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Electro Mechanical Technician

Learn how to install, service and maintain electrical and mechanical equipment.

Three students in safety glasses learn about equipment in a campus workshop.
Start Date(s):
September 2025
Typical Length:
2 Years
International Students:
Not eligible for Post-Grad Work Permit (PGWP)

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Industrial machinery integrates mechanical, electrical and electronic/computer systems. It's the kind of work that requires a variety of skills – from welding and blueprint reading to computer-aided drafting.

In this program, you receive training in both electrical and mechanical trades, making you a sought-after skilled worker in the construction and manufacturing industry.

Learn to:

  • Apply the principles of fluid power and physics to operate modern industrial hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
  • Use welding equipment for oxy-acetylene and arc welding, install wiring for residential, commercial and industrial installations using engineering and architectural drawings to the standards of the Canadian Electrical Code Regulations.
  • Design and build motor control circuits used for industrial applications.
  • Work in the various facets of industrial mechanics, industrial electrical, electronic and computer controls.
  • Install and maintain a wide range of equipment in modern industrial plants.

Work experience

  • Field experience is a mandatory credit course, providing you with the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills outside of the classroom.
    • Opportunities are typically unpaid and last approximately 5 weeks.
  • This program is eligible for an optional cooperative education (co-op) credit course between year one and two.
    • Co-op provides an opportunity for paid, full-time employment in a field related to your program.
    • Co-op takes place in third term and must be a minimum of 12 weeks and 420 hours.
    • Our co-op program follows Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL) guidelines.
  • Transportation, accommodations and other costs related to work experience are your responsibility.
  • For more information, visit work experience opportunities.

Choose NSCC

  • You're well-trained in electro mechanical theory through hands-on work experience.
  • This program places a high importance on providing you with skills and knowledge to work safely in industry. To prepare for employment, you participate in safety awareness courses.

Other info

  • If you're chemically sensitive, it's important to note that cutting lubricants are commonly used in the Industrial Mechanic/Millwright trade.
  • Having numeracy skills will help you succeed in this program.
  • Industrial safety standards require that you have adequate vision and colour perception to operate safely, in the shop and in the field, while performing tasks of this trade.
  • Many employers in this industry require a current, official criminal record check as part of the hiring process. A conviction on your criminal record may impact your ability to secure employment.

September 2025

Campus Full time/part time Delivery Availability
Pictou Campus
Full time In person
Delivered in-person. Some courses may have online elements.

Admission requirements

Program requirements

  • Portfolio development – As part of your studies at NSCC, you develop a portfolio of your work; the portfolio captures your achievements and profiles your skills to employers.


Tuition amounts are for the 2024-25 academic year. Program costs and fees (textbooks, supplies, etc.) are additional.

Tuition (Domestic):
Tuition (International):

Tuition, fees and program costs

In addition to annual tuition, there are program costs (books, tools, etc.) and student fees for College services, health and dental plans, your student association and parking.

View detailed program fees page(s). Please note that amounts on these pages are meant for planning purposes only. They don't represent final amounts owing.

Career options

  • Graduates may find employment in many occupations related to the industrial, commercial and construction trades, such as industrial electrician, construction electrician, industrial mechanic/millwright, industrial sales and plant maintenance.
  • This program includes courses that can be applied towards a career in the Canadian Armed Forces as a weapons engineering technician. Browse career options
  • Learn more about labour market information. View career options

Future study options

  • This program is a first step towards certification in the Industrial Mechanic and Industrial Electrician trades. To become certified, you must register as an apprentice with Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency (NSAA). Once registered, you can transfer credit from this program towards your apprenticeship.
  • Certification with a Red Seal – Industrial Mechanic and Industrial Electrician are designated trades in Nova Scotia. Graduates who complete an apprenticeship program in this trade are eligible to write the provincial certification exam, receive their certification and Red Seal. The Red Seal allows certified tradespersons to practise the trade in any province or territory in Canada – where the trade is designated – without having to write further examinations.
  • Continue your studies at university – This program includes courses that count towards a university degree. Learn more about having your diploma count towards a university degree

Courses may include

These are some of the courses offered in this program. It is not a complete list and courses are subject to change in advance of the academic year.

Recognizing prior learning / transfer credits
If you have previous learning (course, employment, etc...) that's relevant to your program, you may be able to apply to earn credit. Not all programs are eligible. Learn about our recognizing prior learning (RPL) process.

COMM 1245 - Technical Communications I
This course introduces students to the writing, oral presentation, critical thinking and interpersonal communications skills required of technical professionals in the workplace. The fundamentals of clear, concise writing and presenting will be reviewed and refined. Experience will be gained in organizing, writing and presenting technical information. In addition, career development skills and portfolio preparation will be discussed. There will be several opportunities, through assignments and lab work, to develop portfolio components. Students will learn how to collect appropriate work samples and documentation from other courses in the program as well as from other sources.

COMM 2245 - Technical Communications II
This course focuses on the interpersonal, written and oral technical communication skills necessary for working independently and as part of a team in a technical environment. Further skill development in written forms of technical documentation required for the workplace as well as report creation and oral presentation skills will continue to be emphasized. Team building principles, group dynamics and collaborative writing will be discussed. Students will participate in meetings and take responsibilities in a group project from its inception to completion and evaluation. Students will continue to enhance and apply their research skills and project management principles will also be introduced. Successful job interviews and the portfolio will be discussed.

ELMT 1000 - Wiring Methods and Materials I
This course is designed to teach you how to install wiring for single, multi-family dwellings and determine service size requirements for residential installations using the Canadian Electrical Code regulations. The different wiring methods such as non-metallic sheath cable, conduit wiring and Tech 90 are also explored.

ELMT 1001 - Mechanical Fittings
This course is designed to provide the learner with the basic knowledge of safety practices and standards within the mechanical profession. The intent is to make the learner aware of safety hazards in the workplace, how to work safely and responsibly where these hazards exist. Learners will be given instruction in the use of cutting and non-cutting hand tools, precision and semi-precision measuring devices and layout procedures. Measurements and projects will focus on tolerances, fits and limits. Learners will also learn attributes and designations of various fasteners and screw threads utilized in the industry.

ELMT 1002 - Direct Current Fundamentals
Students will study and apply electron theory to construct series, parallel and series/parallel Direct Current (DC) circuits. The use of electrical meters will be used in solving complex circuit problems, and calculating power, energy and line loses.

ELMT 1003 - Alternating Current Fundamentals
Learners will demonstrate how to design, construct, and test complex AC circuits with resistance, inductance and capacitance utilizing various test equipment and software tools.

ELMT 1004 - Rotating Machine Operations
During this course, learners will demonstrate the correct use and operation of drill presses, metal cutting lathes, metal sawing machines, grinders, and milling machines in accordance with the Nova Scotia Occupation Health and Safety Act (NSOHSA). Upon completion of this course, the learner should be capable of machining components to specific tolerances on all five machine groups.

ELMT 1005 - Welding Principles
This course is designed to introduce the safe use and operation of welding equipment including: Oxy-Acetylene (weld and metal cutting), Arc Welding (AC and DC applications) and the theory of Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW). The learner will also be capable of reading welding blueprints as per Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) code, and have the ability to fabricate a broad section of common welding assignments and tasks that apply to non-structural members and operations not requiring Canadian Welding Bureau certification.

ELMT 1006 - Mechanical Blueprint Reading
This course is designed to teach you how to read first and third angle projection blueprints. The assignments consist of assembly drawings relating to typical functioning equipment and are used to give you practice in determining design function of the machine, function of individual parts, tolerances and fits required for proper parts operation.

ELMT 1010 - Work Experience
The work experience component provides the learner with an opportunity to apply new skills and concepts appropriate for entry-level positions within the occupation. Learners will assess their own performance and be evaluated by an industry partner. Learners will identify personal outcomes they wish to attain during the work experience and will keep a journal.

ELMT 2010 - Work Experience
The work experience component provides the learner with an opportunity to apply new skills and concepts appropriate for entry-level positions within the occupation. Learners will assess their own performance and be evaluated by an industry partner. Learners will identify personal outcomes they wish to attain during the work experience and will keep a journal.

ELMT 3000 - Machine Design
Upon completion of this course, you will have developed an understanding of how many of the current machine components operate. You will apply the information learned in previous mechanics and physics courses to solve the design problems encountered when using these components. This course will cover subjects of bearings, shafts, gears, belts, lubrication and strengths of material heat treatment.

ELMT 3001 - Introduction to Drive Systems
Learners are introduced to the mechanical operation to common forms of power transmissions (belt drives, positive and V, chain drives, clutches and brakes, couplings and coupling alignment). This course enables learners to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of different drives, and to which application each is best suited. Information on lubrication will provide the learners with the base knowledge necessary to understand and choose the correct lubricant and method of application for various situations.

ELMT 3002 - Programmable Logic Controllers
Students in this course will be introduced to the fundamentals of programmable logic controllers (PLCs). This course covers the generic concepts and applications of PLCs as used in various industrial control applications.

ELMT 3003 - Fluid Power
The learner investigates the principles of fluid power pertaining to pneumatic and hydraulic systems, including the physics involved in the correct operation of modern industrial fluid power applications. Pneumatics will include instruction in component design and operation of compressors, gages, flow control, actuators, filters, and receivers. Hydraulics will include component design and operation of pumps, gages, control valves, reservoirs, filters, and seals.

ELMT 3004 - Transformers and Power Distribution
Students will examine the importance of transformers as a component in AC power distribution systems. Construction, polarity, connections, and voltage current relationships will be also covered.

ELMT 3006 - Wiring Methods and Materials II
During this course, you will install wiring for commercial and industrial installations using the Canadian Electrical Code regulations. The different wiring methods such as conduit wiring and Tech 90 are also explored.

ELMT 3008 - AC Motor Control
During this course you will focus on the general principles of alternating current (AC) motor controls. You will receive instruction in various controls, switching, and relay devices that govern motor starting, acceleration, deceleration, and speed control.

ELMT 3011 - Metallurgy
This course is designed to provide learners with the knowledge necessary to understand the properties, composition, classification, and uses of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and heat treatment. This course is considered an introduction to the Machine Design course.

ELMT 3012 - Applied Math I
In this course the learner will improve algebraic proficiency skills to the level required by first year technicians studying the electrical and mechanical fields. The course concentrates on the skills that will allow the learner to begin solving equations and formulae encountered in the industry. The course emphasizes practical problem solving while it attempts to increase the learners' overall competency in mathematics.

ELMT 3013 - Applied Physics
This course is designed to introduce applied physics as it applies within the electrical and mechanical fields. The course concentrates on areas where a technician needs to efficiently solve equations and formulae when working with basic machinery and its components.

ELMT 3014 - Rigging
This course is designed to introduce learners to the safe procedure for moving equipment or materials as outlined within the Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Act (NSOHSA). Proper rigging techniques will be demonstrated to reinforce workplace safety using stipulated procedures and proper equipment when moving heavy items in the workplace. Learners will select the proper procedure by estimating the weight of the load and proper equipment.

ELMT 3015 - Applied Math II
This course is designed as a continuation of ELMT 3012. This course will challenge you to improve your algebraic proficiency skills to the level required by technicians entering the workforce in the electrical and mechanical fields. The course concentrates on the skills that will allow you to efficiently solve complex equations and formulae encountered in the industry. The course emphasizes practical problem solving while it attempts to increase your overall competency in mathematics and physics.

ELMT 3016 - Computer Aided Drafting for Electromechanical Technicians
This course introduces the learner to the fundamentals of computer assisted design and production drafting. The learner is provided with the theory of drawing and given the opportunity to apply this theory by producing simple electrical schematics and machine parts using computer aided drafting software.

ELMT 3017 - DC and AC Machines
This course covers the principles of magnetism as applied to direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) rotating machines. The generator and motor are studied as to their principles of operation, construction, characteristics, efficiency, rating and application.

SAFE 1000 - Introduction to WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems)
This course offers learners basic overview of WHMIS principles and establishes a solid foundation to support workplace-specific training on the safe storage and handling of controlled/hazardous products. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive basic WHMIS certification.

SAFE 1001 - Introduction to NS OH&S Act
This course offers students an introduction to the Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Act of Nova Scotia, which is required by any person employed in a Nova Scotia workplace. This is a generic, introductory course that provides basic knowledge of the Act for students and is considered to be the basis from which more specific training can be given.

SAFE 1020 - Safety Basics – Restricted Spaces
The learner is introduced to the basic requirements and procedures involved with working in restricted spaces. The definition and potential hazards of restricted spaces are discussed The course material is infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1021 - Safety Basics – Hazard Identification
The learners are introduced to the types of hazards encountered in workplaces and the approach that should be followed when recommending and implementing appropriate controls. Two key elements of Hazard Identification are addressed: Hazard Assessment and Inspection. The Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Act is discussed. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1023 - Safety Basics – Lock-out Tag Out
Lock-out Tag Out introduces students to the hazards related to energized systems and procedures to ensure worker safety. Related legislation and risk management is discussed and the student is exposed to the various types of lock-out devices. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1024 - Safety Basics – Respiratory Protection
This course introduces students to the potential of atmospheric hazards in the workplace and the available personal protection and control methods to maintain a safe work environment. Discussion topics include identification and testing for atmospheric hazards and workplace respiratory programs. The course material is to be infused throughout the curriculum and may be delivered in the classroom, shop or other opportunity as designed and developed by the instructor.

SAFE 1025 - Certified Fall Arrest and Protection
This course provides participants with an understanding of the hazards associated with working from heights and compliance with Workplace Health and Safety Regulations (2013). Throughout the course, participants will gain experience in the donning of a harness, an overview and presentation of system components involved when working from heights and learn how to complete a fall calculation and emergency procedures.

WORK 1100 - Workplace Mentoring I
This unit of instruction is designed to assist learners in managing their learning as an apprentice in the workplace. Learners will study their own experiences with learning new skills and identify their own learning preferences as an aid to developing learning strategies.

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