Archived projects
Automating the process of building strawberry boxes
Engineered Technologies Applied Research is working with Willow Box to design and build a more efficient process of manufacturing strawberry boxes.
Emergency coastal flooding decision support system
Applied Geomatics Research Group has created an online mapping system used to predict which Nova Scotian coastlines are vulnerable to flooding.
Cricket frass and drought stress tolerance
Environmental and Agriculture Technology analysed cricket frass and drought stress tolerance in horticulture crops. Learn more about this collaboration with Entomo Farms.
Solar cell simulator prototype
Applied Energy Research designed and built a solar cell simulator. Learn more about this collaboration with Rayleigh Solar tech.
Building a database for emission reduction
Information Technology Applied Research is building a data repository to help a local startup scale access to low carbon emissions for industry.
Town of Bridgewater energy management information system - proof of concept
Applied Energy Research is working with the Town of Bridgewater to develop an energy management system to reduce energy poverty.
3D Mapping to identify submerged Mi'kmaw heritage sites
Applied Geomatics Research Group worked with Kwilmu'kw Maw-klusuaqn Negotiation Office to identify potential Mi'kmaw heritage sites.
Development of geographic information system database
Applied Geomatics Research Group mapped the Inner Bay of Fundy to support coastal and marine conservation.
Solar window analysis
Applied Energy Research designed and tested a solar photovoltaic window. Learn more about this collaboration with Kohltech.