Platform and Hosting Procedure
Ref. No. | Executive sponsor | Policy steward | Approval authority | First approved | Last reviewed | Effective date | Next review |
56.02 |
- Purpose
- To govern the platform and hosting of web content under the Web Policy.
- Scope
- This policy applies to all NSCC employees, contractors performing work on behalf of the College and students.
- Definitions
Term | Definition |
Content Management System (CMS) | Software or a suite of applications and tools that can be used to create, edit, review, and publish electronic web content, enabling non-technical users to access and contribute content updates to a website. |
Subdomain | A web address created by adding a second-level domain to an existing domain name. |
Template | An electronic file that provides a uniform, customized format, and design. |
Web Content | Text, images, documents, video, audio files and links available through a web browser, regardless of device (desktop, mobile, etc). |
- Procedures
- Platform and Hosting
- Unless otherwise approved by the DI&Tech management team, all college web content must be:
- Developed using a College CMS.
- Hosted within the domain nscc through the College’s CMS.
- Hosted on a web server owned and/or controlled by the College.
- Developed and maintained using College-provided web page templates.
- Use of subdomains hosted by NSCC is not permitted (<<name>>
- External domains – or College-related websites that do not use NSCC in the domain name, e.g., – may be hosted on the College web server(s) only under the following conditions:
- There is an institutional affiliation.
- Proposed content has been reviewed by M&C to determine the level of College branding required.
- There is no duplication of content that already exists on or the College intranet.
- Templates created for use within a College CMS must not be used outside of the CMS for which they were created.
- Any tools, applications or websites not officially supported, or developed, by DI&T are considered third-party and no technical support is provided.
- Unless otherwise approved by the DI&Tech management team, all college web content must be:
- Platform and Hosting