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Academic Accommodations Procedure

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
34.02 Vice President, Campuses and Communities Director, Student Services Executive Council May 8, 2018 Sept. 2018 Sept. 2015 June 2021
  1. Purpose
    1. This Procedure governs the implementation of Academic Accommodations under the Academic Accommodations Policy. Implementation requires that students, staff and faculty perform various functions as set out below in relation to disability identification, collection of information, and planning for accommodations.
  1. Scope
    1. This policy applies to students of or applicants to the College, who have a disability within the meaning of the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act.
  1. Definitions
Term Definitions
Academic Accommodations Individualized alterations in how a student:
  1. accesses course or program content and information;
  2. participates in learning and course work; and/or
  3. demonstrates skills or knowledge.

They allow a student a fair opportunity to engage in academic activities and fulfill essential course and program requirements. Reasonable and appropriate accommodation can be made by providing alternative ways to meet the program outcomes. Academic Accommodation is not reasonable if it imposes undue hardship.

Academic Accommodations do not:

  1. Reduce the student’s responsibility to meet academic standards.
  2. Remove or alter essential course/program content or course/program standards and requirements.
  3. Remove or alter the fundamental requirements for evaluation and independent demonstration of knowledge and skills.
  4. Diminish the academic integrity of the College’s programs.
Disability For the purpose of this policy, disability includes “physical disability or mental disability” as defined in s. 3(l) of the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act. A disability may be longterm, short-term, or recurring.
Student Anyone who is active in a program and/or enrolled in a course.
  1. Procedure

4.1 Identifying a Disability

Action Responsibility
a. Staff or faculty may invite students to self-identify a disability and request Academic Accommodations. Staff/Faculty
b. A student seeking accommodation must self-identify a disability to the College. Student
c. The student, together with staff and faculty, identify the adverse
impact of the disability on access or participation.
d. Staff and faculty must provide information, advice, and support to students in relation to Academic Accommodation services when they become aware of situations where a student may benefit from such services. Staff/Faculty
e. Academic Accommodations require time to plan and implement. Students are advised to begin this process as soon as possible in advance of their Program start. However, it is recognized that needs for accommodation may arise or evolve over time and that the nature of the need for accommodation may not be clear from the outset. Therefore, accommodation requests can be made at any point during the student’s academic career. Student

4.2 Collecting Information

Action Responsibility

a. The student, staff and faculty work together to:

  1. identify disability impacts and accommodation needs; and
  2. obtain and bring together comprehensive information to support each academic accommodation request.


b. Each request for accommodation must be supported by
comprehensive information, including but not limited to:

  1. the nature of the disability;
  2. the current impact of the disability;
  3. the impact of the disability in the context of the particular College program; and, where possible,
  4. explicit recommendations for Academic Accommodations.


c. This usually includes documentation which states the review and opinion of a recognized medical or psycho-educational professional.


  1. Policy Supports

Related Policies

34.01 Academic Accommodations Policy
75.11 Confidentiality of Student Information Policy
32.01 Student Appeals Policy
41.01 Respectful Community Policy
31.01 Academic Integrity Policy

Related Procedures

32.02 Student Appeals Procedures
31.02 Academic Integrity Procedures

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