Ecological Forest Equipment Program

PLEASE NOTE: The application window for EFEP grants has now closed. Applications are now under review by NSCC Staff and the EFEP External Review Committee.
NSCC is supporting the shift to ecological forestry in Nova Scotia with a new funding program to help businesses offset the costs of adopting more sustainable forestry practices. The Ecological Forest Equipment Program distributes grants to forest sector businesses to help with the costs of buying or retrofitting equipment for sustainable harvesting operations. Total funding for this program is $9.85 million from the Forestry Innovation Transition Trust (FITT).
Program goals
- Advancing ecological forestry by improving sustainable forest management practices, decreasing environmental waste, adopting ecological supports and increasing the lifespan of equipment.
- Supporting private landowners in adopting ecological forestry by enabling sector diversification, increasing niche market opportunities, and funding equipment designed for sustainable harvesting on private woodlots.
- Scaling and expanding capacity of forest contractors by increasing harvesting efficiency, reducing equipment out-of-service time for repairs, and promoting economic development and employment in rural Nova Scotia.
Eligible applicants
To be considered for funding, applicants must meet all the following criteria:
- Sole proprietorships, partnerships or corporations registered to do business in Nova Scotia with an active Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number (BN).
- Conducts forestry-related activities as the primary business focus, with at least 75% of revenue in the past 12 months generated from forestry-related activities.
- Is not associated through common ownership with any businesses primarily involved in the secondary processing of forestry products, including sawmill operations and pulp mills.
- Qualifies as an eligible beneficiary for funding from FITT as outlined in the Trust Indenture.
Read the full eligibility criteria in the EFEP Application Guidelines.
Eligible equipment
Only forestry equipment purchased on or after January 1, 2023 is eligible for EFEP funding. Used equipment must be from model year 2019 or newer and have been operated for less than 15,000 hours at the time of purchase.
There is a competitive review process and high demand for EFEP grants. Submitting an application for equipment that has already been purchased, even if it meets eligibility criteria, does not guarantee funding. All applications will be assessed against a scoring rubric by an advisory panel of experts.
Application dates
The 2024 application window for EFEP grants is now closed. Applications may reopen in the future, pending funding availability.
Preparing an application
All applications must be completed in full to be considered. Please use the Application Guidelines document to ensure your application is properly completed.
- EFEP Program Application
- EFEP Grant Calculator spreadsheet
- A copy of the quote for purchase for equipment from a dealership, or a copy of the Private Equipment Purchase form for private sales
- Document of Learning that shows completion of NSCC's free, online course Striving for Equity and Building Bridges
- Registers of shareholders / partners and individuals with significant control
- Certificate of status issued by Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies
- A screenshot of your CRA My Business account showing no outstanding taxes payable
- A minimum of 4 (max. 6) harvesting audits or Prescription Implementation Documents (PIDs)
- Proof of registration with the Forestry Safety Society of Nova Scotia
- A third-party safety audit and certification
How to submit an application
Please submit your completed application package, including all of the required supplemental documents, via email to . Make the subject line of the email: Your Company Name EFEP Application.
Please note: the EFEP application window is now closed.
Decision criteria
Applications will be measured against the following evaluation criteria:
- Confirmation of applicant and equipment eligibility.
- Alignment with program goals in supporting the shift to advance ecological forestry in Nova Scotia and supporting economic growth in the forest sector.
- Contribution to increasing productivity in harvesting operations.
- Integration with ecological forestry principles and technologies.
- Equipment fleet enhancement or replacement.
- Cost-benefit and alignment with long-term objectives.
- Productivity measurement and tracking plan.
Maximum grant amounts
EFEP grants cover only a portion of the total cost of purchasing or retrofitting equipment. Applicants are required to have proof of approved financing in place for all remaining costs. Grants support only the capital costs of the approved equipment.
Equipment Category | Grant Amount (% of purchase price) |
Minimum Grant ($ excluding HST) |
Maximum Grant ($ excluding HST) |
New | 35% | $50,000 | $250,000 |
Used | 30% | $50,000 | $150,000 |
Renew / Retrofit | 50% | $15,000 | $150,000 |
Maximum cumulative value: No applicant can receive grants exceeding a cumulative value of $500,000.
Application limit: Applicants are limited to a maximum of two applications to through the entire duration of the program.
Program contacts
For all inquiries, please contact