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Establishing a Social Media Account Procedure

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
  1. Procedures

All NSCC Social Media Accounts are the sole property of the College and must be approved by Marketing and Communications. Please note that not all requests will be approved.

Action Responsibility
1. Read NSCC's Social Media Policy and Guidelines

Employees or Students submitting a request to establish an NSCC Social Media Account must first read NSCC’s Social Media Policy and Guidelines.
Employee or Student
2. Complete an NSCC Social Media Account Form
  1. Document that the Social Media Policy and Guidelines have been reviewed and understood.
  2. Requestor information – name of department/unit/school, contact info, proposed channel
  3. Rationale – please explain the purpose, objective/goals and target audience for this account
  4. Account management – please explain who would be responsible for the social media account (Account Administrator), and all proposed users
  5. Demonstrate proof of readiness by submitting two weeks of proposed content with the form
  6. Account approval – Before submitting the form, the requestor requires the approval of the requestor’s Manager/Academic Chair and Senior Leadership Forum (SLF) member. Please note their names and indicate that you have obtained their approval.
Employee or Student
3. Submit the form via NSCC Service Desk
Submit your completed NSCC Social Media Account form through Service Desk. Please add your Manager/Academic Chair and SLF member (e.g., Principal, Dean, Director) to the ticket.
Employee or Student
4. Upon receiving the request via Service Desk, Marketing and Communication will
  1. Make a determination about the account request.
  2. Inform the requestor, Manager/Academic Chair and SLF member of the decision via Service Desk ticket.
  3. SLF member (designate) will keep an up-to-date record of the administrator and password.
Marketing and Communications