Recording Procedure
Ref. No. | Executive sponsor | Policy steward | Approval authority | First approved | Last reviewed | Effective date | Next review |
34.03 | Vice President, Academic | Director, Libraries & Learning Supports | Sept. 1, 2020 | Sept. 1, 2020 |
- Purpose
- NSCC has a duty to accommodate and to ensure equitable access to learning environments. Recording provides access to information and instruction presented orally.
- This Procedure outlines the process and responsibilities for the use and storage of digital recordings required for an academic accommodation associated with a disability.
- Definitions
Term | Definition |
Academic Accommodations | Are individualized alterations in academic policies, procedures or the educational environment that would result in equal access or equitable opportunity for a person to attain the same level of performance, or to enjoy the same level of benefits and privileges enjoyed by others, and meet their disability-related needs. |
Academic Integrity | Means that all applicants, students, and employees will conduct themselves in an honest and trustworthy manner in all aspects of their relationship with NSCC. |
Copyright | Means the right to produce, reproduce and copy a work (be it literary, dramatic, musical or artistic) in which copyright subsists. Copying includes photocopying print materials; changing a print format to a digital file; changing a digital file to print format; creating a new digital file from another and performing a work in public. Only the copyright owner and/or those permitted or licensed by the copyright owner can copy the work (unless the copying falls within an exception in the Copyright Act (Canada)). |
Personal Use | Use by an Employee or Student on a personal account for purposes unrelated to NSCC. |
Recording | Means a video or audio replication or photographic image recorded on devices including, but not limited to, audio recorders, video recorders, cell phones, smartphones, digital cameras, computers, media players or other devices which record images or sound. This includes recording as a form of digital notetaking. |
Technology | Includes but not limited to College-owned Desktop and Laptop computers, Wi-Fi Services, Network Access, Internet Access, Audio Visual Technologies, Telephony Devices and Services. |
- Procedure
- Student Responsibilities
- Students with an approved academic accommodation may record classes or other learning activities for personal academic use only.
- Students must not impact the academic integrity of the learning environment when operating their recording device.
- Recordings are not to be copied, shared, sold or otherwise made publicly available. This includes posting to the internet, social media or other publicly accessible location or on any device to which electronic/digital access can be obtained by any other person.
- Classroom recordings are not meant to be a substitute for attendance and participation in learning activities.
- Students must delete all recordings upon graduation or withdrawal from the program.
- Faculty Responsibilities
- Students with approved academic accommodations will be permitted to record in classroom and other learning environments. The faculty member will receive notice of the accommodation directly from the Student Accessibility Specialist.
- Faculty members should not disclose who is recording, or for whom a recording is being made.
- Faculty members may choose to record classes themselves and make the recordings available for all students or to those students with recording as an accommodation.
- Faculty members are responsible to inform students or guests that recording is taking place in advance of each scheduled class, or at the beginning of the term in the Course Workplan and/or within the Brightspace course. Sample statements can be found in Appendix A.
- If an individual student does not wish to be recorded, the faculty member must establish alternate options for that student to participate in class and ask questions. For example, designate an “off camera area” (not included in the camera view), post questions in a video chat instead of asking out loud, not referring to a student by name, etc.
- Instructors should be mindful of the recording in progress and discourage the disclosure of sensitive personal information which may be captured unintentionally in the recording.
- If students are directed by the faculty member to stop recording a class (or portion of a class) for specific reasons such as confidential discussions, or where there are guest speakers who do not give permission to be recorded, faculty are responsible for making alternate arrangements for those students with recording as an accommodation to ensure they have access to the content. Alternate arrangements could include providing the student with copies of notes, PowerPoint slides or other missed information. Such notes should refer only to principles, theories, and techniques demonstrated within the context of those discussions, and not to specific content or personal details that may have been shared.
- Faculty members who record their classes should post the recordings to a shared, secure file location that students can access (e.g., Microsoft Stream, OneDrive, etc.). Faculty are responsible to ensure appropriate sharing permissions for recordings.
- Student Accessibility Specialist Responsibilities
- The Student Accessibility Specialist will send accommodation information directly to faculty members for students with approved academic accommodations.
- The Student Accessibility Specialist will review the Recording Procedure with those students who have recording as an approved academic accommodation.
- The Student Accessibility Specialist will work together with faculty and staff to guide and support the implementation of this accommodation, troubleshoot any areas of concern, and provide education and professional development where needed.
- Acceptable Use
- Any recordings of teaching and learning activities must adhere to the following conditions:
- Recordings are for individual personal academic use only and may not be shared, copied, published, posted, or distributed unless otherwise specified.
- Recordings must be accessed privately.
- Recordings cannot be used or edited with malicious intent.
- Recordings cannot be used to support complaints or appeals.
- Recordings cannot be used for formal evaluation of faculty.
- Recordings must comply with all relevant college policies, Federal and Provincial law, regulations, and contractual obligations.
- Any violation of these procedures may be dealt with under the Student Community Standards Policy, the Employee Code of Conduct, or any other relevant disciplinary policies and procedures.
- Any recordings of teaching and learning activities must adhere to the following conditions:
- Student Responsibilities
- Policy Supports
Related Policies & Procedures
31.01 Academic Integrity policy
31.02 Academic Integrity Procedures
32.01 Student Appeals Policy
32.02 Student Appeals Procedures
33.02 Student Community Standards Policy and procedures
34.01 Academic Accommodations Policy
34.02 Academic Accommodations Procedure
41.01 Respectful Learning and Workplace Environment Policy
41.21 Educational Equity Policy
54.01 Social Media Policy
63.01 Technology Resources – Acceptable use policy
71.01 Use of Copyright Materials Policy
74.01 Intellectual Property Policy
75.11 Confidentiality of Student Information
Related Acts
Nova Scotia Human Rights Act
Nova Scotia Accessibility Act (PDF 250KB)