Student life
Student association
You’re automatically a member of your student association (SA). Each campus has its own SA, which is governed by an elected executive and various class and program representatives. SAs help improve student life by creating opportunities for balanced lifestyles, promoting health and wellness, organizing events and encouraging campus-wide communication and participation. Often, your partner can participate in SA events, too. Learn more about student life at NSCC
Community life
The more you and your family get to know your new community, the easier your transition to campus life will be. Check out these regional websites for information according to your campus location. You can find details about your local library, language services, business supports, shopping, and more.
- Halifax and Dartmouth (IT Campus, Akerley Campus, Ivany Campus and Aviation Institute)
- Lawrencetown (Annapolis Valley Campus) and Middleton (Centre of Geographic Sciences)
- Yarmouth (Burridge Campus)
- Springhill (Cumberland Campus) and Amherst
- Kentville (Kingstec Campus)
- Bridgewater (Lunenburg Campus)
- Sydney (Sydney Waterfront Campus)
- Stellarton/New Glasgow (Pictou Campus)
- Shelburne (Shelburne Campus and School of Fisheries)
- Port Hawkesbury (Strait Area Campus and Nautical Institute)
- Truro (Truro Campus)