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Smoke Free Policy

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
73.11 Vice President, College Services and Strategy Director, Facilities and Engineering Executive Council Aug. 27, 2018   Sept. 1, 2018 Sept. 2021
  1. Purpose
    1. NSCC is committed to providing a Smoke-Free environment that contributes to the wellness of its employees, students and communities, and complies with provincial legislation and municipal by-laws as described in Section 4 of this policy
  1. Scope
    1. NSCC recognizes the hazards posed by cannabis smoking, exposure to second hand tobacco smoke, and the fume and vapours emitted from devices such as E-cigarettes.
    2. This policy applies to all employees, students, contractors and visitors while on NSCC property, or in NSCC owned or leased vehicles.
    3. This policy applies to all substances that are consumed by Smoking.
    4. For this policy, Smoking is defined as:
      1. Any substance which is burned, and the resulting smoke is to be breathed in to be tasted or inhaled; including tobacco and cannabis.
      2. Includes all types of E-cigarettes or any other device which emulates the act of smoking and produces airborne contaminants.
      3. Includes all forms of pipes, holders, instruments, etc. used for similar purposes.
  1. Definitions
  1. Policy
    1. Smoking is prohibited
      1. On any NSCC property:
        1. Except for tobacco smoking and use of e-cigarettes (excluding cannabis); and only as expressly permitted in designated smoking areas or
        2. Unless an individual is accommodated by the College to smoke medically prescribed cannabis, and in this case only in the location designated in the accommodation.
      2. Within any College owned or leased vehicles or in personal vehicles on College property.
      3. While attending any off-campus NSCC sponsored event and only as expressly permitted by the owner of the venue.
    2. Those smoking in areas surrounding College property are expected to respect all neighbouring properties, related by-laws and provincial legislation related to smoking of tobacco and cannabis in Nova Scotia.
    3. Policy Compliance
      1. It is the responsibility of NSCC managers to ensure compliance with this Policy and to take appropriate action when there is a breach, following the Enforcement and Noncompliance provisions of the NSCC Smoke Free Procedures document #73.12.
      2. Campus Security is authorized to enforce the Smoke-Free policy. As such, security officers will issue a written notice of non-compliance to be forwarded to campus administration for action.
      3. Employees who are noncompliant are at risk of discipline up to and including termination of employment. Students who are non-compliant are at risk of discipline up to and including dismissal from the College.
      4. The severity and immediacy of a compliance breach is determined foremost through the safety lens using the “fit for duty” and “fit for learning” processes described in the NSCC Drug & Alcohol Policy #42.21.
    4. Policy Success Factors
      1. A consistent approach to implementation of the Smoke-Free NSCC policy will be required across all campuses and departments of the College.
      2. On each campus, the Principal and Campus Management Team will be expected to ensure the policy is implemented in a manner that is respectful.
  1. Policy Supports

Related Policies & Procedures

42.21 Drug and Alcohol Policy 
73.12 Smoke Free Procedures
