Courses may include
These are some of the courses offered in this program. It is not a complete list and courses are subject to change in advance of the academic year.
Recognizing prior learning / transfer credits
If you have previous learning (course, employment, etc...) that's relevant to your program, you may be able to apply to earn credit. Not all programs are eligible. Learn about our recognizing prior learning (RPL) process.
RTVJ 3000 - Diversity and the Media
This course examines the media’s role in shaping perceptions about social groups and the ways in which these groups are sometimes underrepresented or misrepresented by the media. Learners will learn how to more accurately and thoughtfully report on issues across differences of race, culture, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation through a combination of in-class and in-the-field work. They will also learn to reflect critically on their own role in telling the stories of others.
RTVJ 3050 - Media Law and Ethics
This course provides an introduction to legal and ethical issues as they apply to the media in Canada and the connection between the rights of, and restrictions on, journalists as it pertains to freedom of expression and freedom of the press. Knowledge of the law can assist media professionals in their day-to-day activities. Ethical values like fairness, respect, and truthfulness can guide them in their decision-making. Familiarity with the law as it applies to copyright, defamation, and other areas can help them assess the limits of what they can do. Current cases in the news as well as those media professionals will be used as lesson examples.
RTVJ 3100 - Digital Audio I
This course focuses on industry standard techniques for audio editing within the Radio Production environment. Techniques for ramping up the speed of production using the industry standard editing programs will be introduced. Featuring guest appearances from leading Nova Scotia Radio producers, learners will review and apply enhanced production methods while also using keyboard shortcuts to optimize efficiency. Also featured will be the concepts of developing ‘critical ears’ and developing advanced techniques for editing music beds and using sound effects.
RTVJ 3200 - Radio Operations I
This course focuses on the important roles of the Regulatory and Industry organizations that oversee or whose regulations apply to Canadian Radio stations. It will introduce you to the unique benefits and the administrative requirements these organizations place on community, small, medium and large market radio stations in Canada. Learners will review the functions performed by radio staff and their dependence on one another, as well as the current ownership of all Radio stations in Nova Scotia. On-Campus appearances of Maritime Broadcasters will also be featured. Along with weekly industry news, modules exploring the roles of the CRTC, CBC, CBSC, SOCAN, and NUMERIS will form the foundation of this course along with their evolving roles in the Canadian Broadcast industry. Advanced strategies as they relate to industry competitiveness and overall station synergies will be explored and discussed.
RTVJ 3300 - Radio Production Techniques II
This course is designed to advance radio learners from basic to more industry-ready fluent methods of show performance on-air and to hone their existing audio production editing skills for commercial, promo, imaging or interactive sound projects. Extensive research with industry work samples will be explored along with analysis of various production and on-air performance styles. Learners must complete a mandatory regular weekly radio/studio lab schedule to improve their overall On-Air and production skills and to enhance their speed, fluency and creativity within the demanding radio environment. Profiles of industry radio shows, personalities and station productions will be highlighted as learners work to improve their overall sound, performance and production skills to benefit their potential future success as well as that of a radio station’s operation.
RTVJ 4000 - Media Entrepreneurship
This course develops fundamental skills associated with entrepreneurial awareness and approaches in the media industries. It will expose learners to resources and tools available to support self- employment initiatives and help identify personal skill sets and strengths aligned to traditional employment models and the growing freelance market place.
RTVJ 4050 - Mechanics of Media Writing II
This course builds on the fundamentals of media writing introduced in first year. Learners will focus on key principles and specific requirements of writing for TV, radio and online media. Learners will have the opportunity to work with a range of source material in developing and writing stories.
RTVJ 4070 - Media and Demo Portfolio
This course highlights the evolution and rationale behind the requirement for all learners to gather and compile samples of their best work into a ‘living’ and evolving digital archive. Traditional analog demo tapes have been replaced by active digital platforms that highlight a variety of content samples that are instantly accessible and can be updated at a moments notice. It is imperative for today’s radio learner to construct and populate a digital platform with content to present themselves to potential media employers. This course will highlight the construction of a professional website platform, the numerous content requirements for a digital archive as well as the creation of an audio ‘major project’ that encompasses many of the skills that a radio learner should demonstrate before graduating from the RTVJ program.
RTVJ 4100 - Digital Audio II
This course is designed to allow learners to hone their techniques and skills for editing various industry standard audio projects within the Radio and Audio Production environment. Learners are introduced to the professional techniques for using Audio Signal Processors including Normalization, Hard Limiting and Dynamic compression. Home Studio design for learners pursuing Voice Over and signal processing techniques for VO (Voice Over) will be explored. Industry guest VO producers will profile their home studio and VO revenue generating models. The industry standard audio software program for VO, Sound Forge 11 will be introduced and VO audio projects will be processed on this platform. Learners will be introduced to Audio Plug-ins and the concepts of Signal Chain Flow. Learners will also be introduced to 'Audio Art' and will utilize their advanced skills to produce their first audio art production.
RTVJ 4200 - Radio Operations II
This course highlights the rapid evolution of technological trends and new content delivery methods within the North American radio industry. Remaining current and aware of these developments is important for all future broadcasters and entrepreneurs wishing to create new audio content. Station Ops II also features a comprehensive review of Nova Scotia Radio Stations, their current formats and current owners. Modules exploring Sirius Satellite Radio, HD digital radio and podcasting along with their evolving effects on the Canadian broadcast industry will be featured. On-campus appearances of key Maritime broadcasters along with analysis of new innovative audio content will be featured. This course ends with ongoing success strategies and important techniques for obtaining radio industry employment.
RTVJ 4300 - Radio Production Techniques III
This course is designed to teach the learner various insights into key radio success strategies within both production and programming areas as learners begin pursuing radio industry employment or exploring audio related optional study or career paths. Learners will complete various final audio projects to hone their overall production and ‘live’ radio show skills and to continue to improve speed, fluency and creativity within the demanding Radio/Audio environment. Samples of various low power FM and web-based internet radio productions will be highlighted along with their potential role towards obtaining employment as an entrepreneur. Guests from industry will also appear on-campus throughout the semester providing critical techniques and tips for success towards securing industry or entrepreneurial employment.
RTVJ 4500 - Work Experience II
The work experience component provides the learner with an opportunity to apply new skills and concepts appropriate for entry-level positions within the occupation. Learners will assess their own performance and be evaluated by an industry partner. Learners will identify personal outcomes they wish to attain during the work experience and will keep an electronic journal. This is a course of 120 hours spread over five weeks.