Cumberland Campus
PO Box 550, 1 Main Street
Springhill, Nova Scotia B0M 1X0
View map and directions
This friendly and inviting campus is a community hub in Springhill, and at its second location, the Amherst Community Learning Centre.
At Cumberland Campus, students take learning about safety to new heights – look up and you’ll see them scaling actual utility line poles on campus as they prepare to become Powerline Technicians.
With a focus on student success, the campus offers a range of programs in business, health, trades and technology. It also offers opportunities for academic upgrading.
The campus has an active Student Association that organizes lots of popular events throughout the year, so you’ll have plenty of opportunity to take a well-earned break from your studies and enjoy campus life.
- On-site academic, career and personal counselling supports
- Library services and computer labs
- Full-service cafeteria (Springhill and Amherst)
- Intramural sports and recreation
- Bookstore
- Early Childhood Development Support Centre
- Child care centre (Administrator: )
- Student Association events and activities
Contact us
Switchboard: 902-597-3737
Student Services: 902-597-4101
Security (Springhill): 902-397-1081
Security (Amherst): 902-397-1080
Building hours
Mon. to Fri., 7:30 am to 5:30 pm (summer hours)
Business office hours
Mon. to Fri., 8 am to 4:30 pm
Explore Cumberland Campus

Student supports
We offer a range of supports and services to help you succeed.
Community resources
Request documentation
Request official transcripts, confirmation of enrolment letters or replacement diplomas.