Mandated Supported Leave (MSL) Policy FAQ
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the health and safety of the NSCC community by allowing the College to mandate a leave of absence for students in exceptional circumstances when their mental health and related concerns significantly impact their ability to participate in core educational activities and meet behavioural expectations.
The policy is applied when accommodation and support measures are insufficient to address:
- A student’s safety or the safety of others.
- Behaviour that substantially and negatively impacts the learning and working environment for the student as well as others.
- Behaviour that indicates an inability to engage in activities required to function safely in a college setting, including professional or practicum placements.
This policy applies to all students at NSCC.
- This policy is used as a last resort.
- The College is committed to providing a safe learning environment.
- The principles of *natural justice and fairness are upheld.
- The intent is to support students in returning to their studies when safe and appropriate.
- Students can opt for medical withdrawal voluntarily at any time during this process.
This is a last resort policy. Prior to consideration of the MSL policy, a student would be invited to be supported by a **Campus Care Team. This policy is invoked when other approaches are unsuccessful or inappropriate.
- A student’s behaviour poses a serious risk of harm to self or others.
- A student’s behaviour creates serious disruption to the learning environment.
- A student shows an inability to engage in necessary college activities.
The Mandated Leave Committee, comprising the Director of Student Services (or designate), the Associate Registrar (or designate), and the Manager of Respectful Communities and Human Rights (or designate), makes the final decision.
Yes, students have the right to appeal the decision following the Non-Academic Appeals Procedure. The mandated supported leave remains in effect during the appeal process.
If approved, the College will:
- Notify the Registrar and relevant departments.
- Place an indicator on the student’s record.
- Send a letter to the student and their emergency contact outlining the terms and conditions of the leave.
- The student will receive additional information on the process and requirements for returning to studies
within fifteen (15) business days.
NSCC will work collaboratively with the student and employees to facilitate a supported return. The student must submit an Intent to Return to Study form 90 days before the intended return and provide confirmation from a qualified health professional regarding their readiness to return.
The Mandated Supported Leave Committee reviews cases, implements mandatory supported leave, and sets conditions for the student’s return.
The Campus Care Team assesses student needs and coordinates a health-promoting response.
This assessment is conducted by a qualified healthcare professional to evaluate a student’s capacity to safely resume participation in their academic program. It helps determine if the student is prepared to return to academic and program-related activities.
The student and Campus Care Team collaborate to develop a Supported Return Plan.
The plan includes measures to support the student’s wellbeing and success upon return from leave.
Yes, several related policies and procedures support the Mandated Supported Leave Policy, all found on Connect, including:
- Mandated Supported Leave Procedures
- Medical Withdrawal Form
- Student Community Standards Policy
- Non-Academic Appeals Procedure
- Campus Housing Community Standards Policy
- Academic Accommodations Policy
- Respectful Community Policy
If you have any further questions, please contact Wanda McDonald, Manager of Counselling and Wellness. .
* The principles of natural justice and fairness mean treating people in a fair and unbiased way. This includes:
- The right to be heard: Everyone involved gets a chance to share their side of the story before a decision is made.
- The right to an impartial decision-maker: The person making the decision does so without bias or favouritism.
- Transparency: People understand the process and know the reasons behind decisions that affect them.
**The Campus Care Team (CCT) at NSCC is led by the Manager of Student Services, or designate, and is committed to the wellbeing and success of students facing complex challenges. The CCT provides a coordinated, integrated, and holistic approach to support students by addressing mental health crises, behavioral issues, and other significant personal concerns that may impact their academic performance and overall college experience. By collaborating with various campus staff, resources and community partners, the CCT ensures that students receive timely and comprehensive support tailored to their unique needs, fostering a safe and supportive environment that promotes student retention and success. The CCT operates with guiding principles that respect student privacy, autonomy, and cultural responsiveness while valuing the expertise and experience and of all team members.