Cybersecurity Annual Training Procedures
Ref. No. | Executive sponsor | Policy steward | Approval authority | First approved | Last reviewed | Effective date | Next review |
64.08 |
- Purpose
- To detail procedures for mandatory cybersecurity training.
- Scope
- This procedure applies to all full-time employees.
- Definitions
- Procedure
- New Employees
- New employees will be sent a one-time automated email as part of their orientation to complete the mandatory cybersecurity training.
- The employee is responsible for completing the training within 30 days.
- Annual Training for Existing Employees
Action Responsibility a. Complete cybersecurity training (login required) by December 31st annually. - Training is online and self-paced.
- Each course takes 10-15 minutes to complete.
- Training is available anytime throughout the year.
Employee b. Ensure each direct report has completed the annual training. - Employees can add this requirement to their Employee Success Plans
- Managers can request a cybersecurity training status report for their staff at any time via the Technology Service Desk.
- New Employees
- Policy Supports