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Marine Navigation Technology

Study the major principles of marine navigation, seamanship, meteorology, ship construction and stability, and prepare for a career as a ship's navigation officer.

Three students in uniform practise their skills inside the Nautical Institute's marine navigation simulator.
Start Date(s):
September 2025
Typical Length:
3 Years
International Students:
Post-Grad Work Permit (PGWP) eligible

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This program prepares you for a career as a ship's navigation officer in the commercial marine industry. You're trained in areas such as watchkeeping practices, seamanship, safety and communications.

In this program, you get the academic and applied skills necessary for an entry-level deck officer trained to International Maritime Organization standards.

Sea time

  • This program includes mandatory sea time that provides you with the opportunity to put into practice the skills and knowledge you acquire during the program.
    • You must accumulate 360 sea days as required by Transport Canada.
    • Sea time takes place from April to August.
    • Sea time can be completed on board Canadian and international merchant ships.
    • International students are responsible to secure their own sea time. Once you secure your position, we'll coordinate details with your employer.

Choose NSCC

  • If you are accepted to the program and are a woman or Indigenous person you may be eligible for a $5000 bursary for annual tuition. Indigenous students who receive this award are also automatically considered for additional funds to assist with living expenses. Read more about the Ocean Dream Award for Women and Indigenous People
  • Upon graduation, you're prepared to complete the Transport Canada examination requirements for Watchkeeping Mate Certificate of Competency.
  • This program is accredited by Transport Canada in accordance with international Convention on Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW 95).
  • The officer certification achieved upon program and sea service completion is recognized by the International Maritime Organization, through Transport Canada.
  • You study the major principles of marine navigation: seamanship, ship construction and stability, and meteorology. You then put those theories to work in the on-campus communications and ship simulators and onboard ship during your sea training.
  • Practical safety training is conducted at the campus firefighting and boat facilities.
  • This program places a high importance on providing you with the skills and knowledge to work safely in industry. To prepare for employment, you participate in safety awareness courses.
  • For more detailed information specific to the marine industry, visit Careers at Sea.

Other info

  • Navigation officers are in high demand worldwide.
  • Many employers in this industry require a current, official criminal record check as part of the hiring process. A conviction on your criminal record may impact your ability to secure employment.
  • Graduates of this Transport Canada approved program are granted remission of sea service towards certification.
  • Successful program completion requires that students maintain an attendance standard of 90% and a pass mark of 70% in marine subjects and 60% in academic subjects.
  • International students may not be eligible for a Transport Canada certificate of competency unless granted citizenship or permanent resident status. You are strongly encouraged to verify currency of training with your government prior to registering.

September 2025

Campus Full time/part time Delivery Availability
Strait Area Campus
Port Hawkesbury
Full time In person
Delivered in-person. Some courses may have online elements.

Admission requirements

Program requirements

  • You must provide a valid Transport Canada Marine Medical certificate indicating you are fit for service. You may be assessed by a variety of criteria including physical fitness, visual acuity, peripheral and colour vision, depth perception, and hearing sensitivity. Medical assessments can only be completed by a medical examiner recognized by Transport Canada. Visit Transport Canada for a list of authorized physicians, by location. Further details are provided with your acceptance notification.
  • A current, official criminal record check is required to complete work placements (such as field work, internships, co-ops) in this program. A conviction on your criminal record may impact your ability to complete program requirements. Information on this process will be provided at the beginning of your program.
  • Portfolio development – As part of your studies at NSCC, you develop a portfolio of your work; the portfolio captures your achievements and profiles your skills to employers.


Tuition amounts are for the 2024-25 academic year. Program costs and fees (textbooks, supplies, etc.) are additional.

Tuition (Domestic):
Tuition (International):

Tuition, fees and program costs

In addition to annual tuition, there are program costs (books, tools, etc.) and student fees for College services, health and dental plans, your student association and parking.

View detailed program fees page(s). Please note that amounts on these pages are meant for planning purposes only. They don't represent final amounts owing.

Career options

  • Graduates find employment with a variety of shipping companies that operate cargo ships, tankers, passenger ferries, and research and offshore supply vessels.
  • Learn more about labour market information. View career options

Future study options

Courses may include

These are some of the courses offered in this program. It is not a complete list and courses are subject to change in advance of the academic year.

Recognizing prior learning / transfer credits
If you have previous learning (course, employment, etc...) that's relevant to your program, you may be able to apply to earn credit. Not all programs are eligible. Learn about our recognizing prior learning (RPL) process.

MANT 1001 - Seagoing Service and Onboard Training I
A fundamental part of the development of a watchkeeping mate is the integration of sea time and academic learning. The industrial service for the watchkeeping mate, ship certificate should be in three phases - during the first phase, the learner should become familiar with shipboard routine and the duties and skills of a seaman, during the second phase, they should become familiar with the duties of the watchkeeper and during the third phase, they should actively assist the officer of the watch in watchkeeping duties on the bridge and deck. An essential part of the learners' industrial service is the ""Navigating Cadet's Deck Training Manual"" issued by the Department of Transport. Learners will submit to faculty, progress and project reports as required. Phase 1 - May to August following Academic year 1. Phase 2 - May to October – following Academic year 2. Phase 3 - May to completion of 12 months of sea time.

MANT 1102 - Physics I
This is the first in a series of Physics courses intended to prepare navigation students to apply properties of physics to practical problems in marine navigation and engineering. Through attendance in lecture, observation and practical exercises, learners will learn to apply physics concepts including: mass, weight and force; distance, velocity and acceleration; motion; statics; work, energy and power.

MANT 1104 - Navigation Safety I, Level 1
This is the first in a three-part series of courses designed to provide prospective mariners with a thorough knowledge of the content, application and intent of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea with Canadian Modifications generally referred to as the “Collision Regulations.” A thorough knowledge of the principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch regarding Watchkeeping at Sea and Watchkeeping in different circumstances including vessel at anchor and watchkeeping in port. It meets the requirements of IMO STCW and Transport Canada TP5562 “Nautical Cadet Training Program".

MANT 1105 - Mathematics I
This course provides students the opportunity to learn and practice algebraic, graphing, geometric, and statistical math skills. Students will learn to apply math skills to the tasks and requirements of marine engineering.

MANT 1106 - Chartwork and Pilotage I, Level 2
This course is the first in a three-part series of courses in Chartwork and Pilotage. The series deals with the principles of construction, interpretation and use of Nautical Charts. It includes the study of the System of Navigation aids, tides, wind and currents as well as associated and relevant publications.

MANT 1107 - Bridgewatch Rating - General Seamanship I
This course provides all seafarers with a basic understanding of the marine industry, ships, and personnel along with a knowledge of terminology and language used in the industry. As it pertains to ship processes, an emphasis is placed on safety as per the SOLAS Convention of the International Maritime Organization. Hands-on seamanship training in ropes, knots and splicing are covered in this course. This course is roughly balanced between classroom and shop-based activities. Where feasible, tours/field trips will be arranged to provide additional context for lectures related to ship-board equipment.

MANT 1110 - Cargo I, Level 2
This course is the first in a four- part series designed to provide prospective ship officers with the level of cargo handling knowledge and skills meeting the function. “Cargo Handling and Stowage at the Operational Level” as outlined in the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and "Watchkeeping for Seafarers," STCW.

MANT 1111 - Bridgewatch Rating - General Seamanship II
This course provides all seafarers with a basic understanding of the marine industry, ships, and personnel along with a knowledge of terminology and language used in the industry. As it pertains to ship processes, an emphasis is placed on safety as per the SOLAS Convention of the International Maritime Organization. Practical seamanship skills in deck work and rigging are continued during this course. Bridge procedures, Collision Regulations and the Canadian Buoyage System are introduced. Deck machinery, vessel mooring and anchoring as well as responses in various marine emergency situations are introduced. This course is roughly balanced between classroom and shop-based activities. Where feasible, tours/field trips will be arranged to provide additional context for lectures related to ship-board equipment.

MANT 1121 - Vessel Personnel with Security Responsibilities
This course provides knowledge to seafarers with designated security duties in connection with a Ship Security Plan (SSP). This knowledge can then be used to perform their duties in accordance with the requirements of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 as amended, the ISPS Code and Section A-VI/6 and Table A-VI/6-2 of the STCW Code, as amended.

MANT 1201 - Mathematics II
This is the second of three courses, continuing the study of mathematical skills and knowledge commonly required in carrying out the duties of a watchkeeping officer. This course aligns with Transport Publication 5562 of the Transport Canada certification standard for officer cadets and the IMO model course for officers in charge of a navigational watch.

MANT 1202 - Physics II
In this course, learners will continue to explore laws and applications of physics and physical properties including: machines; properties of matter; expansion and contraction of solids, liquids and gases; heat and temperature. Learning will be facilitated through lecture, experimentation, and practical exercises.

MANT 1206 - General Ship Knowledge II, Level 3
This course offers students the opportunity to learn and use content from multiple marine regulations including the Canada Shipping Act, and IMO Conventions that apply to marine safety and labour regulations. Insights into topics such as workload management, personnel assignment, situational awareness, and risk assessment will also be shared.

MANT 1207 - Physics V
This course is the fifth in the five-part series of classroom based courses delivered through lecture, demonstration and practical exercises providing a sound knowledge of base of physical sequences required under the international convection of standards of training certification, and Watchkeeping of Seafarers 1995, as accumulated. It encompasses the requisite knowledge to completely perform the duties to the level of Officer in charge of navigational watch.

MANT 1245 - Technical Writing I
This course introduces learners to the writing, oral presentation, critical thinking and interpersonal communication skills required of technical professionals in the workplace. The fundamentals of clear, concise writing and presenting will be reviewed and refined. Experience will be gained in organizing, writing and presenting technical information. In addition, career development skills and portfolio preparation will be discussed. There will be several opportunities, through assignments and lab work, to develop portfolio components. Learners will learn how to collect appropriate work samples and documentation from other courses in the program as well as from other sources.

MANT 1305 - General Ship Knowledge I, Level 3
Students in this course will review relevant acts and regulations and build knowledge of how to use the information in their industry practices for the protection of the marine environment.

MANT 2001 - Seagoing Service and Onboard Training II
A fundamental part of the development of a Watchkeeping Mate is the integration of sea time and academic learning. Sea Time Internship for the Watchkeeping Mate - Ship Certificate is divided into three phases - during the first phase, the learner will become familiar with shipboard routine and the duties and skills of a seaman, during the second phase, learners will become familiar with the duties of the Watchkeeper and during the third phase, they should actively assist the Officer of the Watch on the bridge and deck. An essential part of the learner's internship is the "Navigating Cadet's Deck Training Manual," issued by the Department of Transport. Learners are required to submit their complete manual, progress and project reports as required.

MANT 2101 - Meteorology, Level 1
This course provides training in the development of the knowledge and skills base required to interpret weather information from the various sources at the watchkeeping officer level of competence. Interpreted weather information is used to plan and conduct of a safe passage at sea. The course is comprised of lectures and discussions of meteorological information and resources followed by practical exercises and evaluations as outlined to align with the requirements of MET1.

MANT 2106 - Navigation Safety II, Level 1
This course offers students the opportunity to learn more about the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea with Canadian Modifications generally referred to as the “Collision Regulations.” Students will explore the principles to be observed when keeping a watch at sea as well as when at anchor and in port.

MANT 2107 - Marine Communication, Levels 1 and 2
This course provides prospective watchkeeping officers with the ability to perform traditional signalling with flags or Morse light and the ability to use and understand the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary as replaced by the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases in written or oral communications. Activities include practice communications via Morse signal light, single letter signal hoists, practice in marine vocabulary and in the use of the Canadian government publications, Radio Aids to Marine Navigation and the Annual Notices to Mariners. This course aligns with the requirements of Transport Publication 5562 of the Transport Canada certification standard for officer cadets and the IMO STCW Convention.

MANT 2200 - Cargo II, Level 2
This course is the second in a four-part series designed to provide prospective ship officers with the level of cargo handling knowledge and skills meeting the function: “Cargo Handling and Stowage at the Operational Level” as outlined in the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and "Watchkeeping for Seafarers", STCW.

MANT 2201 - Chartwork and Pilotage II, Level 2
This course is the second in a three-part series of courses in Chartwork and Pilotage. The series deals with the principles of construction, interpretation and use of Nautical Charts. It includes the study of the System of Navigation aids, tides, wind and currents as well as associated and relevant publications.

MANT 2203 - Simulated Electronic Navigation - Operational
This course is conducted in the Nautical Institute Bridge Simulator and applies the knowledge and skills accumulated in MANT 2202 in the context of a modern ship’s navigation bridge. An average day in this course starts with a lecture reinforced by electronic presentations or video, followed by a discussion period. Next learners prepare for a simulation episode. These preparations become progressively more comprehensive throughout the course. Upon completion of the preparation phase learners monitor a passage dealing with a variety of issues that are commonly addressed while keeping a navigational watch. Activities include monitoring traffic, position, speed, course and surrounding environment. Bridge functions also include Internal and external communications and record keeping. An essential part of safe watchkeeping is the production of target plots and systematic analysis in accordance with the Collisions Regulations, standard operating procedures, port and state legislations.

MANT 2209 - Bridgewatch Rating - General Seamanship III
This course provides all seafarers with a basic understanding of the marine industry, ships, and personnel along with a knowledge of terminology and language used in the industry. As it pertains to ship processes, an emphasis is placed on safety as per the SOLAS Convention of the International Maritime Organization. Steering the ship to comply with helm orders, keeping a proper lookout by sight and hearing as well as monitoring and controlling a safe watch are covered in this course. This course is roughly balanced between classroom and shop-based activities. Where feasible, tours/field trips will be arranged to provide additional context for lectures related to ship-board equipment.

MANT 2211 - Physics IV
This course is the fourth in a five-part series of classroom based courses delivered through lecture, demonstrations and practical exercises providing a sound knowledge base of physical sequences required to achieve the competency required under the international convention of standards of training certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1995, as accumulated. It encompasses the requisite knowledge to completely perform the duties to the level of Master or Chief Mate in charge of a navigational watch.

MANT 2215 - Physics III
Ever wonder why a ship and its equipment behave in a certain way? This course introduces topics such as displacement, velocity, and acceleration and students will learn about wave phase, wavelength, and the amplitude of waves as well as concepts related to light and sound.

MANT 2218 - Chartwork and Pilotage III, Level 2
This course is the third in a three-part series of courses in Chartwork and Pilotage. The series deals with the principles of construction, interpretation and use of Nautical Charts. It includes the study of the System of Navigation aids, tides, wind and currents as well as associated and relevant publications.

MANT 2245 - Technical Writing II
This course focuses on the interpersonal, written and oral technical communication skills necessary for working independently and as part of a team in a technical environment. Further skill development in written forms of technical documentation required for the workplace as well as report creation and oral presentation skills will continue to be emphasized. Team building principles, group dynamics and collaborative writing will be discussed. Learners will participate in meetings and take responsibilities in a group project from its inception to completion and evaluation. Learners will continue to enhance and apply their research skills and project management principles will also be introduced. Successful job interviews and the portfolio will be discussed.

MANT 2301 - Ship Construction and Stability I, Level 4-A
The STCW with respect to maintaining the seaworthiness of the ship. It encompasses the requisite knowledge involved in maintaining the watertight integrity of the vessel, the distribution of shipboard weights to ensure a safe margin of stability at all times, the maintenance of stress within acceptable levels and a broad introduction into the construction and unique features of diverse ship designs.

MANT 2302 - Ship Construction and Stability I, Level 4-B
The STCW with respect to maintaining the seaworthiness of the ship. It encompasses the requisite knowledge involved in maintaining the watertight integrity of the vessel, the distribution of shipboard weights to ensure a safe margin of stability at all times, the maintenance of stress within acceptable levels and a broad introduction into the construction and unique features of diverse ship designs.

MANT 2304 - Electronic Positioning Systems
The uses and limitations of electronic navigation and position systems on modern ships is the focus of this course. These systems will help students apply safe navigational watchkeeping and passage planning practices and procedures. Students should expect hands-on practice with common shipboard navigation instruments including gyro compasses, Transmitting Heading Devices, Automatic Radar Plotting Aids and Automatic Identification Systems.

MANT 3001 - Seagoing Service and Onboard Training III
A fundamental part of the development of a watchkeeping mate is the integration of sea time and academic learning. The industrial service for the watchkeeping mate, ship certificate should be in three phases - during the first phase, the learner should become familiar with shipboard routine and the duties and skills of a seaman, during the second phase, they should become familiar with the duties of the watchkeeper and during the third phase, they should actively assist the officer of the watch in watchkeeping duties on the bridge and deck. An essential part of the learners' industrial service is the ""Navigating Cadet's Deck Training Manual"" issued by the Department of Transport. Leaners will submit to faculty, progress and project reports as required. Phase 1 - May to August following Academic year 1. Phase 2 - May to October – following Academic year 2. Phase 3 - May to completion of 12 months of sea time.

MANT 3301 - Cargo III, Level 2
This course is the third in a four-part series designed to provide prospective ship officers with the level of cargo handling knowledge and skills meeting the function: “Cargo Handling and Stowage at the Operational Level” as outlined in the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and "Watchkeeping for Seafarers", STCW.

MANT 3302 - Cargo IV, Level 2
This course is the fourth in a four- part series designed to provide prospective ship officers with the level of cargo handling knowledge and skills meeting the function: “Cargo Handling and Stowage at the Operational Level” as outlined in the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and "Watchkeeping for Seafarers", STCW.

MANT 3306 - General Ship Knowledge III, Level 3
This course is the final in a three-part series designed to introduce learners to the requirements of international conventions and effective management techniques in the conduct of safe and efficient vessels. This course provides all prospective navigation officers with a basic knowledge of the interpretation and application of the IMO conventions to which Canada is signatory.

MANT 3415 - Restricted Operators Certificate - Maritime Commercial (ROC-MC)
This Industry Canada approved course will enable radio station personnel to efficiently utilize aspects of the GMDSS communications systems applicable to Sea Area 1 operations. This course adheres to the fundamental recommendations for training of maritime radio personnel as outlined in the Industry Canada RIC-25. Upon successful completion of this course, ROC-MC Certificates will be issued. You must be at least 18 years of age to apply for this course.

MANT 7007 - Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
This course is delivered in Nautical Institute navigation instrument laboratory. Learners will practice the use of electronic chart display and information systems on the functional equivalent of industry standard equipment. It is comprised of a mix of theory delivered by lecture, user skills delivered by demonstration and hands on skill-building exercises. MANT 7007 is an IMO model course 1.27 compliant, an EXN 24 certificate will be issued for Transport Canada purposes.

MARI 710 - Sea Change Sexual Violence Response and Prevention
This course provides occupational training in the area of sexual violence prevention within the marine industry. Topics include an awareness of the sexual violence continuum and the impact of sexual violence on the marine industry. Preventative and responding actions will be examined using case study analysis and interactive activities.

MEDC 1811 - Marine Basic First Aid
This course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize an emergency, provide appropriate first aid at the scene, notify emergency medical services and promote a safety oriented life style for the prevention of accidents. This course meets the requirements for first aid training as set out by Transport Canada and Workplace Occupational Health and Safety.

MEDC 1821 - STCW Basic Safety
This course provides basic understanding of the hazards associated with the Marine Environment and their own vessel; the prevention of shipboard incidents, including fire and procedures for abandonment. It provides the knowledge necessary to raise and react to alarms and to deal with emergencies. The course will ensure that all Seafarers are able to provide assistance in fire and abandonment in emergency situations. It will provide Seafarers with the knowledge and skills which will enable them to assist in their own survival and rescue. The course content meets Standards of Training and Certification of Watchkeeping Seafarers, MED with respect to STCW Basic Safety (MED BST). This course also aligns with Transport Publication 5562 of the Transport Canada certification standard for officer cadets.

MEDC 1822 - Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats
This course is designed to provide seafarers with the basic understanding and knowledge of survival craft and rescue boats, other than fast rescue boats. It meets STCW 6.2 and Canadian requirements under Crewing Regulations for training of marine personnel - MED with respect to Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other than Fast Rescue Boats (MED SC). Participants will advance their knowledge of marine survival craft and associated equipment as well as prepare to manage crew and passengers during abandoning of a vessel, surviving at sea, and being rescued. The course includes: Introduction and Safety; Emergency Situations; Principles of Survival; Use of Personal Survival Equipment; Helicopter Rescue; Survival Craft and Rescue Boats; Launching Arrangements; Lifeboat Engine and Accessories; evacuation; Signalling Equipment and Pyrotechnics; Action Aboard a Survival Craft; Launching and Recovering Lifeboats; Life Raft Launching; Launching and Handling Survival Craft in Rough Weather; Radio Equipment.

MEDC 2812 - Marine Advanced First Aid
This course provides learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize an emergency and apply immediate advanced first aid in the event of an accident or illness on board. This course meets the requirements of first aid training as set out by Transport Canada and Workplace Occupational Health and Safety.

MEDC 2831 - Advanced Firefighting
This course in advanced firefighting techniques covers the skills necessary to determine fire hazards, fie monitoring and emergency leadership.

MMGT 2408 - Leadership and Teamwork Skills I
This course provides students with the knowledge, skill and understanding of leadership and teamwork at the operational level on board a ship. Students are introduced to related international maritime conventions, recommendations and national legislation as well as strategies for effective workload and resource management. Opportunity will be provided for applied decision-making techniques and elements of leadership and teamwork in a simulated environment. Students will not be provided a separate TC certificate for this course.

PORT 520 - Sea Time Preparation and Reporting II
Sea Service Preparation and Reporting courses are intended to manage learner expectations and standards related to sea service training for navigation and engineering officers. This second course in the series is intended to prepare learners for the upcoming first sea service placement. The focus will be on clarifying expectations and standards, strengthening learners’ abilities in the application process, and understanding the challenges and opportunities of extensive life onboard a vessel.

PORT 540 - Sea Time Preparation and Reporting III
Sea Service Preparation and Reporting courses are intended to manage learner expectations and standards related to sea service training for navigation and engineering officers. This third course in the series is intended to help the learner reflect on their first sea service experience, to track progress towards certification requirements and to prepare for future sea service placements.

SAFE 1000 - Introduction to WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems)
This course offers learners basic overview of WHMIS principles and establishes a solid foundation to support workplace-specific training on the safe storage and handling of controlled/hazardous products. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive basic WHMIS certification.

SAFE 1001 - Introduction to NS OH&S Act
This course offers students an introduction to the Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Act of Nova Scotia, which is required by any person employed in a Nova Scotia workplace. This is a generic, introductory course that provides basic knowledge of the Act for students and is considered to be the basis from which more specific training can be given.

SAFE 1020 - Safety Basics – Restricted Spaces
The learner is introduced to the basic requirements and procedures involved with working in restricted spaces. The definition and potential hazards of restricted spaces are discussed The course material is infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1021 - Safety Basics – Hazard Identification
The learners are introduced to the types of hazards encountered in workplaces and the approach that should be followed when recommending and implementing appropriate controls. Two key elements of Hazard Identification are addressed: Hazard Assessment and Inspection. The Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Act is discussed. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1022 - Safety Basics – Working at Heights
The student is introduced to hazards and responsibilities concerned with working at heights in the workplace. Guardrails, travel restraints, roof work, fall arrest components will be discussed. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1023 - Safety Basics – Lock-out Tag Out
Lock-out Tag Out introduces students to the hazards related to energized systems and procedures to ensure worker safety. Related legislation and risk management is discussed and the student is exposed to the various types of lock-out devices. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1024 - Safety Basics – Respiratory Protection
This course introduces students to the potential of atmospheric hazards in the workplace and the available personal protection and control methods to maintain a safe work environment. Discussion topics include identification and testing for atmospheric hazards and workplace respiratory programs. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1045 - Safe and Substance Free Marine Workplace
Safe workplaces are everyone’s responsibility. Workplace statistics indicate that substance use directly and indirectly impacts performance and safety. This course will help students identify the impacts of substance use and impairment on safety in the marine workplace, as well as ways regulations, policies, procedures, and resources can protect everyone.

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Apr. 22, 2025
2 - 3 pm

Explore a day in the life

A student in protective glasses and reflective, blue coveralls works on a machine in a lab setting with faculty overseeing the work.
Chelsea King
Marine Navigation Technology student
Watch Chelsea in action during the Marine Skills Competition at Strait Area Campus. Follow Chelsea's story

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