Sam Fagan's Story

Before going to Tanzania, I had some expectations that I had produced on my own, way before we even left, but as soon as we arrived, my expectations were exceeded. If anything, I was blown away the whole entire time. While being in Tanzania I wanted to learn and absorb as much information as I possibly could.
No matter how much I write, words cannot describe the experience I had. As soon as you arrive, you feel safe, relaxed, calm, happy, excited, loved and much more. I strongly believe you will never feel so welcomed in a place like Tanzania. The people who live in Tanzania are so loving and welcoming and the scenery was out of this world. Being able to have had the opportunity to go on a trip like this made me appreciate life way more than I ever have, and ill will forever cherish the memories and friendships I have made in Tanzania, and lastly, I believe that I have grown both personally and professionally because of this amazing experience.
One thing I can honestly say is that saying goodbye to Africa, and to all the friends we made over the 12 days we were there for, was probably one of the most difficult things I have ever done. The connections we made with the students, the memories we created as a team is something ill never forget or take for granted. So, thank you NSCC International for giving me this opportunity to travel to an amazing country and work with such talented and caring people.