Need help?
If you have updates or questions about your academic information, visit Student Services on your campus.
If you have updates or questions about your financial information, please contact the Manager of Administrative Services on your campus.
Technical Support
Submit a Technology Service Desk ticket and choose MyNSCC as your problem category.
If you are having problems submitting a ticket please contact the Technology Service Desk:
Toll Free: 1-866-898-4357
Metro: 902-491-4357
Please Note: Technical Support is available for issues such as password support and browser compatibility issues. Information corrections and other queries about your "MyNSCC" data should be directed to the appropriate area as described above.
With respect to password support, see Password Management details. The self-service tool will enable you to manage all aspects of your user ID and password. You can visit Student Services for password changes or resets if you are having difficulties using the tool.