Temporary Campus or College Closure - Human Resources Procedure
Ref. No. | Executive sponsor | Policy steward | Approval authority | First approved | Last reviewed | Effective date | Next review |
61.62 |
- Purpose
- The purpose of this document is to explain what employees can expect when a campus or the college is temporarily closed.
- Definitions
- Procedure
- Employees with regular / term full time, regular / term part time and auxiliary status, whose work sites are affected and who were scheduled to work (and would have been at work but for the closure), will maintain 100% of their regular earnings for the period of the closure.
- Employees who are paid on an hourly basis, including casual employees whose work sites were affected and who were scheduled to work (and would have been at work but for the closure), will be paid for their hours as they were scheduled for up to one (1) week.
- Certain Managerial/Confidential Employees may be required to be on-site during temporary campus closures.
- Employees on vacation, sick leave, days off in lieu or any leave of absence will maintain that status during this period.
- Once conditions improve, employees with responsibility for restoring services or securing the campus/College (who were scheduled to work on the day of the temporary closure) will be notified by their supervisor so that they may prepare the premises for all employees to return.
- Employees who are scheduled to work evenings/backshift (with responsibilities for restoring services, cleaning, or securing the Campus/College) are to maintain their work schedules and report to work once the campus/College re-opens.