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Marine Operations Training

The following programs are offered onsite at NSCC Nautical Institute - Strait Area Campus in Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia. To apply, email  or call 902-625-4017.

Vessel Operations

Course Description Prerequisite Duration
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System - General Operator Certificate (GMDSS- GOC)

This course is intended for mariners on commercial vessels operating in all Sea Areas (A1, A2, A3 and A4) as defined in Radio Aids to Marine navigation (RAMN) and compulsorily fitted with DSC Marine Radio Transceiver (Very High Frequency (VHF), Medium Frequency (MF) or Medium Frequency/High Frequency (MF/HF) radio telephones) and/or Ship Earth Stations. This course in approved by Industry Canada and complies with STCW 95 as amended – Regulation IV/2.
Must be 18 years of age, Note: A 1” x 1 ¼” photo with signature on back will be required for issuance/reissuance or replacement of certificate 70 Hours
Teamwork & Leadership Skills

This course provides learners with knowledge, skill and understanding of leadership and teamwork at the operational level on board a ship. The course is designed to meet STCW requirements for the application of leadership and teamwork skills, in accordance with the 2010 Manila Amendments, specifically as stated in tables A-II/1,A-III/1 and A-III/6
No prerequisite 24 Hours
Oil & Chemical Tanker Familiarization

This course prepares learners for the duties and responsibilities related to the loading, discharging or transfer of cargo and the operation of cargo equipment aboard different types of oil and chemical tankers.
Marine Emergency Duties STCW Basic Safety (MED STCW BS) Certificate of Competency (CoC) MARI 1083, Valid Marine Medical Certificate 60 Hours
Passenger Safety Management (PSM)

To provide seafarers with an understanding of measures to be taken in order to ensure safe operation of passenger carrying vessels. This includes standards for familiarization, basic safety training, and competencies, in order to cope with hazards and emergencies
No prerequisite 15 Hours
Vessel Personnel with Security Responsibilities

This course is intended to provide the knowledge required for seafarers with designated security duties in connection with a Ship Security Plan (SSP) to perform their duties in accordance with the requirements of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 as amended, the ISPS Code and Section A-VI/6 and Table A-VI/6-2 of the STCW Code, as amended. Certificate Awarded: Documentation issued indicating that the holder has completed training in "Security Awareness" based on this course.
No prerequisite 11.5 Hours


Course Description Prerequisite Duration
Celestial Navigation

Celestial Navigation ASTRO 2 is a classroom-based Transport Canada approved Watchkeeping Mate required course designed to provide prospective mariners with an understanding of Nautical Astronomy and its use in position-finding through the processes of celestial navigation. This module consists of introductory lectures on the calculation and observation processes in a logical progression supported by digital media. Each topic is reinforced by practical exercises ranging from the written descriptive to the highly computational. Theoretical components are combined with hands-on sextant work.
Chartwork and Pilotage III, Level 2 300 Hours
Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS)

This course is delivered in Nautical Institute navigation instrument laboratory. Learners will practice the use of electronic chart display and information systems on the functional equivalent of industry standard equipment. It is comprised of a mix of theory delivered by lecture, user skills delivered by demonstration, and hands on skill-building exercises. ECDIS is an IMO model course 1.27 compliant in accordance with regulation II/1 STCW CODE, table A-II/1.
Chartwork and Pilotage III, Level 2 40 Hours
Simulated Electronic Navigation 1B (SEN 1B)

This course is conducted in the Nautical Institute navigation simulator. An average day in this course starts with a lecture reinforced by electronic presentation or video followed by a discussion period. Next learners will prepare for a simulation. These preparations become progressively more comprehensive throughout the course. Upon completion of the preparation phase learners will execute and monitor their plan, dealing with a variety of issues commonly addressed in the keeping of a navigation watch. This includes monitoring traffic, position speed; course the surrounding environment, internal and external communications and record keeping. The learner will complete a 2 target plot and react in accordance with the International Rules for Prevention of Collisions. It is also required that throughout the simulation the learner complies with all applicable regulations. Following this course the use of the simulator will be available to the learner to challenge the SIM 1 examination by Transport Canada as required for certification as Watchkeeping Mate. Certificate Awarded: Transport Canada Training Certificate
Chartwork and Pilotage III, Level 2;Global Maritime Distress Safety System- Restricted Operators Certificate of Competency (CoC) Maritime Commercial (GMDSS-ROC-MC) 120 Hours


Course Description Prerequisite Duration
High Voltage Operational - Engineering

Education and training in High Voltage (HV) installations to meet the knowledge, understanding and proficiencies requirements as set out in STCW 2010 Tables A-III/2 and A-III/6 for electrical, electronic and control systems at the management level.
Proof of prior electrical or electro-technical experience in a shipboard environment; Proof of 12 months of sea time as an Engineer Officer of the Watch (EOOW) while holding an unlimited EOOW Certificate of Competency (CoC) STCW Reg. III/1 or Existing ETO with at least 12 months of sailing experience or Existing Electrical. Officers having 12 months sailing experience or Marine Engineering Officer (Class 1) or Marine Engineering Officer (Class 2) 30 Hours
Propulsion Plant Level 1 (PPS 1)

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to perform watchkeeping duties. They will understand how to take over and handle an engine room watch and operate a power plants if it is operated on board a vessel. The participants will know what is expected of a watchkeeper at sea, enabling him/her to be a valuable member of the engine room team. Good Marine Engineering practices will be emphasized throughout the course. Careful monitoring and operation of the ship’s machinery will be stressed, with realistic training runs used. Certificate Awarded: Transport Canada Training Certificate
Transport Canada transcript or an ACES-Qualifying Service List verifying 6 months (180 days) of sea time on a vessel with 750kw of engine power 80 Hours
Skills Training - Electrical, Machining and Welding Components

This course provides electrical skills training, complying with the intent of TP-13720E and with recent revisions to the skills training requirement for Fourth Class Marine Engineers as outlined by the CMAC.
No prerequisite 30 Hours
Skills Training - Machining

This course provides Machining skills training, complying with the intent of TP-13720E and with recent revisions to the skills training requirement for Fourth Class Marine Engineers as outlined by the CMAC.
No prerequisite 60 Hours
Skills Training - Welding

This course provides welding skills training, complying with the intent of TP-13720E and with recent revisions to the skills training requirement for Fourth Class Marine Engineers as outlined by the CMAC.
No prerequisite 60 Hours