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College Purchase and Vehicle Card Policy

Ref. No. Executive sponsor Policy steward Approval authority First approved Last reviewed Effective date Next review
62.61 Vice President, College Services and Strategy Chief Financial Officer Executive Council Nov. 14, 2017 April 2024 May 9, 2024 May 2029
  1. Purpose
    1. College purchase and vehicle cards provide a convenient method of payment for College related purchases.
    2. The purpose of this policy is to establish practices and controls governing the issuance and use of College purchase and vehicle cards.
  1. Scope
    1. This policy applies to all employees who have been issued a College purchase card and employees who use a College vehicle card.
  1. Definitions
Term Definition
College Purchase Cardholder Any NSCC employee to whom a College purchase card has been issued.
Custodian of Vehicle Cards NSCC employee responsible for ensuring that vehicle cards are securely stored when not in use, controls access of vehicle cards to authorized users and reconciles the monthly vehicle card statements.
Purchase card Credit card used for College related purchases.
Vehicle Card Credit card used to purchase fuel and minor maintenance expenses for College owned or leased vehicles.
Vehicle Card User Any NSCC employee who is authorized to use a College vehicle card.
  1. Policy
    1. College Purchase and Vehicle Cards
      1. College purchase and vehicle cards are approved for use by the Chief Financial Officer.
      2. Campuses are not permitted to apply for other credit cards or negotiate separate arrangements without approval from the Chief Financial Officer.
    2. Eligibility for College Purchase and Vehicle Card
      1. College purchase cards are available to College management with signing authority and employees who are responsible for College related purchases.
      2. College vehicle cards are available for use by staff who are responsible for operating College owned or leased vehicles.
    3. Use of College Purchase and Vehicle Cards
      1. All purchases must be for College related purchases only.
      2. All purchases for goods, services, and construction that are made using the College Purchase Card must comply with NSCC financial policies and procedures such as: 62.21 Procurement Policy, 62.22 Procurement Procedures Manual (login required), 62.51 Entertainment & Other Expenses Policy
      3. College vehicle cards must only be used to purchase fuel for College owned or leased vehicles. No other purchases are permitted using this vehicle card.
    4.  Limitations of College Purchase and Vehicle Cards
      1. Travel
        1. Purchase cards cannot be used for travel-related costs with the following exceptions:
          1. Executive Team
          2. International Department
          3. Foundation Executive Director
          4. Other purchase cardholders can request pre-approval from the Chief Financial Officer or a Central Financial Services Manager to use the College purchase card for travel-related costs. The pre-approval provided only covers the trip specified in the preapproval request.
        2. College travel cards are available to qualifying employees of the College. Please see 62.71 College Travel Card Policy.
      2. Personal Expenses
        1. Purchase or vehicle cards cannot be used for personal purchases. Using these credit cards for personal purchases will result in the cancellation of the credit card.
    5. Roles and Responsibilities
      1. Purchase Cardholders and Vehicle Card Users
        1. Purchase cards are issued in the name of the cardholder and the cardholder is the only authorized user of the purchase cards. No person other than the person named on the card is permitted to use the card.
        2. Vehicle cards are issued in the College’s name and include the license plate number of the College owned or leased vehicle. Users of College vehicle cards are permitted to purchase fuel or minor maintenance expenses for College owned or leased vehicles.
        3. Cardholders and users of College vehicle cards are responsible for ensuring the proper use of College credit cards, including compliance with all applicable NSCC Financial policies.
        4. Purchase cardholders and the custodian of vehicle cards must complete monthly reconciliations, ensuring that all purchases are accurate, supported by detailed receipts and substantiated. Reconciliations must be completed before the following month’s statement is available.
        5. Purchase and vehicle cards must be kept in a secure location.
        6. Notification must be sent to the Manager, Reporting and Treasury if a College purchase or vehicle card is lost or stolen.
        7. Cardholders must be aware of and comply with 62.31 Payment Card Industry policy to safeguard the use and access to College purchase and vehicle cards and cardholder data.
      2. Approvals
        1. Purchase card applications must be approved as follows
          1. By the Manager of Administrative Services (MAS) for Campus purchase cards.
          2. By the cardholder’s immediate supervisor for Central Officer purchase cards.
        2. Requests for vehicle cards must be submitted by email to the Manager, Reporting and Treasury as follows: 
          1. By the MAS for Campus vehicle cards.
          2. By the Director, Facilities and Engineering for Central Facilities vehicle cards.
        3. Review and approval of the completed monthly reconciliations of purchase and vehicle card statements are reviewed and approved as follows:
          1. By the MAS for Campus purchase and vehicle cards.
          2. By the cardholder’s immediate supervisor for Central Office purchase cards.
          3. By the Director, Facilities and Engineering for Central Facilities vehicle cards.
      3. Central Financial Services
        The Central Financial Services team is responsible for the following:
        1. Final approval of purchase card applications and requests for vehicle cards.
        2. Submit applications to US Bank for processing.
        3. Maintain a current listing of active cardholders and active vehicle cards. This will be reviewed quarterly to confirm that purchase cardholders are still active College employees.
        4. Maintain a repository of purchase card applications.
        5. Send an email to cardholders or users of College vehicle cards with links to the College Purchase and Vehicle Card policy and procedures and links to applicable NSCC financial policies.
        6. Complete a detailed audit of reconciled statements to ensure compliance with all NSCC financial policies. The audited statements will be retained in Financial Services.
      4. Internal Audit
        Internal Audit is responsible for the following:
        1. Performing random audits to ensure proper approvals and substantiation are complete.
        2. Reviewing reconciled purchase card statements for College Executive members and Executive Assistants.
      5. Changes to Employment Status
        1. If an employee changes or terminates their position with the College, their manager/supervisor must notify the Manager, Reporting and Treasury immediately to ensure that the credit card is cancelled. The credit card must be destroyed.
        2. If the cardholder continues employment with NSCC in a different position, the MAS or supervisor must send written communication to the Manager, Reporting and Treasury explaining the reason the purchase card should be maintained.
      6. Non-Compliance
        1. Non-compliance with the College Purchase and Vehicle Card policy and procedures may result in the cancellation of credit card privileges.
  1. Policy Supports

62.22 College Purchase and Vehicle Card Procedure (PDF 158KB)
62.21 Procurement Policy and Procedures (62.22) (login required)
62.31 Payment Card Industry Policy
62.51 Entertainment & Other Expenses Policy 
62.71 College Travel Card Policy 
76.21 Fraud Policy 
