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NSCC Applied Research

Research Ethics Board

The Research Ethics Board operates independently from the Applied Research Office and ensures that all NSCC research adheres to the Tri-Council Policy Statement, Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans. All research projects involving human subjects, directly or indirectly, funded or unfunded, require review by NSCC's Research Ethics Board (REB). The REB review process is based on four principles which include, the respect for persons, ensuring no harm to individuals, assessing the benefits to individuals and a fair assessment of the balance of burdens and benefits.

The REB Application Form must be completed and submitted electronically to the Chair of the REB Committee to initiate the review process. All submitted REB applications must contain TCPS2 certificates for the principal investigator and all co-investigators.

Research Ethics Board Application Form (DOC 57KB)

Annual Renewal Project Closure Report (DOC 58KB)

Research Ethics Board Policy

External researchers seeking to use NSCC equipment, students or staff for research purposes must also submit their proposal for review by NSCC's REB.

Enquiries and clarification on NSCC's Research Ethics Board's policies and procedures are to be directed to the Chair of the REB Committee:

Kelly Shaw
Chair, Research Ethics Board
Phone: 902-893-5334

REB meetings are generally held on the first Wednesday of every month.

Research Ethics Board - FAQs
How can I advertise my research study through NSCC’s social media channels or emails?

NSCC will consider "sharing" (Facebook) or "retweeting" (Twitter) appropriate external research posts through the College’s social media accounts. To do so, an email or a social media direct message outlining details should be sent to NSCC Communications (). This does not require NSCC REB review.

Recruiting NSCC students, faculty, or staff through official NSCC emails requires approval from both NSCC Institutional Research () and the NSCC REB.

Will the NSCC research ethics board (REB) still be operating during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The NSCC REB will still be operating. NSCC has shifted its operations to online meeting platforms and the REB has been included in that shift. Timelines outlined for application submission and meeting dates are currently unchanged. 

Can I continue my research involving humans during the COVID-19 pandemic?

All approved research applications can continue with the expectation that researchers make provision to ensure their own safety and the safety of their research participants. If this means a substantive change to a research protocol (e.g., moving to telephone interviews from face-to-face interviews) it is the researcher’s responsibility to seek approval for this amendment from the REB. Highlighting that the requested amendment is related to the changes or restrictions occurring because of COVID-19 would be valuable. This amendment can be submitted via email () and the REB chair will respond in a timely manner.

Can I submit a new project for REB review during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Yes! The NSCC REB will still be operating. NSCC has shifted its operations to online meeting platforms and the REB has been included in that shift. Timelines outlined for application submission and meeting dates are currently unchanged. 

What do I do if I have to make changes to my research that already has REB approval?

Submitting a request for amendment to an approved application can be made via email (). Highlighting that the requested amendment is related to the changes or restrictions occurring because of COVID-19 would be valuable. The REB chair will respond in a timely manner to all requests for amendment to research protocol.
