Archived Libraries and Learning Commons news
Open Education (OE) Week March 3-7, 2025
Open Education Week is March 4-7, 2025. This is a week to celebrate how we are using OER!
Freedom to Read Week
Learn more about Freedom to Read Week, find out the 10 most challenged books of 2023, and join NSCC Libraries in a session exploring how access to information about equity-seeking communities continues to be challenged.
NSCC Libraries African and Black Nova Scotian Collection
February is African Heritage Month. 2025's provincial theme is “Legacy in Action: Celebrating Black Brilliance.” Our African/Black Nova Scotian collection features books and ebooks on African/Black Canadian & Nova Scotian history, communities, & culture.
Love Data Week
Join NSCC Libraries for our First Annual Love Data Week for a celebration of all things data related. This event is completely online.
NSCC Libraries Wellness Collection
This collection includes non-fiction print and electronic books on wellness topics such as resilience, healing, empowerment, and mindfulness.
AtlanticOER Development Grants
The Council of Atlantic Academic Libraries is sending out a call for applications for the AtlanticOER Development Grants. Funding is provided by the four Atlantic provinces (New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island).
PALS information on Connect
Peer Assisted Learning Supports (PALS) is a program funded by NSCC Students' Associations where peers support peers in learning. Individual and group sessions are available for help with specific skills (e.g. math, biology, medical terminology) and with course-specific supports (e.g. Accounting 1000, Pharmacology, Digital Technologies).
Challenge Nova Scotia 2024
NSCC Libraries is pleased to support Challenge Nova Scotia again this year by providing library and copyright assistance to registered teams.
EAL Start Strong
The EAL Start Strong Series is scheduled from August 13-15, 2024. Join the NSCC Libraries and Learning Commons Team to start your year at NSCC strong! Come to the Series for English as an Additional Language (EAL) support webinars, a conversation circle, and information on additional supports available through NSCC Libraries and Learning Commons. For more information and links to join, visit
PALS Job Applications
We are now hiring PALS providers for 2024-2025. Visit the PALS Job Posting page for more information and a link to the job application form.
Please note, there was a temporary issue with the PALS Admin Support Job Application that has now been fixed.
Atlantic OER Development Grants
The Council of Atlantic Academic Libraries (CAAL) is pleased to announce that the AtlanticOER Development Grants2024 cycle is now open for applications. AtlanticOER Development Grants are intended to encourage and support educators in the Atlantic Region in the adaptation, adoption, creation, and curation of open educational resources (OER), and to increase access to course materials for students.
EAL Supports
Get English as an Additional Language (EAL) support as you study and prepare for employment.
NSCC's Library Supports
NSCC's Libraries lend more than just books.
Open Education Week 2024
Open Education Week March 4-8th 2024
The NSCC theme for Open Education (OE) Week 2024 is Open Education and UN Sustainable Development Goals: Exploring the Connections.
Writing Centre Connect Page
Visit the NSCC Writing Centre for support with your writing. We’ll help you plan and strategize for your assignments, provide helpful input and resources, and help you feel more confident about your writing skills!
Equity and Inclusion Guides
The Equity and Inclusion Guides are collections of resources put together by NSCC Librarians in close consultation with NSCC colleagues and community partners. The guides provide current and reliable information, statistics and links to community organizations.
PALS Program
NSCC's Peer Assisted Learning Supports (PALS) is a program where peers support peers in learning. PALS supports include one-on-one sessions, facilitated study groups, and drop-in sessions on specific topics. There are also sessions open to all students on topics such as study skills, time-management skills, and Office 365. Visit the PALS Connect page for the full list of available sessions.
Virtual Reference Services
NSCC Libraries' Virtual References Services are available now!
Challenge Nova Scotia 2023
NSCC Libraries is pleased to support Challenge Nova Scotia again this year by providing library and copyright assistance to registered teams.
Indigenous Resources Guide
In 1993, Premier John Savage and Mi’kmaw Grand Chief Ben Sylliboy declared October as the official month to recognize and celebrate Mi’kmaw culture and heritage. Visit the Indigenous Resources Guide for information about Mi'kmaq History Month, Nova Scotia Communities, Treaties, Truth and Reconciliation and much more.
Virtual Reference Services
NSCC Library Staff are ready to help you with papers, assignments, accessing e-resources, and more! Head to our Virtual Reference Services page to learn more about Live Help and the NSCC Libraries' Live Chat.
Tutoring Services
Struggling with topics in your course? Need help with assignments or preparing for tests? Looking for help with study skills? NSCC has a number of academic tutor options to support your learning as part of our suite of Learning Supports.
Classroom Listening Strategies
We’re offering a Classroom Listening Strategies webinar next week! If you need help keeping up with content in class, make sure to join us on September 12, 2023 for some tips & tricks to strengthen your listening skills.
College 101
NSCC College 101: Study, Strategize, and Succeed will help you create a foundation for college studies by learning how to learn.
North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week
Health and safety-minded practice is key in the prevention of illness and injury in the workplace, at home, and in the community. NSCC is currently recognizing North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week with various activities taking place at campuses.
NSCC Faculty Awarded AtlanticOER Grants.
AtlanticOER Development Grants are intended to encourage and support educators in the Atlantic Region in the adaptation, adoption, creation, and curation of open educational resources (OER), and to increase access to course materials for students.
March 6-10 2023 is Open Education Week!
An international week to celebrate and share how we are using open educational resources (OER). Check out the NSCC hosted sessions planned for next week.
Fair Dealing Week
February 20-24 is Fair Dealing Week! Learn why Fair Dealing works and is key to a balanced copyright system that supports high-quality, affordable and inclusive education.
SafetyHub Videos
Check out this video library of Workplace Health & Safety and Skills Training videos (W# and password required offsite).
Digital Archives - NSCC Historical Photograph Collection
NSCC Libraries and Learning Commons is excited to share the newly created Historical Photograph Collection! Begun in 2021-22, this digital archives is a growing collection of historical photographs of campuses, students, employees, alumni and events at NSCC.
TutorMe : Getting Started
NSCC students get 6 free hours per month! Access online, 24/7 via Brightspace. 1000s of tutors available in over 300 subjects. Get support via chat, video or audio.
EAL Support Conversation Circle
Practice English in an informal and friendly setting! Learn everyday conversation, new vocabulary, and pronunciation. Each circle is limited to 8 participants (first come, first served). Sessions are offered on MS Teams on Tuesday from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm (AST).
NSCC Libraries & Learning Commons Webinar Series
Jump into Spring by joining us via Teams for sessions on APA Citation Style and TutorMe!
Open Education Week 2022
March 7-11, 2022 is Open Education Week! Check out related resources and information sessions happening!
African Heritage Month 2022
February is African Heritage Month! Check out some resources available at NSCC Libraries!
Atlantic OER Development Grants 2022
The Council of Atlantic Academic Libraries (CAAL) is pleased to announce that the Atlantic OER Development Grants 2022 cycle is now open for applications.
Winter Webinar Series
Check out NSCC Libraries and Learning Commons' Winter Webinar Series! Join short sessions on APA Citation Style, researching and organizing papers, TutorMe and much more.
Career Development Guide
November is Canada Career Month. NSCC Libraries and Learning Commons has guides on Career Development, Preparing for Employment and Portfolio.
Celebrating Indigenous content in NSCC Libraries - Connect story
NSCC Libraries and Learning Commons is preparing to launch a new initiative to bring added prominence to first-voice, Indigenous content in our collections. Riki Lee Christmas, the NSCC grad that designed the new Indigenous spine label, explains its significance on Connect.
Indigenous Resources Guide
In 1993, Premier John Savage and Mi’kmaw Grand Chief Ben Sylliboy declared October as the official month to recognize and celebrate Mi’kmaw culture and heritage. Visit the Indigenous Resources Guide for information about Mi'kmaq History Month, Nova Scotia Communities, Treaties, Truth and Reconciliation and much more.
Library Equipment Loan Program 2021-2022
Need to borrow a laptop? Are you an NSCC student? NSCC’s Library Equipment Loan Program starts circulating equipment September 7, 2021.
NSCC Library Laptop Loan Program
For students doing work placements remotely, you can borrow laptops or iPads from your Campus Library.
African Heritage Month
February is African Heritage Month! Check out how NSCC Libraries and Learning Commons is celebrating Black History.
Freedom to Read Week
Freedom to Read Week is an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed them under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Winter Webinar Series
NSCC Libraries and Learning Commons are delivering daily webinars on a variety of topics that range from academic integrity, how to write a paper and citing sources, as well as searching NSCC Libraries’ electronic resources.
LinkedIn Learning
An industry leader in online learning with over 335,000 online courses and video tutorials on subjects such as business, software, technology and creative skills.
Library Laptops
Borrow or renew Library Laptops and Other Equipment for the Winter Term!
Persons with Disabilities Resources Guide
December 3 is International Day of People with Disabilities. This guide is an introduction to concepts and a gateway to resources around disability information, supports, legislation and rights.
Celebrate Treaty Day!
October 1st is Treaty Day and October is Mi'kmaq History Month!
CSA OnDemand
CSA OnDemand is a searchable library of standards from the Canadian Standards Association. It provides continually updated standards for online viewing and downloadable PDFs. Select "My Library" to access available content.
Criterion-on-Demand hosts over 2,600 feature film & documentary titles from a wide variety of major producers, including, Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, Alliance Films, Entertainment One, Mongrel Media, and many more! These titles include English, French and Subtitled/Captioned versions.
Accessibility in Library eResources Guide
Check out this guide outlining accessibility features available in NSCC Libraries' database, streaming video, and eBook collections.
Films on Demand Entertainment Video Collection
Action! Horror! Comedy! Romance! The new Entertainment Video Collection offers more than 600 films ranging from light-hearted popcorn flicks to thought-provoking dramas.
I Read Canadian Day
February 19, 2020 is I Read Canadian Day, a national day of celebration of Canadian books for young people. The goal is to raise awareness of Canadian books and celebrate the richness, diversity and breadth of Canadian literature. Visit your Campus Library and check out a Canadian book!
NSCC Libraries December Hours
Hours may vary across NSCC Libraries in December. Safe and Happy Holidays to all!
NSCC Academic Recovery Days
NSCC Libraries are open January 2 and 3, 2020 to support you.