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Privacy and confidentiality

NSCC has a strict Confidentiality of Student Information Policy related to our learners, and their information. Even if your learner completes a consent to share information document with NSCC, it will not allow supporters to communicate on their learner's behalf.

As your learner continues into adult education, they are entering a space of independence and responsibility. You may want to support them throughout this; however, due to privacy and confidentiality policies there may be limitations in the ways you can support them. You can help guide them down the right path, but your support may be limited.

NSCC Privacy Policy and housing

What does the privacy policy mean to supporters of learners in campus housing

It is important to support your learner to become their own advocates and create a foundation of communication that they can use to be successful in the future. If your student communicates a challenge related to housing, encourage them to go to the correct support. If they are unsure where the correct support may be, encourage them to contact their community assistant, or coordinator of campus housing. Community assistants are student leaders who can refer the learner to the correct resource. The coordinator of campus housing is a full-time professional staff who supports the daily operations of campus housing.

What does the privacy policy mean to supporters of learners in housing off-campus

If your student communicates a challenge related to their off campus living situation, encourage them to go to the correct support. They may be able to receive support from the coordinator of housing and transition supporters, their student advisor, or the campus counsellor.

If your learner’s off-campus living requires further support, including community resource referral, the coordinator of housing and transition supports can support your learner in navigating to the correct pathway off-campus.

Consent to share information

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP) restricts the release of personal information without the informed consent of the person to whom it relates.

On occasion, students may wish to have information released to parties either inside or outside NSCC. To give the College permission to do so, fill out a Consent to Release Information form.

  • While the consent form allows for information sharing, it does not give parents, guardians, or advocates permission to speak on student’s behalf.
  • This form is in place for the entire academic year, or until a new form to change or remove consent is submitted.