Event recordings
Did you miss one of our events? Find it in the list below and watch a recording:
Discover eCampus
International students
Learning online
Off-campus housing
- Are you looking for a roommate?
- Connecting to your community
- Cost of life in Nova Scotia
- Get started with housing
- Housing at Digby Learning Centre
- Renting in Nova Scotia: what do you need to know?
- Renting in Nova Scotia: recognizing rental scams
- Signing a rental lease/contract in Nova Scotia
- Types of accommodations in Nova Scotia
- Your rights as a tenant
Our campuses
- Introduction to HRM Campuses: Akerley, Ivany and Institute of Technology
- Introduction to Rural Campuses: Shelburne and Burridge
- Introduction to Rural Campuses: Middleton (Annapolis Valley), COGS (Annapolis Valley), Kingstec and Lunenburg
- Introduction to Rural Campuses: Cumberland, Pictou and Truro
- Introduction to Rural Campuses: Strait and Marconi
Student awards
Student health benefits
Student life
Student supports
Work-Integrated Learning and Co-op
Your finances