under the policy if they have been impacted by a student's behaviour AND that behaviour is in breach of Student Community Standards Policy.

      To raise a concern, a community member submits a report online.

      The College may choose to submit a report, without a Reporting Individual, if information comes forward that a breach has occurred that may involve risk to others/community. This would occur in exceptional circumstances where an individual expresses concern to a Manager of Student Services and/or others about making a report and/or the College believes it is in the best interest of the campus and/or larger community to submit a report without a Reporting Individual. The College may choose to submit a report if a Reporting Individual, who is a student has submitted a false SCS report previously. The Reporting Individual may then become a Responding Student in a SCS report.

      Reports for incidents in NSCC housing complexes are to be first addressed through Housing Community Standards and if appropriate after that process, and with Housing involvement, may result in a SCS report being made.

      Reports made without the name of a Responding Student will not be acted upon. Anonymous reports will not be accepted.

      Prior to submitting a report, the following ought to be considered:

      If a community member is unsure that the concern belongs under the Student Community Standards policy, they can consult with the Manager of Student Services (MSS) on campus prior to submitting. A SCS report MUST be a violation of the Student Community Standards policy and not a holding place for behaviours that are not breaches of the policy. If there is reason to believe that mental health issues are involved with a student, a consultation with the campus counsellor or another NSCC Counsellor can be requested.

      Reports are not for emergency situations (contact security/911 directly).

      Those submitting a SCS report are entering a relational process where a Responding Student(s) will be held accountable for their behaviour, identify and repairs harms made when possible. Reporting Individuals will be part of a process to identify harm and repair a relationship and will be participants in the SCS process. Submitting an SCS report starts a process and Reporting Individuals are agreeing to participate, when safe to do so, in a relational process with a Responding Student(s).

      When in doubt, submit a SCS report and the Manager of Student Services will decide on the appropriate approach.
      1. Submitting a report
        1. To make a report, an online form must be submitted. In exceptional circumstances, where completing the online form would cause more harm to the Reporting Individual, an alternate format to a report can be submitted in consultation with the Manager of Student Services.
          1. Students may seek out a trusted College employee to help them decide if they want to submit a report and learn about what happens when they do. Any Student Services employee or other community member can assist a student in completing a report if they are unable to do so.
          2. If an alternate format for the SCS report form is required, the Reporting Individual can reach out to the Manager of Student Services.
        2. The College encourages individuals to submit a report as soon as possible after a situation occurs and after careful consideration that the Reporting Individual is willing to participate in a relational process to address the concern if it is safe to do so. When possible, Respectful Community Policy is an option for all community members to use to resolve conflict and restore relationships. The College recognizes individual differences and historical trauma may impact reporting times, so there are no deadlines for making a report, however, some types of information may not be available with time.
        3. The report will be received by the Manager of Student Services or their designate along with the Administrative Assistant to the Associate Vice President, Student Affairs and the Student Community Standards Consultant, for data purposes. Reports are monitored 9 –5pm during regular business days.
        4. Anonymous reports (not indicating a Reporting Individual and/or Responding Student) will not be accepted.
        5. Problematic behaviour, which is not a breach of SCS, can be reported directly to the Manager of Student Services without completing the SCS report form. Faculty are to make their Academic Chair aware of problematic behaviour appearing in the learning environment, or submit an SCS report.
      2. Confidentiality
        1. Information obtained in the SCS process is considered confidential and will only be shared with other NSCC community members as reasonably required to understand and address the concern.
        2. Proper understanding of a concern will require the disclosure of the identity of the Reporting Individual and the Responding Student(s).
        3. In rare cases, the College may keep the identity of the Reporting Individual and any identified witnesses confidential for safety purposes.
        4. All individuals involved in the process and having access to information contained in a SCS file, including the report, will be expected to hold this information as confidential to protect the integrity of the process and personal information of those involved.
    2. Jurisdiction
      Student Community Standards applies to non-academic behaviours that occur during enrollment of a NSCC student whether these behaviours occur on or off campus, including the online environment, related to their learning, living and/working at the College.
      1. Where a concern is outside the scope of this policy or is one that should be more appropriately dealt with under another policy, Act or procedure, the College (MSS, Principal, Academic Chair (AC) etc.) reserves the right to determine the approach to deal with the concern or refer it to the appropriate forum.
      2. In most circumstances, mental health concerns that have resulted in concerning behaviour, will not be addressed through this policy. If a Manager of Student Services, in consultation with others including the campus Counsellor, determines that behaviours related to an SCS report are the result of mental health, the Responding Student will be supported via the Campus Care Team. If mental health is underlying but not related to the behaviours noted in the report, the Manager of Student Services will decide policy jurisdiction and may proceed with SCS.
      3. The process is managed at a campus level with the Manager of Student Services who will consult with the Principal, Academic Chair, Faculty and others, for review, care management, clarification on policy jurisdiction and support as required.
      4. If civil or criminal proceedings are underway, the College has the discretion to proceed with or pause the internal process.
      5. Groups: when SCS reports involve multiple Responding Students for one or more incidents, the Manager of Student Services, in consultation with the relevant Academic Chairs and Faculty, will decide how to proceed with the reports. The Manager of Student Services can approach the SCS reports as a group or address each one individually based on preliminary fact finding.
      6. If the Manager of Student Services and/or others identify any conflict of interest in the SCS report and providing unbiased decision making, they will designate another college employee to oversee the procedures.
      7. Safety: Principals have responsibility for the safety of their campus and will act accordingly to keep their community safe. Their actions fall outside of the SCS procedures and may be immediate but may result in an SCS report being made later.
    3. Process
      The process begins when the Manager of Student Services or designate receives a report. At times, the Manager of Student Services is not onsite at the campus where the report is being made. The Manager of Student Services will continue with the SCS process in person, when possible, but if not, virtually, and make the relevant Academic Chair aware a report has been received.

      If the information provided indicates that the nature of the behaviour falls within the Sexual Violence Policy, the Manager of Student Services or designate will connect the Reporting Individual with Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion to access supports and reporting options.

      Report Review
      All SCS reports will be reviewed by the Manager of Student Services/designate and will decide whether to pursue based on whether a breach has been identified or supportive information indicates a breach.

      Student Community Standards aim to be educational and so the Manager of Student Services may pursue an informal conversation with all involved instead of proceeding with the SCS process. Their decision will be made without bias and/or conflict of interest.

      If the report outlines a breach of policy, the Manager of Student Services or designate begins a process outlined below. A process that considers all the steps in a different sequence may also occur.
      Step Action
      1 Acknowledge Report and Schedule a first meeting

      Notification is sent to the Reporting Individual immediately after submitting a SCS report, confirming that their report has been received and will be reviewed.
      1. The Manager of Student Services or designate will schedule a meeting with the Reporting Individual to discuss the report. The Manager of Student Services may choose to have someone else present in this meeting and the name/title of this person will be disclosed. The meeting will not be recorded.
      2. The Reporting Individual is welcome to have a support person attend the meeting and must disclose the name of this person to the Manager of Student Services prior to the meeting. This person cannot be a witness, advocate, or legal representative.
      3. The Manager of Student Services/designate will make relevant campus partners aware of the report. Those may include the Principal, Academic Chair, Faculty, etc. The decision to share the SCS report with these partners will be made by the Manager of Student Services.
      2 First meeting with Reporting Individual
      • The initial fact-finding process begins during a meeting with the Reporting Individual.

      During the meeting, the Manager of Student Services or designate:
      • Reviews the procedures to ensure clarity including confirmation of the breach that is being reported.
      • Confirms that the support person (if attending) is not a witness, advocate, or legal representative.
      • Discusses any safety concerns of the Reporting Individual and the possibility of interim measure being applied if these are identified.
      • Discusses the Reporting Individual’s desired outcome(s) to the concern and harms caused.
      • Discusses confidentiality of the information and the process.
      • Invites the Reporting Individual to share details of the concern, offers supports and accommodations specific to the Reporting Individual’s identified needs.
      • Outlines next steps in the process.
      3 First meeting with the Responding Student

      Notification is sent to the Responding Student making them aware that a report has been made and they have been named. They are asked to acknowledge receipt of this notification. The Manager of Student Services may choose to have someone else present in this meeting and the name/title of this person will be disclosed. The meeting will not be recorded.
      1. The Manager of Student Services or designate will schedule a meeting with the Responding Student to discuss the contents of the report.
      2. The Responding Student is welcome to have a support person attend the meeting and are required to give the name of this person to the Manager of Student Services prior to the meeting to ensure that they are not a witness, advocate, or legal representative.
      3. During the meeting, the Manager of Student Services or designate:
        • Reviews the procedures to ensure clarity.
        • Confirms that the support person (if attending) is not a witness, advocate, or legal representative.
        • Advises the Responding Student of the concern raised in the report and the alleged policy breach.
        • Discusses confidentiality of the information and process.
        • Allows the Responding Student to speak to the alleged breach of policy, if prepared and willing. If they need more time to process the information, schedule another meeting to offer them time to respond.
        • Offers supports and accommodations specific to their individual needs as identified.
        • Outlines what next steps will be in the process.

      If the Responding Student takes responsibility for the behaviour, understanding the harm caused, move to policy approach (step 5).

      If the Responding Student does not take responsibility for the behaviour, move to conversation with Witnesses (step 4).
      4 Meetings with Witnesses / Others
      1. The Manager of Student Services or designate meets with witnesses and/or persons related to the concern. Other employees may be present in this meeting for notetaking purposes and their names/titles will be disclosed.
      2. Another meeting with the Responding Student is scheduled to discuss the information provided by the witnesses if this information has not already been told to them.
      3. The Manager of Student Services will keep relevant Academic Chairs/Faculty involved in the learning of the students, updated as to the SCS process.
      5 Policy Approach

      The Manager of Student Services or designate considers the report and the results of the fact-finding to determine if there is enough information to support moving forward with the report. The Manager of Student Services may consult with others around policy approach for more complex situations.

      The Reporting Individual and Responding Student are notified if there is not enough information to move forward with the report. The report will be closed at this point.

      If proceeding, the Manager of Student Services or designate assesses which policy the concern might be addressed by:
      1. Respectful Community Policy – both parties want to restore a relationship, have an informal resolution by having a conversation together and/or there is no risk to individual, campus, community.
      2. Student Community Standards Policy - one or more of four breaches have occurred; accountability is required prior to any attempt to restore a relationship, or a relationship cannot be restored due to safety concerns and an outcome is required.
      3. Campus Care Team – in certain circumstances, mental health concerns resulting in concerning behaviour are addressed through the Campus Care Team.
      6 Addressing the Issue with the Respectful Community Policy & Campus Care Team

      The Manager of Student Services or designate will present the options for resolution available to the Responding Student and the Reporting Individual. If both agree to a resolution option, the Manager of Student Services or designate may facilitate this option as indicated through the Respectful Community Policy to bring the concern to an outcome.

      If resolution options offered through the Respectful Communities Policy have not been accepted or successful, and/or further accountability is required, the issue may be addressed by Student Community Standards Policy for an outcome.

      For reports that involve mental health, the Campus Care Team will be utilized, and all efforts will be taken to support the student through the Campus Care Team as well as address concerns that may be impactful to the college community.
      7 Addressing the Issue with the Student Community Standards Policy

      Resolution- Student Takes Responsibility
      The Responding Student can take responsibility for the breach and explain any relevant circumstances for their reported behaviour. Taking accountability and understanding harms done is part of the resolution process.
      1. While considering the desired outcomes of the Reporting Individual, the Manager of Student Services or designate provides the Responding Student with the opportunity to co-create outcomes for the breach, acknowledging any impacts their behaviour has had in causing harm to the Reporting Individual, others, or the College and/or Community.
      2. The Manager of Student Services or designate will provide an outcome letter/email to the Responding Student detailing the outcome(s), the reasoning behind the outcome(s), and appeal option. Others at the College, including the Principal, Faculty, Academic Chair, etc., who need to know will be copied on the communication.
      3. A letter/email will be sent to the Reporting Individual advising them that an outcome has been assigned. Specifics of the outcome(s) are not disclosed. The Reporting Individual cannot appeal any outcome as decided.

      Outcome - Responding Student Does Not Take Responsibility/Fails to respond to requests to meet and/or speak to the SCS report/denies responsibility but fact finding supports the concern reported.

      The Manager of Student Services or designate will base the outcome(s) on the available information from the report, witnesses, and others.
      1. A letter/email with outcome(s), reasoning and appeal option will be sent to the Responding Student. The Principal, relevant Academic Chair, and others who need to know will be copied on the communication.
      2. A letter/email will be sent to the Reporting Individual advising them that an outcome(s) has been decided. Specifics of the outcome(s) are not disclosed unless issues of safety are involved through Interim Measures.

      Outcome - Inconclusive report/Reporting Individual and/or witnesses do not respond to notifications requesting a meeting/fail to show for meetings.
      1. A letter/email with outcome(s), reasoning and appeal option will be sent to the Responding Student. The Principal, relevant Academic Chair, and others who need to know will be copied on the communication.
      2. A letter/email will be sent to the Reporting Individual advising them that an outcome(s) has been decided. Specifics of the outcome(s) are not disclosed unless issues of safety are involved through Interim Measures.

      Outcome - Inconclusive report/Reporting Individual and/or witnesses do not respond to notifications requesting a meeting/fail to show for meetings
      1. A letter/email will be sent to the Responding Student, advising that the outcome is inconclusive, and the report is closed.
      2. The Reporting Individual is notified via letter/email there is not enough information to move forward with an outcome and the matter is closed.

      The Manager of Student Services/designate will update the Academic Chair relevant to the SCS. If a SCS report was completed by their faculty member and was not found to be SCS related, this will be communicated to the Academic Chair for faculty learning purposes.
      8 Managing the Issue with the Sexual Violence Policy

      If the SCS report outlines concerns related to sexual violence, this will be reported to Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion for policy application.
    4. Complex Concerns
      1. Resolution at a campus level is preferred, but some complex concerns may require additional support from others at the College.
      2. Matters posing a safety concern for the campus community, will require immediate consultation with the campus Principal, Academic Chair and Security and others, as necessary.
      3. Complex behavioural concerns that are suspected of being related to a student’s mental health will, when possible, proceed through the Campus Care Team.
      4. Should a Responding Student withdraw from the College while the SCS procedures are proceeding, the Manager of Student Services reserves the right to continue the SCS process should they reregister at any campus, with agreement from the Principal and the acknowledgement of the Reporting Individual.
      5. The College may receive information after a SCS report has been closed that would result in it being reopened to address all harms known to have been caused but not identified with the initial SCS report.
    5. Interim Measures
      1. The College may determine that interim measures are required to protect all individuals involved and the process itself. NSCC will attempt to use timeliness in the process to ensure that a Responding Student does not experience significant consequences without having had the opportunity to speak to the SCS report themselves with the Manager of Student Services. Interim measures do not assume responsibility, are non-punitive and may be applied by the Manager of Student Services/designate to the Responding Student.
      2. Interim measures may include:
        1. Restrictions on access to campus or parts of campus.
        2. Requirement for no direct and/or indirect contact/communication (online or in person) with others at the campus and/or college.
        3. Education/employment/living/workplace restrictions.
        4. Accommodations to support the Responding Student to continue to work, live and learn with the least disruption possible in the circumstances. In making any accommodations, the safety and security of the Reporting Individual and the campus will be considered.
        5. For group SCS processes, the Manager of Student Services in consultation with an Academic Chair/ Faculty/Housing may decide on interim measures for the group to ensure that learning continues in the classroom/living environment and outside at work placements.
      3. Circumstances in which interim measures may be implemented include, but are not limited to when:
        1. There are reasonable grounds to believe that a Responding Student’s continued presence on campus poses a significant threat and/or risk to the safety or security of others or to the operation of the campus/College.
        2. The Responding Student’s presence could lead to a breach of court-imposed restrictions (e.g., release or probation conditions or a peace bond including a non-association order) or where the College is unable to reasonably accommodate the conditions.
        3. There are reasonable grounds to believe that a person’s personal health and wellbeing are being significantly impacted and affecting their work, living academic success and/or conduct.
        4. There is risk to the integrity of any potential investigation, such as when someone’s presence could jeopardize an investigation of the incident.
      4. Notification of Interim Measures
        1. Students (Responding and other) who have interim measures assigned will be notified by the Manager of Student Services detailing:
          1. What the interim measure(s) are, and,
          2. The date of when the interim measures are effective, and that notification of these ending will be made separately.
          3. The consequences of failure to follow interim measures assigned, may result in a SCS report being initiated.
        2. Others will be consulted and notified (e.g., Principal, Academic Chair, Faculty, Housing, Security).
        3. The Manager of Student Services/designate will notify the student(s) again when the interim measures have been revised and/or removed.
    6. Suspensions/Dismissals:
      1. Suspensions are decided through a campus consultation with the Principal/Academic Chair/Faculty, etc. Suspensions are not noted on a Responding Student(s) transcript. These decisions may be eligible for appeal as per the Student Non-Academic Appeals Procedures. The suspension will remain in effect for the duration of the appeal process.
      2. Dismissals are not noted on a Responding Student(s) transcript but there will be a CCR notation on the student’s file indicating the need of a campus consultation required prior to readmission to the College. These decisions may be eligible for appeal through the Student Non-Academic Appeals Procedures. The dismissal will remain in effect for the duration of the appeal process.
    7. Accommodations
      1. NSCC recognizes the importance of supporting continued learning, living and/or working during a Student Community Standards process and will address the identified needs for accommodation. These measures are separate from any accommodations put in place through NSCC Accessibility Services.
      2. The wellbeing of the students involved, and academic requirements will be assessed to determine what accommodations may be helpful and possible.
      3. Accommodations will be determined by the Manager of Student Services or designate in consultation with the Academic Chair/ Faculty involved.
    8. Outcomes
      1. The Manager of Student Services will take an educational, relational, and developmental approach, when possible, in determining outcome(s).
      2. Outcomes will look at a spectrum of options from apology to dismissal.
      3. Responding Student(s) found responsible for breaching Student Community Standards Policy will be given an opportunity to co-create an outcome(s) that assume accountability, identifies harms, and seeks to repair relationships with individuals/campus/college/community. The Reporting Individual’s needs around desired outcome will be considered when deciding outcomes.
      4. Outcomes will consider:
        1. The nature and severity of the breach.
        2. The impact of the breach on the Reporting Individual and others in and outside (work placement for e.g.) the campus and/or college.
        3. The degree to which the breach was intentional.
        4. Whether the breach was an isolated incident, multiple incidents over a brief period of time, and/or part of repeated pattern of behaviour and/or the same or other behaviour from a past SCS report.
        5. The risk the behaviour posed to the potential safety, physical and psychological, of its community members and the College.
      5. Examples of potential outcomes can be found in Appendix A. Outcomes may be applied individually or collectively.
      6. An outcome letter/email will be emailed to the Responding Student(s). A receipt of acknowledgement will be required. The letter/email will include:
        1. A summary of the information and relevant circumstances.
        2. Findings regarding policy breach.
        3. Required outcome(s) and any related conditions.
        4. The reasoning for the required outcomes and related conditions.
        5. Further Information around appeal.
      7. The Reporting Individual will be notified that an outcome(s) has been assigned and that the report has been closed. Specifics of an outcome(s) will not be disclosed to the Reporting Individual unless Interim Measures are applied.
      8. Relevant others: Principal, Academic Chairs and Faculty etc., will be notified of the outcome.
      9. Further outcomes may be applied if the Responding Student fails to complete the outcomes noted in the decision letter/email.
    9. Appeals
      Students have the right to appeal an outcomes of suspension/dismissal if grounds are met as noted in the Student Non-Academic Appeals Procedures.
    10. Documentation and Record Keeping
      1. Records are maintained with both the Manager of Student Services and the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs.
      2. Records will be retained in accordance with the College records management policies, protocols, and laws.
      3. Records will be accessed by college employees as required for the administration of this policy and in accordance with college privacy and related policies, procedures, and laws.
    11. Data Tracking and Reporting
      1. An annual report will be prepared by the office of the Associate Vice President, Student Affairs and shared with Principals and other stakeholders.
      2. The report will not contain any identifying personal information.
  1. Policy and other Supports
39.01 Sexual Violence policy
33.03 Student Non-Academic Appeals procedures
41.01 Respectful Community policy
Campus Care Team
  1. Appendix A: Examples of Possible outcomes, not an exhaustive list
Outcome Description
Apology To accept accountability, acknowledge harm and restore a relationship with an individual, campus and/or college.
Registration Holds A hold placed on a Responding Student’s account prohibiting access to the College or course registration process and can impact a student’s ability to access grades. Holds may be placed on accounts until student’s acknowledge the requests by the Campus Student Services, or for failing to comply with outcomes as part of Student Community Standards.
Developmental and Educational Initiatives Participation in developmental opportunities, awareness, health, or safety programs; reflective learning or personal success exercises; projects, seminars, and other assignments as warranted.
Community Involvement Community service to the institution or to the larger community; engagement through co-curricular involvement.
Loss of access Access may affect full participation in campus life but not make it impossible to complete academic requirements. For example, the ability to be on campus other than for scheduled classes.
Notice to Remain off campus A notice to remain off campus may be issued for a specified time period.
Dismissal The action of being dismissed from a program at the College may extend to three academic years with the opportunity to review annually from the date of the report. Further admission to the College requires approval from the Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs in consultation with a campus.
Removal from Housing. Conditions for readmission to on-campus housing may also be specified.
Performance Review A recommendation to the Human Resources Department to review a Responding Student employee’s contract based on the outcomes of an SCS process
Forfeiture of awards Forfeiture of awards or NSCC funded scholarships or bursaries.
Suspension Suspension from the institution for a period of 1 day up to and including one term from the date of incident. The Responding Student will not be permitted to register for courses or apply to a new program during suspension and will retain none of the privileges accorded to students.