Four new student housing facilities announced
Date: Nov. 21, 2023

- NSCC Institute of Technology Campus – 100 beds
- NSCC Kingstec Campus – 90 beds
- NSCC Cumberland Campus – 40 beds
- NSCC Lunenburg Campus – 40 beds
The announcement was made on November 21 by Advanced Education Minister Brian Wong, who was joined by NSCC President Don Bureaux and four Campus Principals – Greg Russell (IT), Don McCormack (Cumberland), Craig Collins (Lunenburg) and Jason Clark (Kingstec) at four simultaneous events.
This investment is in addition to the 3 facilities that are already under construction – Pictou Campus (50 beds – opening in fall 2024), Akerley Campus (100 beds – opening in fall 2024) and Ivany Campus (200 beds – opening in fall 2025). The College also has existing campus housing buildings located at Strait Area Campus, the AVC’s Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) and Truro Campus.
NSCC President Don Bureaux says the College is thankful for the opportunity to provide more students with housing. “I’m so grateful for this substantial investment in new student housing spaces,” says Don. These 270 new spaces – on top of the three units (350 beds) already under construction – will mean increased accessibility for applicants to the College and, in turn, help alleviate pressure on the community housing inventory in Springhill, Kentville, Bridgewater and Halifax. They will go a long way in supporting future students wishing to secure an education with NSCC.”
Additional information about each project, including cost and design will be announced in the coming months as details are finalized. The facilities will be built on government-owned land at or near each campus. For construction updates for all our student housing buildings, visit