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Truck and Transport Repair

Develop skills and knowledge to diagnose, repair and service on-highway equipment such as commercial trucks, emergency vehicles, trailers, buses and road transport vehicles.

A mechanic works under a hoisted vehicle.
Start Date(s):
September 2025
Typical Length:
2 Years
International Students:
Post-Grad Work Permit (PGWP) eligible

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This program provides you with a working knowledge of fundamental shop skills, tires and rims, braking systems, hydraulics, welding, powertrains, engines and engine systems, and electrical and electronic systems used in on-highway truck and transport vehicles.
If you enjoy keeping up with technology, have a strong mechanical aptitude, problem-solving skills and strong oral and written communication skills, this program provides the training you need to succeed in the trade.  

Work experience

  • Field experience is a mandatory credit course, providing you with the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills outside of the classroom.
    • Opportunities are typically unpaid and last approximately 5 weeks.
  • This program is eligible for an optional cooperative education (co-op) credit course between year one and two.
    • Co-op provides an opportunity for paid, full-time employment in a field related to your program.
    • Co-op takes place in third term and must be a minimum of 12 weeks and 420 hours.
    • Our co-op program follows Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL) guidelines.
  • Transportation, accommodations and other costs related to work experience are your responsibility.
  • For more information, visit work experience opportunities.

Choose NSCC

  • You get the information and hands-on skills using specialized tools (hand tools, test meters, vehicle and equipment jacks and hoists, welding equipment, hydraulic equipment, complex electronics and computer diagnostic test equipment) necessary to obtain a challenging and rewarding career as a Truck and Transport Mechanic or a Transport Trailer Technician.
  • This program places a high importance on providing you with skills and knowledge to work safely in industry. To prepare for employment, you participate in safety awareness courses.

Other info

  • Graduates find this career rewarding because of competitive wages and the challenges encountered while doing highly-skilled work.
  • This is physically demanding work that requires physical agility and heavy lifting in often noisy work environments. If you're chemically sensitive, it's important to note that chemicals, including petroleum products, as well as grease, oils and dirt, are commonly encountered in this line of work.
  • Your typical workday will differ from one job to another. Truck and Transport mechanics work in both indoor and outdoor environments and at times in adverse weather conditions.
  • Industrial safety standards dictate hair length, facial hair and headwear regulations.
  • Many employers in this industry require a current, official criminal record check as part of the hiring process. A conviction on your criminal record may impact your ability to secure employment.

September 2025

Campus Full time/part time Delivery Availability
Akerley Campus
Full time In person
Delivered in-person. Some courses may have online elements.
Kingstec Campus
Full time In person
Delivered in-person. Some courses may have online elements.
Pictou Campus
Full time In person
Delivered in-person. Some courses may have online elements.

Admission requirements

Program requirements

  • Portfolio development – As part of your studies at NSCC, you develop a portfolio of your work; the portfolio captures your achievements and profiles your skills to employers.


Tuition amounts are for the 2024-25 academic year. Program costs and fees (textbooks, supplies, etc.) are additional.

Tuition (Domestic):
Tuition (International):

Tuition, fees and program costs

In addition to annual tuition, there are program costs (books, tools, etc.) and student fees for College services, health and dental plans, your student association and parking.

View detailed program fees page(s). Please note that amounts on these pages are meant for planning purposes only. They don't represent final amounts owing.

Career options

  • Graduates work for dealer service departments, trucking operators, government highway departments, municipal bus facilities, tour bus companies, railways and independent truck repair and transport trailer repair shops.
  • Learn more about labour market information. View career options

Future study options

  • Truck and Transport Mechanic is a compulsory trade in Nova Scotia. This means that once employed, you will need to register as an apprentice with Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency (NSAA).
  • Red Seal Endorsement - Individuals who complete an apprenticeship program are eligible to write the inter-provincial exam. A Red Seal is a valued certification that allows tradespeople to practice the trade in any province or territory in Canada where the trade is designated.
  • Continue your studies at university – This program includes courses that count towards a university degree. Learn more about having your diploma count towards a university degree

Courses may include

These are some of the courses offered in this program. It is not a complete list and courses are subject to change in advance of the academic year.

Recognizing prior learning / transfer credits
If you have previous learning (course, employment, etc...) that's relevant to your program, you may be able to apply to earn credit. Not all programs are eligible. Learn about our recognizing prior learning (RPL) process.

HETR 1000 - Oxy-Fuel Welding and Metallurgy
Learners will be introduced to the properties of metals and apply safe work practices while demonstrating welding, cutting, and brazing operations using standard oxygen-acetylene equipment. Learners will also be given the opportunity to solder using flame or radiant heat.

HETR 1010 - Wheels, Tires and Rims
Learners will be introduced to the components of the tires, rims and wheels and their functions. Learners will be given the opportunity to perform minor repairs and demonstrate preventative maintenance techniques using operator equipment manuals (OEM and service information documentation.

HETR 1016 - Introduction to Electric Welding
This course introduces the learner to the fundamental principles of Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) and Metal Inert Gas Welding (MIG). Learners will be given the opportunity to perform basic welding operations.

HETR 1020 - Electrical I
Learners will demonstrate electrical/electronic skills as it applies to magnetism, batteries, conventional lighting circuits, wiring harnesses and accessories for Heavy equipment. Learners will test and service electrical components using wiring schematics and diagnostic tooling and operator equipment manuals (OEM). Soldering techniques and circuit repair procedures will also be covered.

HETR 1030 - Shop Fundamentals
Learners will be introduced to Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS) and Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety (NSOHSA) related to the heavy equipment industry and demonstrate safe work practices. Learners will have the opportunity to develop skills in safe shop practices that encompass the use of personal protective equipment, tools and fastening devices, shop equipment, service information documentation, operator equipment manuals (OEM) and the movement of heavy equipment and vehicles.

HETR 1200 - Work Experience
The work experience component provides the learner with an opportunity to apply new skills and concepts appropriate for entry-level positions within the occupation. Learners will assess their own performance and be evaluated by an industry partner. Learners will identify personal outcomes they wish to attain during the work experience and will keep a journal.

HETR 2010 - Engines and Engine Systems I
The learners will examine internal combustion engine compression ignition and spark ignition systems as they pertain to two and four stroke engines. Engine system theory will be reinforced through learner demonstration of proper engine rebuilding procedures using service information documentation and operator equipment manuals (OEM).

HETR 2011 - Braking Systems I
In this course, the learner will identify and describe the function of the components of hydraulic and electric brake systems. As well, the learner will demonstrate routine servicing tasks using service information documentation and operator equipment manuals (OEM).

HETR 2012 - Braking Systems II
In this course, learners will be introduced to the function and components of the basic air brake system. The learner will be given the opportunity to demonstrate routine service of this system in accordance with the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS 121).

HETR 2030 - Hydraulics I
In this course the learners will be introduced to the principles of hydraulics as they relate to heavy equipment hydraulic systems. Learners will be given the opportunity to diagnosis and repair hydraulic systems using service information documentation and operator equipment manuals (OEM). Various hydraulic training aids will be used as well as on actual equipment.

INDR 1010 - Industry Readiness
A crucial component of trade practice is the ability to share information. Explaining work, applying trade skills and meeting industry standards involves communicating effectively. This course introduces these skills with a trade focus and will help prepare students to contribute to employment and in the classroom. Course work may tie directly to projects and assignments happening elsewhere in the program and in its shops.

INDR 1020 - Working Effectively in the Trades
Almost all trades professionals will need to work well with others. Students in this course will learn to be effective team members and adapt and analyze how they share information with others. A selection of activities relevant to the particular trade will be used to practice collecting, analyzing and using trade information. Course work may tie directly to projects and assignments happening elsewhere in the program and in its shops.

SAFE 1000 - Introduction to WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems)
This course offers learners basic overview of WHMIS principles and establishes a solid foundation to support workplace-specific training on the safe storage and handling of controlled/hazardous products. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive basic WHMIS certification.

SAFE 1001 - Introduction to NS OH&S Act
This course offers students an introduction to the Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Act of Nova Scotia, which is required by any person employed in a Nova Scotia workplace. This is a generic, introductory course that provides basic knowledge of the Act for students and is considered to be the basis from which more specific training can be given.

SAFE 1020 - Safety Basics – Restricted Spaces
The learner is introduced to the basic requirements and procedures involved with working in restricted spaces. The definition and potential hazards of restricted spaces are discussed The course material is infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1021 - Safety Basics – Hazard Identification
The learners are introduced to the types of hazards encountered in workplaces and the approach that should be followed when recommending and implementing appropriate controls. Two key elements of Hazard Identification are addressed: Hazard Assessment and Inspection. The Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Act is discussed. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1022 - Safety Basics – Working at Heights
The student is introduced to hazards and responsibilities concerned with working at heights in the workplace. Guardrails, travel restraints, roof work, fall arrest components will be discussed. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1023 - Safety Basics – Lock-out Tag Out
Lock-out Tag Out introduces students to the hazards related to energized systems and procedures to ensure worker safety. Related legislation and risk management is discussed and the student is exposed to the various types of lock-out devices. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1024 - Safety Basics – Respiratory Protection
This course introduces students to the potential of atmospheric hazards in the workplace and the available personal protection and control methods to maintain a safe work environment. Discussion topics include identification and testing for atmospheric hazards and workplace respiratory programs. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1030 - Air Conditioning Green Card
This environmental awareness training course is based on Environment Canada's "Code of Practice for Reducing CFC Emissions in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems". The course and the accompanying Participant Manual deal with environmentally-correct equipment design, proper handling of CFC/HCFC/HFCs, and will prepare participants for complying with provincial regulations covering refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Participants who attend the course and successfully achieve a mark of 75% or higher on the exam will receive an Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) card. This course is suitable for residential, commercial, industrial, domestic, automotive and mobile applications. Specific topics covered are: CFCs and the ozone layer, isolation valving, recommended components, leak detection methods, system charging procedures, special maintenance provisions, and refrigerant recovery, reuse, recycle and reclamation equipment.

TTTD 2110 - Axles, Suspensions and Alignment
This course provides occupational training in the area of Truck and Transport Repair, specifically axles, suspension, and alignment. Topics include front and back axles, suspension systems and wheel and axle alignment.

TTTD 2120 - Brakes and Avoidance
This course provides occupational training in the area of Truck and Transport Repair, specifically brakes and avoidance systems. Topics include dual air brake systems, control systems, and anti-lock braking systems (ABS).

TTTD 2130 - Frames, Chassis and Cabs
This course provides occupational training in the area of Truck and Transport Repair, specifically cabs, chassis and frames. Topics include servicing and repairing truck frames chassis, cabs and their components.

TTTD 2140 - Maintenance I
This course provides occupational training in the area of Truck and Transport Repair, specifically truck, transport and trailer maintenance. Topics include the maintenance of fuel supply systems, ignition systems, exhaust and emissions.

TTTD 2210 - Hydraulics
This course provides occupational training in the area of Truck and Transport Repair, specifically hydraulics. Topics include servicing and repairing hydraulic pumps, motors, cylinders and control valves.

TTTD 2220 - Power Steering Systems
This course provides occupational training in the area of Truck and Transport Repair, specifically power steering systems. Topics include servicing and repairing power-assisted steering systems and their components.

TTTD 2230 - Truck Bodies and Trailers
This course provides occupational training in the area of Truck and Transport Repair, specifically truck bodies and trailers. Topics include servicing and repairing truck components and accessories, trailer components and trailer coupling devices.

TTTD 2240 - Maintenance II
This course provides occupational training in the area of Truck and Transport Repair, specifically truck, transport and trailer maintenance. Topics include U-joints, clutch adjustments, scheduled maintenance, and various diagnostics and testing.

TTTD 2250 - Fundamental Business Practices
This course provides professional training in the area of small business in the area of Truck and Transport Repair, specifically the fundamental business practices. Topics include financial practices, supports for small businesses, business plans, regulations and operations.

TTTD 2300 - Work Experience
The work experience component provides the learner with an opportunity to apply new skills and concepts appropriate for entry-level positions within the occupation. Learners will assess their own performance and be evaluated by an industry partner. Learners will identify personal outcomes they wish to attain during the work experience and will keep a journal.

WORK 1100 - Workplace Mentoring I
This unit of instruction is designed to assist learners in managing their learning as an apprentice in the workplace. Learners will study their own experiences with learning new skills and identify their own learning preferences as an aid to developing learning strategies.

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