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Online tools and platforms

You use a number of different tools, platforms and technology to support your learning. You need access to:

View a list of tools and platforms you'll use during your studies at NSCC.

Set up multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an online security measure put in place to make sure you are who you say you are. It requires 2 or more pieces of evidence that prove your identity. Our suggested app for MFA is Microsoft Authenticator. Visit Service Desk to learn how to set up the app and sign up for MFA.

Change or reset your password

You must be enrolled in our password recovery tool to change or reset your password. Learn how to change or reset your password

Get help with your computer or equipment

Visit the College's Technology Service Desk for help with your computer or equipment. Select 'Technology Services' to browse helpful articles and request help.

Improve your computer skills

Need help with your computer skills? Access resources to support your learning through NSCC Libraries and Learning Commons.

Explore Brightspace

Brightspace is the College’s online learning system where you'll find course materials and outlines, class calendars, grades and more for all your courses. Find Brightspace in the table below to learn more about it before your program begins, and access it for your studies.

Access online tools and platforms

Here are some online tools and platforms you'll gain access to shortly before your studies begin.

Name of platform Description How to access


MyNSCC provides you with access to important NSCC information. Manage and view your personal information, class schedules, make payments and more.


Microsoft 365 and your NSCC email

Microsoft 365 includes a series of web-based services including your NSCC email, file sharing and web conferencing along with other Microsoft products (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) and online features.

Microsoft 365

Username: (e.g.,


Connect is the College’s online space for students and employees. It’s where you’ll find information about services and supports, learn what’s happening at your campus and more.


Username: (e.g.,


You'll use Brightspace whether you're learning online or in person.

Your instructor will let you know how Brightspace will be used at the start of your class, but you can take time now to explore it:

  • Take a video tour of Brightspace
  • Read a How to Guide
  • Take a Brightspace Practice Course

Get ready to use Brightspace through the Brightspace Tool Kit.

Access Brightspace for your studies.

Username: (e.g.,


ReadSpeaker is literacy support software offering text to speech, dictation, highlighting and more.

Built into Brightspace courses

Student Awards Portal

The Student Awards Portal provides you with the opportunity to search and apply for various forms of financial support including scholarships, bursaries, awards, urgent aid and more.

Student Awards Portal

Username: (e.g.,

Campus Housing Portal (StarRez)

StarRez campus housing portal provides you with the opportunity to apply for campus housing at all current locations.

Campus Housing Portal

Username: (e.g.,

iCent App

iCent is an app for international students that helps you connect with international student ambassadors and plan your move to Canada.

Download iCent: Google Play, Apple Store

Access iCent: Login steps
