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Shannon Chapman's Story

Shannon Chapman in The Netherlands in 2024

Immediately following the work experience required to complete my NSCC diploma, I traveled to Groningen, Netherlands for the 3-week Global Energy Transition program. It was a whirlwind of a time for me, but I could not have been welcomed by warmer people.

Most mornings began with an Intercultural Mentorship class to discuss cultural differences between the Netherlands and our home countries. We always started with “How are you?”, to give everyone an opportunity to check in with themselves and each other as we adjusted to new surroundings. Master classes were taught on green energy, social impacts, law, psychology, culture, and more. Some lectures included workshops, lab tours, or interactive games – all of which enriched the learning experience and offered personal insight. We also went on field trips to Schiermonikoog Island, Delft University, and more.

What I noticed the quickest about the Netherlands was the higher quality of food and use of bicycles and public transit compared to Nova Scotia. Cars were much less common on the road than cyclists – which, one of our lecturers dubbed “a protected species” in the Netherlands.

This opportunity has shifted how I look at my own role in the world. Previously, I was someone with little hope about the future and not believing that anything I do would make a difference. I was reminded that small changes, mindset, education, community, and effort all matter. Each person has a ripple effect on the world they interact with, and I feel very lucky to be moving forward with hope and determination.

