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Makaila Salaudeen's Story

Makaila Salaudeen participated in the Future of Health Summer School in The Netherlands in 2024.

When I first learned about the opportunity to participate in an international student exchange program, my excitement was mixed with a fair bit of nervousness. Leaving Nova Scotia, with its familiar sights and sounds, for an entirely new country felt like a giant leap into the unknown. However, as I now sit back and reflect on my time abroad, I realize that this experience has profoundly shaped me in ways I hadn't imagined. A New World of Learning Arriving in Groningen, everything felt different yet intriguingly similar. The first thing that struck me was the balance of old-world charm and modern innovation. Groningen's vibrant student life and bustling bike lanes contrasted sharply with the more laid-back vibe of Halifax, yet I found a surprising rhythm in both cities. Navigating the narrow, cobbled streets on a bicycle was a challenge at first, but it taught me the importance of patience and adaptability—skills that are incredibly valuable in any setting.

I learned to appreciate the directness of the Dutch, which was a stark contrast to the more reserved social interactions back home. This new perspective on communication and efficiency has already started influencing my approach to group projects and team dynamics back in school and at work. Academic Growth and Professional Insights My journey took me further when I attended the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Immersing myself in the classroom environment there was exhilarating. The Dutch education system emphasizes critical thinking and self-directed learning, which was a significant shift from the more structured approach I was used to in Nova Scotia. Participating in group projects with international students taught me the importance of collaboration and compromise. These experiences have made me more confident in my ability to work in diverse teams and have given me a broader understanding of global perspectives—an asset for my future career in nursing.

Personal Growth and Cultural Appreciation Living with other international students from around the world—Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Finland, America, and the Netherlands—was one of the most enriching aspects of my exchange. It was through them that I truly immersed myself in the culture. I tried traditional foods like stroopwafels and bitterballen, and these moments of cultural exchange were eye-opening, fostering a deep appreciation for traditions and customs different from my own. Being away from the familiar support system of family and friends in Nova Scotia also made me more self-reliant and resilient. I learned to navigate challenges independently, whether it was dealing with homesickness or figuring out the public transportation system.  This newfound independence has boosted my self-confidence and prepared me to handle future challenges with a calm and composed mindset.

A Changed Perspective Returning to Nova Scotia, I found that I was looking at everything with fresh eyes. The exchange program didn’t just teach me about another culture; it helped me rediscover and appreciate my own. I came back with a stronger sense of who I am and a clearer vision of where I want to go. Professionally, I am more motivated and equipped to pursue a career that involves international collaboration. Personally, I am more open-minded and appreciative of the diverse world we live in. In conclusion, my international student exchange experience at Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen was a transformative journey. It equipped me with essential skills like adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and effective communication, all of which are invaluable for my future education and career goals. More importantly, it shaped me into a more resilient, independent, and globally minded individual. For anyone considering such an opportunity, I can only say—take the leap. The world has so much to offer, and you’ll come back richer in experience and perspective.
