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Platform and Hosting Procedure

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
  1. Purpose
    1. To govern the platform and hosting of web content under the Web Policy.
  1. Scope
    1. This policy applies to all NSCC employees, contractors performing work on behalf of the College and students.
  1. Definitions
Term Definition
Content Management System (CMS) Software or a suite of applications and tools that can be used to create, edit, review, and publish electronic web content, enabling non-technical users to access and contribute content updates to a website.
Subdomain A web address created by adding a second-level domain to an existing domain name.
Template An electronic file that provides a uniform, customized format, and design.
Web Content Text, images, documents, video, audio files and links available through a web browser, regardless of device (desktop, mobile, etc).
  1. Procedures
    1. Platform and Hosting
      1. Unless otherwise approved by the DI&Tech management team, all college web content must be:
        1. Developed using a College CMS.
        2. Hosted within the domain nscc through the College’s CMS.
        3. Hosted on a web server owned and/or controlled by the College.
        4. Developed and maintained using College-provided web page templates.
      2. Use of subdomains hosted by NSCC is not permitted (<<name>>
      3. External domains – or College-related websites that do not use NSCC in the domain name, e.g., – may be hosted on the College web server(s) only under the following conditions:
        1. There is an institutional affiliation.
        2. Proposed content has been reviewed by M&C to determine the level of College branding required.
        3. There is no duplication of content that already exists on or the College intranet.
        4. Templates created for use within a College CMS must not be used outside of the CMS for which they were created.
      4. Any tools, applications or websites not officially supported, or developed, by DI&T are considered third-party and no technical support is provided.