Designing her own future

Lindsay McMullen is designing her way to the top.
While enrolled in NSCC’s Graphic Design program, Lindsay did her co-op placement at IBM Client Innovation Centre in Halifax. Her talents were quickly recognized, and when she graduated in 2017, IBM offered her a position as a Visual and User Experience Designer. Lindsay’s diploma has allowed her to design applications and websites for some of IBM’s top clients.
One of the biggest surprises for Lindsay was how much she enjoys the tech industry and how strongly she feels that more women need to take the leap into the tech world.
“Being in the tech industry was daunting at first, but I really lucked out having IBM as a start,” says Lindsay. “It gave me a huge appreciation for all women in the tech industry and made me look at my career with a whole new lens. I realized that my design diploma and NSCC gave me so many more possibilities for my future than I ever dreamed.”
In addition to her job at IBM, Lindsay designs and creates her own illustrations and prints which she sells through her Etsy shop. She also recently launched an online vintage clothing shop through Instagram.
“I am an entrepreneur at heart, and I thrive on doing things on my own initiative. I wasn’t always so sure of myself, but I’ve learned that people respect when they see you making an effort. Sometimes you have to jump in and do something and see what comes from it.”
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