Courses may include
These are some of the courses offered in this program. It is not a complete list and courses are subject to change in advance of the academic year.
Recognizing prior learning / transfer credits
If you have previous learning (course, employment, etc...) that's relevant to your program, you may be able to apply to earn credit. Not all programs are eligible. Learn about our recognizing prior learning (RPL) process.
INDR 1010 - Industry Readiness
A crucial component of trade practice is the ability to share information. Explaining work, applying trade skills and meeting industry standards involves communicating effectively. This course introduces these skills with a trade focus and will help prepare students to contribute to employment and in the classroom. Course work may tie directly to projects and assignments happening elsewhere in the program and in its shops.
INDR 1020 - Working Effectively in the Trades
Almost all trades professionals will need to work well with others. Students in this course will learn to be effective team members and adapt and analyze how they share information with others. A selection of activities relevant to the particular trade will be used to practice collecting, analyzing and using trade information. Course work may tie directly to projects and assignments happening elsewhere in the program and in its shops.
PIPT 1003 - Applied Pipe Trade Math I
In this course, the learner will improve math skills to the level required by an apprentice in the Pipe Trades. The course concentrates on the skills that will allow the learner to efficiently solve equations and formulas encountered in industry. This course emphasizes practical problem solving while it attempts to increase overall competency in mathematics.
PIPT 1007 - Applied Pipe Trade Math II
Learners will advance their math skills by applying these skills to practical applications. The course concentrates on the skills that will allow the learner to efficiently solve equations and formulas encountered in industry. This course emphasizes practical problem solving.
PIPT 1010 - Introduction to Pipe Fabrication
This course introduces the calculations needed to fabricate spool pieces for use in the pipe trade. Learners will apply blueprint interpretation and create working piping drawings and perform basic fabrication tasks.
PIPT 1012 - Portfolio Workplace Shadowing I
Learners will connect with industry to observe some of the trade-related duties in the workplace. Learners will identify the attitudes and behaviours that enable and enhance the ability to work successfully in piping trades.
PIPT 1014 - Portfolio Workplace Shadowing II
This course allows learners to build on their knowledge of workplace practices and behaviours.
PIPT 1015 - Blueprint Interpretation and Plan Reading I
This course introduces the theory and practice required to read plans and blueprints. Learners will have the opportunity to apply the fundamentals of blueprint interpretation and produce drawings and sketches used in the piping trades.
PIPT 1016 - Blueprint Interpretation and Plan Reading II
This course allows learners to build on their ability to read drawings and prints with specific reference to piping systems.
PIPT 1017 - Safety
Safety is the most important factor on the job site and in the shop. Trades people need to work in ways that will protect themselves and others from accident and injury, and to take appropriate action should an accident occur. This course provides a grounding for the safety that will be practised in every course of the program.
PIPT 1018 - Tools and Equipment
Learners will demonstrate the use of tools and equipment used in the piping trades. An emphasis will be given to construction and industrial safety practices when using equipment on the job site.
PIPT 1020 - Introduction to Sprinkler Systems
Although it has a lot in common with other piping trades, the Sprinkler System Installer trade has many unique aspects. This course will introduce you some of the equipment, materials, and work you will need to carry out in this trade.
PIPT 1021 - Copper Piping
This course introduces copper piping materials used in the piping trades. Joining methods and installation will be addressed and practiced in a workshop setting. Course material also includes hangers and supports required for copper piping systems.
PIPT 1022 - Plastic Piping
This course introduces plastic piping materials used in the piping trades. Joining methods and installation of plastic pipe will be addressed and practiced in a workshop setting. Course material also includes hangers and supports required for plastic piping systems.
PIPT 1023 - Ferrous Piping
This course introduces ferrous piping materials used in the piping trades. Joining methods and installation of ferrous pipe will be addressed and practiced in a workshop setting. Course material also includes hangers and supports required for ferrous piping systems.
PIPT 1024 - Cast Iron Piping
This course introduces cast iron piping materials used in the piping trades. Joining methods and installation of pipe will be addressed and practiced in a workshop setting. Course material also includes hangers and supports required for cast iron piping systems.
PIPT 1025 - Introduction to Electric Welding and Cutting
This course is designed to develop the skills to safely assemble, adjust, disassemble and store oxy-fuel cutting/welding and electric welding equipment. Learners will be introduced to welding codes and standards and electric welding and cutting processes in a shop environment. Learners will have the opportunity to carry out simple welding and cutting tasks.
PIPT 1026 - Oxyfuel Welding and Cutting
This course is designed to develop the skills to safely assemble, adjust, disassemble and store oxy-fuel welding equipment. Learners will be introduced to welding codes and standards and oxy-fuel cutting processes in a shop environment. Learners will have the opportunity to carry out simple welding and cutting tasks.
PIPT 3004 - Introduction to Drainage Systems
This course introduces the learner to basic residential plumbing drainage systems. Terminology, components and installation practices will be explored. Learners will have the opportunity to install a simulated basic residential drainage system. Learners will demonstrate knowledge of ferrous piping materials used in the plumbing trade and the ability to join various ferrous piping materials. This course also includes the use of hangers and supports, as they are required for piping systems.
PIPT 3005 - Introduction to Venting Systems
This course introduces the learner to basic residential plumbing venting systems. Terminology, components and installation practices will be explored. Learners will have the opportunity to install a simulated basic residential venting system.
PIPT 3006 - Introduction to Water Supply
This course introduces the residential water system from the street water main to the faucets and outlets including the components, installation practices, and code requirements. Learners will also examine equipment, piping, and valves required for the supply of residential potable water.
PIPT 3007 - Introduction to Plumbing Appliances, Fixtures and Trim
This course introduces plumbing fixtures and their accessories. Material covers procedures used for basic installation, maintenance and repair of fixtures used in residential plumbing systems.
PIPT 3011 - Introduction to Rigging, Hoisting and Lifting
This course introduces learners to equipment used for material handling. There will be emphasis placed on safe procedures when working with or near moving loads.
PIPT 3013 - Pipe Fabrication II
This course builds on the skills that you began in the first year of the program. You will study additional fabrication and assembly scenarios including marine applications.
PIPT 3015 - Blueprint Interpretation and Plan Reading III
In this course you will further develop your blueprint reading skills by looking at drawings used in the marine and industrial sectors. Also, you will have the opportunity to see how revisions are handled, and use as-built drawings and revisions to create a bill of materials for piping projects.
PIPT 3020 - Industrial Pipefitting
This course introduces installation requirements for alloy pipe in various industrial applications. Learners will have the opportunity to bend, bevel and fabricate pipe in an industrial workshop setting.
PIPT 3021 - Welding Industrial Pipe
This course provides instruction for joining industrial pipe using welding equipment. Safe set-up and use of welding equipment will be addressed as well as joining techniques.
PIPT 3100 - Work Experience
The work experience component provides the learner with an opportunity to apply new skills and concepts appropriate for entry-level positions within the occupation. Learners will assess their own performance and be evaluated by an industry partner. Learners will identify personal outcomes they wish to attain during the work experience and will keep a journal.
SAFE 1000 - Introduction to WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems)
This course offers learners basic overview of WHMIS principles and establishes a solid foundation to support workplace-specific training on the safe storage and handling of controlled/hazardous products. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive basic WHMIS certification.
SAFE 1001 - Introduction to NS OH&S Act
This course offers students an introduction to the Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Act of Nova Scotia, which is required by any person employed in a Nova Scotia workplace. This is a generic, introductory course that provides basic knowledge of the Act for students and is considered to be the basis from which more specific training can be given.
SAFE 1020 - Safety Basics – Restricted Spaces
The learner is introduced to the basic requirements and procedures involved with working in restricted spaces. The definition and potential hazards of restricted spaces are discussed The course material is infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.
SAFE 1021 - Safety Basics – Hazard Identification
The learners are introduced to the types of hazards encountered in workplaces and the approach that should be followed when recommending and implementing appropriate controls. Two key elements of Hazard Identification are addressed: Hazard Assessment and Inspection. The Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Act is discussed. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.
SAFE 1023 - Safety Basics – Lock-out Tag Out
Lock-out Tag Out introduces students to the hazards related to energized systems and procedures to ensure worker safety. Related legislation and risk management is discussed and the student is exposed to the various types of lock-out devices. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.
SAFE 1024 - Safety Basics – Respiratory Protection
This course introduces students to the potential of atmospheric hazards in the workplace and the available personal protection and control methods to maintain a safe work environment. Discussion topics include identification and testing for atmospheric hazards and workplace respiratory programs. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.
SAFE 1025 - Certified Fall Arrest and Protection
This course provides participants with an understanding of the hazards associated with working from heights and compliance with Workplace Health and Safety Regulations (2013). Throughout the course, participants will gain experience in the donning of a harness, an overview and presentation of system components involved when working from heights and learn how to complete a fall calculation and emergency procedures.
WORK 1100 - Workplace Mentoring I
This unit of instruction is designed to assist learners in managing their learning as an apprentice in the workplace. Learners will study their own experiences with learning new skills and identify their own learning preferences as an aid to developing learning strategies.