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A day in the life: Emma

Get to know Emma, Professional Photography student

Name: Emma Forsyth
Program: Professional Photography
Campus: Ivany Campus
Class: 2025

What brought you to NSCC and to this program?

I was doing a lot of work in social media. One job was at a resort and so I did a little bit of work with Tourism Nova Scotia. When their photographers would come in, it was so fun. I wanted to increase my skills with photography to incorporate into my social media work. NSCC came up in my Google search for photography schools and I thought it would be cool and there’s also business courses to help you set up for a business photography business, which was intriguing.

What’s something that has surprised you about NSCC?

I was surprised by everything that Ivany Campus offers. The studios are incredible. Also, in the business courses, they go in depth and help you get on track to start a business.

What is your favourite spot on campus?

I love anywhere in the harbourfront wing. There are windows everywhere. The light is so great.

What has been your most memorable NSCC moment so far?

I submitted my entire portfolio with cellphone photos and it shocked faculty. They thought it was impressive and made me feel more confident. I'm really proud of that. Faculty will often tell us - you don't have to have the best camera on the market. It’s you – the photographer.

What do you love most about your program?

I love how interactive it is. We've only had six students in our class, so it was great to ask questions. You also don't sit in the classroom all day, at least a couple times a month we go on photo walks, which oftentimes included the second-year students so you can ask them questions and learn from them. We've walked across the bridge to Halifax or took the ferry. It’s always super fun.

What do you plan to do after you graduate?

I would love to work in food photography, so for example, taking photos for cookbooks, restaurants or even Tourism Nova Scotia excursions where they incorporate local foods and destinations.

What is it about food that inspires you creatively?

Food was a big part of my upbringing, and I also took nutrition in university, and I also worked in grocery stores. But really, just being from Annapolis Valley, I’m inspired by the landscape and the food that they grow there.

What are you most looking forward to in your second year of the program?

We start food and product photography and incorporate a graphic design course which I think will be really fun and we’ll also have video both semesters.

What advice would you give to a friend considering NSCC/your program?

Don’t be too hard on yourself. You don’t have to be experienced to take this program. The faculty and other students are here to support you and help you learn. You really can do anything you want!

What is the best advice you’ve received that’s helped you during your time at NSCC?

I was self-conscious coming into the program. I didn't have a laptop and I never even touched a camera before I started. I won't lie... at times, it was really overwhelming, but like I said everyone is there to help you along the way and you really can do it if you're willing to put in the work.

A day in the life


6:30 am - I wake up at my usual time. I feed my two dogs, grab a shower and get ready for my day.

An apple orchard on a sunny day.
The view in beautiful Annapolis Valley on the way to NSCC Ivany Campus.

8 am - I head out for the day. I make a 1.5-hour commute from the Annapolis Valley to Ivany Campus. Today is my last day of my first year! We will present our websites with final portfolios alongside the second-year students.

10:30 am - A break between presentations, I head to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat. The cafeteria faces the Halifax Harbourfront and offers stunning 180º views!


2 pm - We wrap up presentations and go our separate ways to relax before the year-end Spark Creativity event. This is an event to showcase the works of students and graduates from creative programs at NSCC. Proceeds from the event go towards the Spark Creativity Student Bursary Fund. I will make the commute home so that I can drive in with family members in the evening.

People singing on a stage.
Students performing at Spark Creativity.

4 pm - A quick afternoon photoshoot with a 3-year-old in the Forget Me Nots!


5 pm - We grab a bite to eat as I make a rare second commute, but this time with great company to support me. I’m eager to see the showcase at the event tonight.

7 pm - Spark Creativity begins! We grab a drink and check out all that the event has to offer. The event showcased musical performances by alumni and student bands, visual displays and multidisciplinary art exhibits from photography, graphic design and film programs. 

9:30 pm - It was an incredible show and a lot of fun. I make one last commute back to the Valley for a much-needed good night’s sleep and summer vacation begins!


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