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Web Policy

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
56.01 Vice President, College Services and Strategy Chief Information Officer, Director, Marketing & Communications Executive Council May 26, 2017 Sept. 19, 2023 Sept. 20, 2023 2028
  1. Purpose
    1. NSCC websites are College-owned and managed resources that serve NSCC business needs. The purpose of this policy is to ensure:
      1. The effective and efficient management of NSCC websites.
      2. That all NSCC web content is developed, presented, hosted, maintained, and governed in a way that supports College priorities.
      3. The reputational risk associated with maintaining an online presence is managed.
  1. Scope
    1. This policy applies to all NSCC employees, contractors performing work on behalf of the College and students.
    2. NSCC’s social media web presence is governed by the College's Social Media Policy.
  1. Definitions
Term Definition
Content Management System (CMS) Software or a suite of applications and tools that can be used to create, edit, review and publish electronic web content, enabling non-technical users to access and contribute content updates to a website.
Distributed Publishing Model  A content management framework where web content publishing responsibilities are distributed throughout the organization. Greater access to contributing, editing and approving/publishing content is provided to more people within the organization through a centrally-managed CMS, overseen by individuals with core expertise in web content development, user experience and information architecture.
Intranet The College’s official internal website which is intended for employee and student use and provides permission-based or role-based (username and password required) content. The College’s official public-facing website, intended for external audiences.
Subdomain A web address created by adding a third-level domain to an existing domain name.
Subsite A collection of pages specific to a department, business unit or campus that exist on the site.
Template An electronic file that provides a uniform, customized format and design.
Web Content Refers to text, images, documents, video, audio files and links available through a web browser, regardless of device (PC, mobile, etc).
Web Content Strategy A guide to ensure web content meets organizational business needs, as well as the needs of relevant audiences. The strategy defines audiences, goals and sets a process for prioritizing work.
  1. Policy
    1. Guiding Principles for Web Content
      1. Supports the Mission, Vision, and Values of NSCC.
      2. User-centered, audience-first approach through research-based best practices.
      3. Reflects a commitment to content that is accurate, relevant to key audiences, consistently presented, current and measurable.
      4. Reflects the organization’s learning culture and collaborative approach.
      5. Enhances NSCC’s brand and reputation.
      6. Ensures internationally accepted accessibility standards are met (WCAG 2.0+ guidelines).
    2. Roles and Responsibilities
      1. Marketing & Communications (M&C)
        1. Identify the purpose and direction for College websites.
        2. Maintain the Web Content Strategy.
        3. Monitor adherence to Web Content Strategy standards and Editorial Guidelines.
        4. Develop and deliver training as required.
      2. Digital Innovation & Technology (DI & TECH)
        1. Build user experiences rooted in best practice information, architecture, design, and digital accessibility.
        2. Ensure content aligns with the Web Interface Style Guide standards.
        3. Develop and deliver training as required.
    3. Acceptable Use
      1. All content must align with the Web Content Strategy and adhere to the Web Editorial and Interface Style.
      2. The College maintains a “create once / publish everywhere” approach to web content. Duplication of pages or content is not permitted.
      3. Information that is of a personal nature, confidential to NSCC, or deemed for internal use only will be posted on the College’s intranet, rather than the publicly accessible NSCC website.
      4. All videos intended for use on NSCC websites ( and Connect) must be approved by Marketing and Communications.
      5. All content for a new page on the main site (not including subsites) must be approved by Marketing and Communications.
      6. NSCC respects the valid copyright of third parties and will not reproduce, distribute, adapt, or display copyrighted works belonging to third parties without permission of the copyright holder.
      7. NSCC websites must not include links to other sites that contain inappropriate content or inaccurate or outdated information.
      8. Advertising is not permitted on NSCC websites.
  1. Policy Supports
56.02 Platform and Hosting Procedures
54.01 Social Media Policy 
57.01 Brand and Advertising Policy (login required)

Web Content Editorial Guidelines
Web Interface Style Guide
Web Content Strategy
Web Publishing Model
Photo Release Form