5 ways to make your student awards application stand out

While you may think you have to be an A+ student with a jam-packed resume of extra-curricular activities to receive an award, that’s not the case. Our awards are based on a wide-range of criteria.
We've gathered some of our best tricks of the trade to help you create a submission that stands out:
1. Know your toolbox
I don't mean your physical toolbox. I'm referring to your conceptual one. Take some time to consider the following questions and incorporate your thoughts into your essays. Remember, don’t be afraid to toot your own horn. There is no room for modesty in an award application.
- What makes me different?
- What activities have I participated in with school and/or in the community?
- What are my strengths?
- What are my future goals? And, how will an NSCC education help me reach them?
2. Start early
Seems obvious, right? We have a streamlined application process, but it does require some time and effort. Taking the time to familiarize yourself with the process is important so you don't end up struggling at the last minute. Plus, early applicants can experience the benefit of our awards staff flagging any issues with your submission and allowing you the opportunity to fix them. Only those who apply early experience this benefit.
3. Understand award criteria
Some awards have very specific criteria attached to them. It's important to read over each award carefully to make sure you meet all the specifications. Applying for awards you aren't eligible for could be a waste of your time and effort.
4. Access available resources
There are so many places to turn for help. To start, check out some of our awards resources including a video tutorial, instruction guide, tips from past winners, common mistakes and more. The awards office can also help support you with your application. Contact us at 1-855-825-9060 or .
5. Keep a copy
We offer awards at different times throughout the school year. Save your essays and references to lighten the effort when other awards become available.