NSCC Foundation and Alumni Relations Executive Director moving to a new role this summer

After seven and a half years helping build the work of the College, Michelle Bussey, Executive Director, NSCC Foundation and Alumni Relations, will soon be moving to a new role. She will step into the position of Chief Executive Officer for the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency (NSAA) beginning July 31, 2023.
NSCC President Don Bureaux says, “Michelle has done extraordinary work over the past seven and a half years building the profile of the NSCC Foundation and Alumni Relations and developing a culture of impact at NSCC. Over that time, the Foundation team has raised close to $45 million through thousands of partnerships and donor connections built and stewarded throughout the province and beyond. The Alumni Relations team has grown beyond 100,000 alumni and added new programs and supports that enhance connectivity and engagement with the College.”
Don noted that Michelle championed and led NSCC’s first major province-wide fundraising campaign, Make Way, raising more than $33 million dollars and engaging colleagues from every campus and partners in every community. She worked with her team to ensure donors and partners could see directly how their gifts improved lives, removed barriers, and enriched programming and innovation. Her leadership was vital in guiding the Foundation and Alumni Relations team and work successfully through the uncertainty brought on by the pandemic – helping to highlight and raise support for the rapidly changing and urgent needs of the College, students and alumni. Most recently, Michelle has led the renewal of the Foundation and Alumni Relations’ strategic plan, setting the course for the continued advancement of this important and inspiring work.
Skilled trades have been the backbone of Michelle’s career. Before joining the NSCC Foundation and Alumni Relations, Michelle spent 16 years advancing trades and technology careers through skills competitions, first as Executive Director, Skills Canada – Nova Scotia and then with WorldSkills International. As difficult as it is to say farewell, we know Michelle’s leadership and passion for careers in skilled trades and technology will enhance the College’s vital partnership with the NSAA and strengthen the apprenticeship system in Nova Scotia.
New Acting Executive Director
As part of the commitment to a smooth transition, Don Bureaux recently announced that effective July 17, Ashley Power, Manager of Alumni Relations, will be taking on the role of Acting Executive Director of NSCC Foundation and Alumni Relations.
Ashley is a four-time grad of NSCC and was hired 16 years ago to create and lead NSCC’s first Alumni Program which now represents a community of over 100,000 graduates. Ashley has also been co-leading the new strategic planning process with Michelle and is primed to lead the implementation of this important work. We are confident that Ashley’s strong leadership and relationship skills make her an ideal candidate for this role.
As Acting Executive Director, Ashley will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of Foundation and Alumni Relations.
NSCC Alumni Officer Evie Sabean will be stepping into the role of acting Manager, Alumni Relations. Ashley, Evie and Michelle, have already been working closely to ensure a smooth transition and continued momentum for the important work of the Foundation and Alumni Relations team.
The search for a permanent Executive Director will begin in the fall.
The Foundation and Alumni Relations team
On behalf of the Foundation and Alumni Relations team, we wish Michelle well as she steps into her new role and thank her for the inspiring and compassionate leadership she has shown during her time at the College. And we thank Ashley and Evie for stepping up to help lead us through this transition period.
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