Environment and agriculture research publications
Applied Environment and Agriculture Research produces publications to share research results and to support continuing education with industry partners, government, students, and other academics.
Peer-reviewed journal publications
Vankoughnett, M.R. Way, D. and H.A.L. Henry. (2016) Late winter light increases summer growth in the grass Poa pratensis: implications for snow removal experiments and winter melt events. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 131: 32-38
Vankoughnett M.R. and P. Grogan. (2016). Plant production and nitrogen accumulation above- and belowground in low and tall birch tundra communities: The influence of snow and litter. Plant and Soil 1-16
Vankoughnett, M.R. and H.A.L. Henry (2014). Soil freezing and N deposition: transient vs. multi-year effects on extractable C and N, potential trace gas losses, and microbial biomass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 77:170-178.
Vankoughnett, M.R. and H.A.L. Henry (2014). Soil freezing and N deposition: transient vs. multi-year effects on plant productivity and relative species abundances. New Phytologist. 202:1277-85.
Vankoughnett M.R. and P. Grogan (2014). Plant nitrogen acquisition in low and tall birch tundra communities: A test of the snow-shrub hypothesis. Biogeochemistry 118:291-306.
Vankoughnett M.R. and H.A.L. Henry (2013). Combined effects of soil freezing and N addition on losses and interception of N over winter and summer. Ecosystems 16:694-703.